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Jungle Rush Coaster


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Definitely saw some kids chicken out in the queue around the gem room. But all the kids that I saw parents forcing onto the ride despite being scared seemed to love it by the end. I think the “scariness” of the theming is probably creating some great core memories. 

For me personally a lot of my fondest childhood theme park memories were when I conquered a ride that scared me. Standing in the Tower of Terror queue with the car launching over the top of you was terrifying when you didn’t know what sort of experience you were getting into. But once you rode it once that fear turned into a feeling of such accomplishment. 

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1 hour ago, casey96 said:

Standing in the Tower of Terror queue with the car launching over the top of you was terrifying when you didn’t know what sort of experience you were getting into. But once you rode it once that fear turned into a feeling of such accomplishment. 

Very much a core memory for me, that feeling of hearing it launch and people screaming as you were getting closer to the end of the line.

Get put into your row in that little room before the station, then the big doors open to reveal the carriage. Miss it for sure haha.

Edited by RobC
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For me that remains a fond adult memory :D

We went in 2019 just before it closed, I must have walked up to the entrance about 5 times before I built up the guts to go in, then when I was waiting in the queue the ride went down. We were sitting on the stairs and they started testing it again and I nearly walked out - it added so much to the 'terror' atmosphere.

Still remember being anxious as hell but having that feeling of release after the first ride is over is indescribable now. I kind of miss that rush now that I'm not really anxious about rides anymore.

After that you couldn't keep me off it. Until they closed it for good that is.

As for JR, I'm resisting the urge to watch a POV!

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1 hour ago, casey96 said:

For me personally a lot of my fondest childhood theme park memories were when I conquered a ride that scared me.

I cried so much in the queue for The Claw until I finally rode it and it became my favourite in the park, can definitely see that happening with Jungle Rush

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Are there any spoiler reviews of jungle rush online anywhere? I’ve seen plenty of spoiler free reviews, but nobody seems to have talked about exactly what happens during the ride, including the inclined turntable room. I don’t live near Dreamworld so I won’t be riding it any time soon, and really want to know all the details! 

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Are there any spoiler reviews of jungle rush online anywhere? I’ve seen plenty of spoiler free reviews, but nobody seems to have talked about exactly what happens during the ride, including the inclined turntable room. I don’t live near Dreamworld so I won’t be riding it any time soon, and really want to know all the details! 

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couldn’t agree more, the ops have seemed to have gotten even better. by the end of the night we rode 4 times in 12 minutes including looping back around. 

i did notice more theming has been added into the turntable room, unless i remember incorrectly. there is now two big crystals, green for the right, blue for the left that move up and down depending if you’re shifting to their side or not (again, maybe i just don’t remember those being there.) there also seemed to be a lot more themed panels in there then i remembered.

the sliding door has been removed off of the loose items box which has made it a bit quicker as well.

Edited by Levi
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On 17/01/2025 at 4:43 PM, RollerCoasterBoy91 said:

Are there any spoiler reviews of jungle rush online anywhere? I’ve seen plenty of spoiler free reviews, but nobody seems to have talked about exactly what happens during the ride, including the inclined turntable room. I don’t live near Dreamworld so I won’t be riding it any time soon, and really want to know all the details! 

There's not really any story in there currently and not much to spoil.  It's just inside a temple and the track pivots.  The inside is still having theming (and likely effects) added. They had to get the ride open for xmas, so I'd say in a few weeks there will be more spoilers online when it's got everything in place.

DW will probably also release a full video that includes the completed temple section.

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I mean they have already added stuff inside as someone else stated, new crystals that move, the snake is now lit up, I still think more is needed and hopefully coming, maybe a fog affect of the switch track exits? Especially during the day would help with the atmosphere 

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On 18/1/2025 at 11:54 PM, Levi said:

i did notice more theming has been added into the turntable room, unless i remember incorrectly. there is now two big crystals, green for the right, blue for the left that move up and down depending if you’re shifting to their side or not (again, maybe i just don’t remember those being there.)

Im pretty sure they were already in there when the ride opened because it made me wonder why they didn’t put a big crystal on the top of the building. It would add to the storyline imo so I’m glad they are adding it. Can’t wait to see what else is coming 

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1 hour ago, Brods said:

Im pretty sure they were already in there when the ride opened because it made me wonder why they didn’t put a big crystal on the top of the building. It would add to the storyline imo so I’m glad they are adding it. Can’t wait to see what else is coming 

They actually weren't on open, each of the newer stuff (I.e. snakes, gems and lighting) were slowly added in after the ride wad open

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I could be totally late to finding this and everyone already saw this. But slide 4 shows a concept of what they had for the turntable room, looks like water was going to be a big part in the concept, waterfalls on the outside, waterfalls in the turntable room turning off last minute and a queue that had a boardwalk going over water. 



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7 minutes ago, Original said:

I could be totally late to finding this and everyone already saw this. But slide 4 shows a concept of what they had for the turntable room, looks like water was going to be a big part in the concept, waterfalls on the outside, waterfalls in the turntable room turning off last minute and a queue that had a boardwalk going over water. 



they’ve said there is a decent amount more to come, and i’m assuming that’s including the water features both in and outside of the temple. i’m sure all the theming left to install will be done by next set of holidays.

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i'm torn here - part of me says you shouldn't open it until it's finished, but I understand why they wanted to have the land open for peak season. From what i've heard, there's quite a bit left to come, and I can't wait to see it 'finished' but I'm a little disappointed that we'll never really know *when* the last thing is done, because we've already had our official opening and all. it's not like the park is going to come out and say "ok, NOW we're done" - we're just going to see bits and pieces added on and one day nothing more will be added on and we'll look back and go - 'maybe it was this thing was the last piece' (or maybe, it'll be so subtle that we won't even know it)

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1 hour ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:


i'm torn here - part of me says you shouldn't open it until it's finished, but I understand why they wanted to have the land open for peak season.


I think we can all agree it was/is in a complete enough state to open though… 

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