
Photos WalleyWorld has uploaded

Here are all of the photos that WalleyWorld has uploaded.

Seats have arrived.
This is the maintenance platform that will allow access to the ride’s electric motor.
The boarding platform.
August saw the delivery of the ride from Zamperla. This is one of four 'feet' the support columns sit on.
The slab sits quite high closest to the go-karts, due to the hilly terrain of the park.
By the start of August brick walls and columns were laid around the ride footprint.
Ground works started in April, and the concrete slab poured in May.
The ride’s motor.
The Voodoo is located between the Kraken Racer and the Go-Karts at the back of the park.
Check out those sexy curves. Gravity Wave is shaping up to be one of Australia’s best waterslides.
You better like stairs. There’s around 180 of them to climb.
Close up of the conveyor belt.
The rafts will be fed into this channel and onto the conveyor belt.
The conveyor dips below water level to ensure a smooth transition for the empty rafts from water to belt. Small guide wheels along the sides ensure that the rafts don't scrape or get caught on the way up.
The conveyor belt will carry Proslide’s famous 4-person cloverleaf tubes to the top of the launch tower.
Parts for the raft conveyor belt.
Yeah, it's huge!
The park’s naturally hilly terrain makes for some lovely views of the Victorian countryside.
Early September saw the first fully enclosed tube sections installed.
The launch tower being constructed.