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We got to WWW at around 11am, headed straight for the Hydro Coaster but it was broken so we went on the green room which is 10X better then the Tornado at WNW. We went back to teh Hydro Coaster but it was still broken so we went back on the green room. We then headed over to the Rip, we lined up for like 5 minutes if that before we got on..the ride op liked the fact that we had 4 people haha. It was sooo good..we went prettyhigh up on the wall on that first turn, my friend had issues with holding on so almost came crashing into me when we went up on the wall. Coming out we got handed a band by a lady who took our photo which was pretty cool. We then headed over to the Hydro Coaster..still broken so we decided to have lunch and ended up over at the place near the Bro to get some pies & sausage rolls and then went back to bite me where our friends were sitting. We checked out hydro again and it was finally working. It's apretty cool ride, that first drop is great! after we got off we decided to do it again but it had broken down again and they said it was an hour wait and my friends went over to the bro while another friend and I stayed in the hydro line. Five minutes after they left they let us on. My friend and I ended up getting stuck on the third lift hill..it didn't push us up so we just ended up going backwards so we had to sit there andw ait for the lifegaurds to come and get us. It was pretty crap that we didn't get to go back to the front of the line and get another go so we ended up on the green room because the hydro line was so long (it was half way down the path) We went back on the rip and found my friends in the line up so we ended up being last in line to first and got some "stop pusing in" from people and the ride op asked us if we were together and we said yes so she got us to hop in before the people in front of us got in since they only had two people and we had four. We then went into the cave of waves..those waves are awesome but it's so hard controlling the tubes in them, I ended up falling off backwards and did a backflip into the water and hit my head on the bottom because of the force of the wave. We then went back over to the hydro coaster and the line up was down the bottom of the stairs butmy friends hadn't been on it yet so we waited. When we got to the top the ride op recognised my friend and I and pretty much let us sit where we wanted to sit (they put me in the middle the first time and my friend in the back and I'm heavier then her and all day they had been putting the heavier person in the back) and this time we made it all the way through, the whole ride we were going "just make it up just make it up dont stop dont stop" and when we got out the lifegaurd was one of the ones that helped us out when we got stuck so he was like "oh you made it out" and we just laughed. We left WWW at around 5:30 and headed to McDonald's for something to eat before we went to Screamworld. I like WWW better then WNW simply because it's smaller, the rides don't have huge towers..its not an effort to walk up them for someone who has heart problems and asthma and you can re-ride them all day without much of a line up.

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We went back on the rip and found my friends in the line up so we ended up being last in line to first and got some "stop pusing in" from people and the ride op asked us if we were together and we said yes so she got us to hop in before the people in front of us got in since they only had two people and we had four.
Huh? so did you get to skip the whole line just because you had friends at the front? LOL i thought that was a theme park no no.
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Huh? so did you get to skip the whole line just because you had friends at the front? LOL i thought that was a theme park no no.
Yeah, didn't think you could get away with that. I got the evil eyes at WWW when I was trying to get up the stairs on STHC when it was clear I wasn't going on the ride, seeing though I had a camera, full clothing and a backpack. If I had enough friends, and you were allowed to do that, I'd hardly wait for anything. :P So does anyone know whether it counts as line jumping...? Glad to hear you had a great time though, any chance of photos? I understand if you were too busy having a good time though. :P
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I think you mis understood me..we had 4 in our group altogether..two were second in line behind two other people..we were in the line up and I just happend to look ahead of me and saw our friends so we were like going "excuse me excuse me" to get to them...we weren't really pushing in since the ride holds four any way. The ride op asked us if we were together because she heard a little girl say that we were pushing in and we were like "yeah yeah we're friends" so she put us on the ride before the two people in front of us..I guess mainly because it was easier since the Rip holds four and there was four of us and only two of them. We only took one photo and thats of my friend and I with the plastic lifeguard near bite me..just because it was there lol.

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