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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Why is DW still stating ‘Big 9’ ? Wasn’t Wipeout one of them?
  2. So, who is still excited about the Sky Voyager? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. Ok shop looks like a shop. But how was the ride was it fun?
  4. Officially only 3000 tickets available. considering the prices for general public and passport holders it’s not a very big money earner.
  5. I am really trying to bit my tongue on this one. ‘They’ don’t all think that, some are very frustrated with decisions made by a those above them........apparently. 😐
  6. Maybe a new thread is needed with everyone’s ideas on how DW can stuff the new seating area up.
  7. The above post is 100% correct. DW have stuffed everything in the last 3 + years and if anyone thinks this news is going to save the park, then you are delusional. DW won’t last 2 years for a new ride to maybe save them. Seriously look at the list of f*** ups above. New Coomera Housing estates by 2023. what could it be called? Coomera Gardens Estate? Coomera East Estate? Coomera Dream Estate?
  8. This is the best comment of all time. Brad2912 you are a legend.
  9. There is going to be plenty of empty seats
  10. Ardent is preparing the park for sale as they have already said they are spending no more money. Housing estates by 2023.
  11. That is exactly what’s happened. They had training previously with a large part of it outsourced. What they have announced is just a restructure and rebranding. This is just for image, with the inquest recommendations to be handed down soon.
  12. That’s exactly what I would do. Only way to make money.
  13. Since Monday there has been mostly full time staff from retail department and administration made redundant .......’apparently’ More redundancies to come,....’apparently’
  14. DW is empty, and be completely honest Christmas crowds were greatly down on previous years. So DW decide to get a guy to do a couple of cheap tricks. If he wants to perform magic then maybe he should make big crowd appear instead of disappearing.
  15. Very Interesting, what level are the redundancy’s? Staff level, middle management and / or upper management?
  16. Another extremely well written article. Certain DW managers have never been fans of Parkz news and forums,.......’apparently’ Obviously the truth hurts.
  17. The Griswolds are coming to DW so they can re-enact the scene from National Lampoons Vacation where they turn up to a theme park that is ‘closed’ DW will be soon, the way they are going.
  18. The Jeep is certainly going to get people coming back. 🤡
  19. This guy has been waiting out the Sky Voyager for it to open since last December.
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