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DW PR: New V8 Supercars Attraction & Behind the Scenes BLOG


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Ride knowledge fail. *100mph = 161km/h
LOL... this is what I get for not re-reading before I post - I remembered the gunmetal, I didn't remember the speed. I didn't class TOT in the coasters. I know it IS, but I didn't think of it and lethal was the only grey coaster I could think of. Besides - the Tower isn't gunmetal grey....
Big brother is the main reason I bought my last 2 year passes, it MAKES the park, so that's a plus, not a negative!
A positive for one out of 500,000 people is not a positive. Edited by AlexB
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I agree with a lot of points AlexB has raised in this thread. I also agree that a forum without open opinion (aka moderated dreamworld V8blog) is about as much a forum as BB is a 'reality' TV show! If the Dreamworld brains trust (PR staff included) had followed the posts over the last year (2years?) on this website and it's predecessors they should of predicted the V8 blog response considering that there has been a rather negative tone developing. Certain people would view this as something to stamp out or censor but other more professional readers could invite these opinions and 'use' them as a wealth of market research to utilise and respond to. If the comment is negative in a professional manner without presence of extreme sarcasm or profanity then why delete it? After reading the positive comments on the V8blog they do seem rather contrived and pointless when there is so much substance to the other material (which was deleted). In my past experience as a market researcher I would see companies totally ignore the research results we had collated and usually it would be at their peril! So OK the ride is going to be a low volume, hard to theme, extra-charged potential dud. But why doesn't dreamworld support this 'average' release with news of an up and coming exciting thrill ride or experience or perhaps an overall park direction that at least gives the REAL theme park enthusiasts something to look forward to. There must be something positive on the horizon for a theme park which consistently reports good profits. What to now? Will Dreamworld hold on to all it's cash and keep propping up the park with minor new rides due to current world economic issues (and to the detriment of all it's theme park goers) or will it wow us again with news of a REAL theme park ride. Either way it would seem that in some small way that the people have spoken on this website and the V8blog and I guess they will be voting with their feet (or wallets) ;-) TMB p.s. Here's a thought.. stuff the V8blog forum! Why doesn't dreamworld open a public forum asking for new ride suggestions? Now that would be more positively charged I'm sure!

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Well PR girl I'd first like to say I sincerely hope the (in my opinion over the top) backlash from many posters on the site will not discourage you from using this sort of open door marketing in the future. I must applaud you for doing something that is truely innovative in this country and a first and that is actually bringing the development of a new attraction out into the public eye. Your competitors (whom I work for) insist on continuing to pretent an attaction doesn't exist until just before it opens and then flood the market with advertising media. As far as managing the brand goes, I believe thats a pretty closed minded way of doing it! Its shown that overseas parks (whether it be the Alton Towers method of secrecy and suspense or the Cedar Fair way of extensive internet blogs) is very successful at introducing a new attraction. In my opinion the best attraction marketing campaign we have ever seen in this country was the launch of Space Probe 7 at AWL. It's a bit sad that it was over 10 years ago and we're still yet to top it. As one of Dreamworls biggest critics it will surprise many not to see anything negative from me in this post. Ally you'll find that if you're not builing a record building coaster, members of this site with complaign no matter what the justification. Times are tight, you're owened effectively by a bank, I'm not surprised that no record breaker is going in this year. I have no doubts that if Jet Rescue wasn't signed off on a long time ago it wouldn't be happening this year. I think its a smart decision for you to trial a new marketing technique on a minor attraction, to test the water, I hope you find it successful and continue with it. As for posts from engineering, I think we'd like to see a lot more technical details than try to gloss over with buzz phrases like using aircraft technology. Those of us reading those posts want to know what hydralic systems you're using, who builds the PLC technology, how the show control systems are intergrated and that sort of high level detail. Save the general discriptions for posts from people like yourself in Marketing and let the engineers give the readers credit and have them write in their own language. The big bone of contention here seems to be that its an upcharge. I say so the hell what. You HAVE to make an attraction like this upcharge simply because of its low capacity. If you want to go out on (like flowrider) $5 is nothing, but if you don't charge that EVERYONE will want to ride and you'll have 4 hour ques for a bloody simulator. So of course it's an upcharge. Do I agree with its location? No! Do I believe the PR waffle about it being able to be used after hours so thats a justification? No! What it is, is a low maintenance, relatively low cost addition to the park, that distracts the public from the fact the park hasn't installed a true thrill ride (read big coaster) since Tower of Terror and Giant Drop and it badly needs to. However, look at that disgusting excuse for a cheap arcade in western town at Movie World... I'd much sooner see the V8 attraction, it's got just about as much relevance to Ocean Parade as Dodgem Cars and Air Hockey have to making movies... Welcome to the site and keep up the great work Ally. You'd be the first park employee, posting officially as a park employee, for the park on this site, and I commend that!

