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Scooby-Doo may be the better ride of the two, but for smoothness and grace, Eureka Mountain really does hold up. I'd challenge you to find a ride (I mean any ride) that comes up to the level of Eureka Mountain with regards to the way it glides around the track so smoothly. The ony thing I don't like about Scooby-Doo is the way some of the turns and drops really jolt you around (the s-bend and dip before the "I escaped down here. He he he..." section at the end are most notorious). The laterals may be tough (certainly more so than Scooby-Doo), but it really is a damn smooth ride. Now, if we're going down the arms up route, then Eureka Mountain would have to be the winner again. I challenge you to ride that thing arms up all the way. If you've got the guts to, chances are you won't have them attached to you at the end.

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Sorry Richo, but I tend to disagree. I believe that the Scooby Doo Coaster is the smoother of the two. I also challenge anyone to ride EM and not get off needing a hip replacement. I guess the opion will differ between riders on any ride built, but the only true way is to try it for yourself and you be the judge. IMO Scooby Doo is the smoother and better of the two rides, as it is not just a dark tunnel that you go flying through. But to each their own.

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Yeah, you're right about the way Eureka Mountain tosses you around, but that's because it's a much more intense "out of control" ride than Scooby-Doo. But at least Eureka Mountain has sturdy trackwork and cars that can take the track. Scooby-Doo on the other hand, has track that's not welded (which is normally not a problem - Intamin and B&M don't use welded track, but their cars have the structure to deal with it), and some pretty awkward transitions, that even the cars don't like tracking, let alone the bodies in the cars (the last dip in the coaster section and the s-bend leading into it are very awkward, as is the final drop into the brake run). The fact is while Eureka Mountain's very sturdy trains glide over anything with ease, Scooby-Doo and it's somewhat "light" trains don't handle the tight and fast turns too well, and have some jumping or rattling tendancies. But of course, roughness is such a subjective thing - everyone's got their own opinions. I'm trying to talk in terms of the cars alone and the way they track - whether this translates to roughness for individual riders or not is dependant on a lot of external things. And there's no way I'm doubting that Scooby-Doo is the better of the two rides.

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