
Photos Gazza has uploaded

Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

The magic bikes ride has become one of Zamperla's hottest selling flat rides.
A kids swing ride.
The ride spins and tilts, giving the sense of flying.
Guests lay down on suspended boards, and a harness closes over their back.
A number of Zamperla flat rides are at Hirakata Park.
The main entrance to Tobu Zoo.
Approaching the East gate.
Tobu Zoo is a mixed bag, with well landscaped areas interspersed with acres of concrete.
Landmark hippo statue.
The park mascot.
Kiddy rides.
A tree lined walkway along the lake from the main entrance to the amusement area.
The amusement ride area.
Swan Shop.
Anpanman and Pikachu.
Carp Feeding.
Head Rock VR.
Little Cabin
Snack Savannah