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^I think DjRappa has hit the nail on the head with pretty much everything he has said.

Ally you'll find that if you're not builing a record building coaster, members of this site with complaign no matter what the justification.
To be fair, I don't think the average member would expect any Australian park to be building record breakers, or even stuff of the scale of some of the larger coasters out there (Eg Hypers, Multiloopers with 7 inversions etc) I think the issue is really just the choice of attraction/tie in, and as you said not the thrill ride people have been waiting so long for. I don't think anyone would expect this sort of attraction to work without upcharge, but thats the thing, its still yet another upcharge, and I guess there is a feeling of negativity to a park filled with these.
As for posts from engineering, I think we'd like to see a lot more technical details than try to gloss over with buzz phrases like using aircraft technology. Those of us reading those posts want to know what hydralic systems you're using, who builds the PLC technology, how the show control systems are intergrated and that sort of high level detail.
They did link to this though I don't really blame them for not paraphrasing that article ;)
However, look at that disgusting excuse for a cheap arcade in western town at Movie World...
I agree, In its present form that arcade is such a blank canvas. Can the circus facade, and build a proper western style wooden facade. Do up the interior, and use the roof grid to attach theming (like in the wild west queue) It's so grey and depressing in there. Edited by Gazza
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As for posts from engineering, I think we'd like to see a lot more technical details than try to gloss over with buzz phrases like using aircraft technology. Those of us reading those posts want to know what hydralic systems you're using, who builds the PLC technology, how the show control systems are intergrated and that sort of high level detail. Save the general discriptions for posts from people like yourself in Marketing and let the engineers give the readers credit and have them write in their own language.
Hi Everyone, I have posted Bob's comments from our blog site. Thought you would be interested to hear some real tech talk as requested. - - - The hydraulic system comprising of pressurised actuators responds via proportional valves and direct encoder feedback control systems in several DOF. The hydraulics provide the simulated translation of the motion of a racing car as you manoeuvre through bends, rises, dips, acceleration, braking and collisions! Reactions throughout the race event responds to control inputs at 50 msec (20 Hz). “It closely models the underlying physics of a race car navigating banked turns at high speed and faithfully transfers those sensations to the driver.” http://machinedesign.com/ContentItem/59080...keepitreal.aspx If you have any more questions let me know on v8supercars.dreamworld.com.au as it is easier for me to check here for comments. Bob (GM Special Projects) - - - Ally ;)
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Hi Guys, I'm going to play devils's advocate here! Dreamworld have decided to introduce an attraction they think will appeal to a new market, that will hopefully come to / or never have been to Dreamworld. Ally's job is to ensure that interest is generated, in turn, increasing attendances at the Park. So don't shoot the messenger!! While some of you may not agree with the introduction of / or the manner it is being marketed, there has to be a bigger picture approach here. This attraction may not appeal to theme park enthusiasts, however, the Park is trying to broaden its appeal. While I agree, there is nothing better than the introduction of a new major attraction, the introduction of the V8's may see an increase on patronage, in turn, seeing a new attraction being built in the future.

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Ok I think it was about time I asked some people to grow up. I always think people should show a bit if respect for the thread starter if they were respectful with their post. Ally didn't choose the ride, she is simply marketing it. If anyone has a problem with the marketing by all means direct it towards her, but if you wish to bAsh the attraction choice perhaps do it in one of many threads devoted to slamming dreamworld. I just think it's clear by now who thinks what about what they've chosen to install so perhaps we could keep this thread for discussion of the ride itself. Richard has worked to build a good relationship between this site and the parks and if all the members do is insult them and offer nothing constructive they'll simply stop talking to us. For the most part I don't see hardly anyone offering good well thought out construction ideas other than Gazza.

