Recent Activity

WCE87 has been to Australia Zoo
Been here? · 4 years ago
WCE87 has seen Tiger Island
Seen this? · 4 years ago
WCE87 has experienced Kraken
Experienced this? · 4 years ago
WCE87 has ridden DC Rivals HyperCoaster
Ridden this? · 4 years ago
WCE87 has ridden Goliath
Ridden this? · 5 years ago
WCE87 has ridden Abyss
Ridden this? · 5 years ago
WCE87 has experienced Wiggle Bay
Experienced this? · 7 years ago
WCE87 has experienced The Wedgie
Experienced this? · 7 years ago
WCE87 has seen Shark Bay
Seen this? · 7 years ago
WCE87 has experienced AquaLoop
Experienced this? · 7 years ago

About WCE87

Parks visited 9
Rides ridden 91
Forum posts 53
Last post February 14, 2020
Last seen online January 2, 2019