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Ride mix video


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Ok the Movie itself is good though I think it would have been better shot on a tripod. I like at the end how some stills are made up of multiple images all strewn together. I quite like the space roller ride, Something I wouldn't mind seeing at MW as a permanent flat ride, I know it would look cheap but if it was properly attached to the ground and had a solid theme then that would all be changed around. Another ride shown in there at 1:17 which I don't know the name of would be a nice addition to WB Kids as a family thrill ride.

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Bad choice of music, it doesn't match the ride's movements. No attempt to sync music with rides movements. Camera quality is low, but that's fine :) It just from a digital camera :) Seems like you enjoy editing movies, I'm sure after practice you will produce more more good short clips. Keep up the good work. Be sure to post more in the future. Quick question: What software are you using?

Edited by mickey_079
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thanks guys. that ride at 1:17 was the Hurricane. yeah i think its more of a big peoples ride but. haha, i dont really see young ones going on it. i was using Windows movie maker so i really couldnt make that good of a video. and i used that music cause i liked the song. it went good with the mega drop! but yeah. thanks for watching (:

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