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The "shed" has been having extensive work done, the whole area was basically stripped down to the foundations and rebuilt, as it used to be part of the parks warehouse. Im hoping they have done a nice job on the inside, even though the attraction is only small, it would still be nice to see it presented well.

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The "shed" has been having extensive work done, the whole area was basically stripped down to the foundations and rebuilt, as it used to be part of the parks warehouse. Im hoping they have done a nice job on the inside, even though the attraction is only small, it would still be nice to see it presented well.
Yep, yep, yep! You're right - the Cyclone shed is having a make over for V8 Supercars RedLine. I've been inside and it is starting to come together nicely. Just want eveyone to know that these types of questions we'll answer on the blog site. It get's tricky going to all the different forums and checking for questions which is why we have the blog - so that your questions can be answered as quickly as possible by the appropriate member of our team. Cheers, Ally.
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Hi Ally, With respect to your last comment about keeping it on the blog, this isn't directly related to RedLine, but it is to Dreamworld, and is kind of on topic here. I just wanted to ask whether we would continue to see you around the forums every once in a while. Its rare enough for us to have park employees, let alone those who ARE actually allowed to say something (at the right time, of course), and I was just thinking it would be great if you were able to stick around?

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Hi Ally, With respect to your last comment about keeping it on the blog, this isn't directly related to RedLine, but it is to Dreamworld, and is kind of on topic here. I just wanted to ask whether we would continue to see you around the forums every once in a while. Its rare enough for us to have park employees, let alone those who ARE actually allowed to say something (at the right time, of course), and I was just thinking it would be great if you were able to stick around?
Hi Alex, Thanks for the question, I will check back every now and then but as you can imagine there is so much to do over here so I can't be a constant presence. I will post where I can though! The blog is a lot easier for me to check though because there are other people monitoring it as well who give me a little nudge to say 'hey Ally, someone's asking you something!'. Cheers, Ally.
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I think what AlexB was getting at was posting as a member, not necessarily during work hours. Parkz has a lot of employees from all the Gold Coast parks, and I'd say virtually all of them would post outside of work hours just for fun. So the shed they are building it in is the one that had the rear end of a van glued to the wall? Anyhow, to ask a marketing related question. There is a good chance the target market (And indeed the public in general) have already seen or experienced a less advanced version of a driving simulator, or if they have been to DW recently, would have seen the one already there. How will marketing go about convincing the market that V8 Redline is better and different enough (Through its enhanced motion, wraparound screens etc) to warrant visiting the park?

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Hey Guys, Here's your chance to win the opportunity to race a real V8 Supercar driver, at the launch of Dreamworld's all new V8 Supercars RedLine, a V8 Supercars Simulator Attraction, on 16 Dec 2008. Enter Dreamworld's 'Me & My Car' competition -info at the official Dreamworld V8 Supercars Blog v8supercars.dreamworld.com.au/index.php/comp/ Ally. P.S. Questions will be answered at the blog! We won't moderate legitamate V8 Supercars RedLine related questions there if that's what's stopping you from posting q's there, promise!

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Lol my comment is up:

I think it is good how you were able to get the shape of the cars so similar to the Falcons and Commodores.
I was under the impression they were getting full sized V8 Supercar bodies, removing the excess weight, and then mounting them on the motion base. Pretty amusing how the park have said,
V8 Supercars has been involved in all facets of this development from attraction design, liveries, track development and mapping to bring an authentic V8 Supercars race to the public. The attention to detail is incredible and extremely realistic
But instead it is just the standard vehicles from the attraction manufacturer. I would have thought that the V8 governing body would be pretty picky about things like vehicle shape, given the target audience would also have the same eye for detail. Just seems a bit dumb to go to the effort of getting the rights, then not bothering to get a fundamental detail in...It's not like it would be technically impossible. The shape of the cars reminds me of the armoured vehicle that did a flip in PASS. Edited by Gazza
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