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Posts posted by WalleyWorld

  1. WOW!! :o That looks amazing Ash! The time and effort you have put into it has really payed off. :lol: I like your idea of not going with some of the same old areas that can be seen in all the Universal Parks (e.g. Jurrasic Park area). But I think adding one or two areas that already exist in in the Universal parks wouldn't hurt. Mabey adding an action hero themed land would be a fantastic idea as everybody knows the characters and are big hit with all the kids up to 10/12. This is what could be done in your park: :)ACTION HERO LAND: In your action hero themed land you could have a major rollercoaster (or 2, one being smaller than the other), a couple flat rides and an indoor dark ride/water ride. Names: Action Hero Universe...or...Super Hero Island could be possible names (lol, not very good with names). It really depends on what the area will look like or will be situated around. Will it be situated around a lake, around buildings, on rocky hills, rolling hills or have a more generic feel to it?? This will definately effect the names given to all your areas. For the major rollercoaster: It could be themed to Spiderman. You could have the track swurve around buildings, go into buildings for a themed show scene and mabey even have a storyline to fit the coaster. It could be about escaping from the evil wrath of Dr. Octopus/Venom/Green Goblin/Sand-man. LOL These are the only ones that have made it to the movies, what about the rest in the comic books!! :o . Flat Rides: There are sooooo many possibilities with these. You could have a Superman themed Huss Topsin, where you are test subjects for Lex Luthors new invention. The ride would be simular to a very heavily themed topspin in Europe called Talcon in Phantasialand Talcon. The carrige could be themed to a big generator or nuclear reactor, there would be smoke/fog effects coming out of the ground, water effects, fire effects, lighting effects with the fog and plenty of sound effects. I think this ride has been discused sooo many times when it comes to MW's next ride, so I think you know the type of story line I'm going for. Something like Lex Luthor's actually planing to blow up the city with his reactor and then superman comes and stops the reactor from detonating. There could be a custom ride sequence where you can feel superman stop the ride suddenly, and end the ride. The sound effects would help this tremendously. As I said I'm not to good with names so i'm not going to even try for this one. :P Another flat ride possibility could be a themed Screamin' Swing to Wolverine from X-Men. Themeing to the standard of the claw at DW would be enough as the ride could "home-in" on pure thrills. Basically, make it look presentable and nice, but no storyline. Mabey have a claw shaped seat and make it look like Wolverine's hand is coming down to swipe the onlookers. Dark colours would suit the ride and also make the queue in a building, making the line themed to a scene in one of the movies. I haven't really watched any of the movies so I don't know what to theme it to. But the names a given, Wolverine's Swipe or something along those lines would be good. Dark Ride/Indoor boat ride: I really don't know, and I can't bothered right know. If you give me sometime I might be able to think of something, but I'm sure other people want to contribute to. So i'll leave that to them. I hope this helps Ash, keep up the good work and I really want to see that final product :) !! CoAsTeRbOy8

  2. Thanks for the help on answering those questions!! SO that is what the numbers are used for, k, well in that case where do I find my number, :huh: ??

    Super Smash Bros. is what I cant wait to come out, so excited, it also includes Nintendo Wi-fi for online battles. So will Mario Kart Wii.
    Mario Kart Wii, will be a blast. I still remember my little bro when he was around 6 years old, he used to tilt the controller in the direction which he was steering (mind you it did nothing cause it was a PS2 controller! lol). But know with the Wii it's actually possible to steer like that! It's just amazing how technology advances. CoAsTeRbOy8
  3. Yer, I've heard many people say that Super Mario Galaxy is a really good game. Ohh, before I go on I got a Wii for Christmas around 2 weeks ago. I LOVE IT!!! When it first came out I thought it was just another gimmick, but I started to see what it really could achieve. No money wasted, I can assure you! The first games I have got are WiiPlay, WiiSports and Metroid Prime Hunters 3: Corruption! (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMEND). Anyway, I think I'll be hooking it up to the internet very soon, but with a wired connection, I still have to buy the adapter for it, but I will get it. In the mean time, I'm getting my Wii chipped. I know, I know, people say that it's not good for the console, and it will slowly damage it over time. I think it's a load of BS!!! So by Saturday I should be getting Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Mario Galaxy and Mario Charged Strikers. They should be good, they all include original characters from Nintendo and Sega! :D Has anybody got these games?? Another thing that I'm curious about, is when this topic was started people were swapping some time of number code that people called ID's or something along those lines. Sorry, but if somebody could help me out with this one, it would be greatly appreciated!! Oh, and is there a way I can add people to my Wii console, so that when I go online I can play games against them, e.g. MArio Charged Strikers Football?? Games that I'm looking forward to playing on the Wii, would by Ghost Squad GHOST SQUAD and Super Smash Bros. Brawl (I think everybody knows what Super Smash Bros is!!). If you don't know Ghost Squad is an arcade Light gun game (very simular to Time Crisis) where you are moved around by the computer and all you do is shoot the baddies! I love these games, and the best thing is that I don't have to buy a seperate gun attachment to play it. The bad thing about that is the only "gun attachment" for the Wii remote in Australia is the Zapper. I don't like the look, if it's for gun games then shouldn't it look like a gun/pistol?? :huh: . I asked a worker at EBgames if any other third party company is going to bring out a gun attachment, and he said no!!! <_< . He said that because PAL is trying to make the Wii look like a very family oriented console and not showing bad examples for younger children!! WTF??? What about game like Resident Evil:4 and Umbrella Chronicles!!??? NOT HAPPY!! This is what I was hoping to be brought to Australian shores Nyko Perfect Shot. Really does this look that bad to you?? It's not like it has army colours all over it and it makes loud noises. LOL, you can buy worse looking guns at your local $2 shop!! If anybody can sheed some light on my post, especially the questions, that would be greatly appreciated!! :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  4. DAMN!! I forgot to watch it. However, Getaway usually puts the segments of their shows on their internet website! They haven't put it up yet, but as I was looking for the segement I found another video of Mick Doohan's Moto-Coaster. Here is the website, GETAWAY VIDEO ARCHIVE It looks like Jules is riding it with Mick Doohan, which is what is in the picture. Just thought that it somebody would like a link, lol! :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  5. I've heard of people chipping their PS2's and PS1's (being a person who has done their PS one), but I thought that these newer consoles were more secure and are very hard to crack into. It seems like they're not. So where would you go to get these chips installed?? Could you just rock up to a computer/console fixer and ask them to chip your console? :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  6. So what does this "Wiikey" actually do. I looked it up and all I can get out of it is that it can let your Wii play some sort of Game Cube file/disc. Is it a chip that will let you play burnt games? And is it illegal? If somebody could give me an answer, that would be great!!! CoAsTeRbOy8

  7. Hey, I've seen this website before, but I never knew that it was an australian company! I think the bell ride is halarious :lol: . It is soo wierd! THe capacity is only 6 people, but the ride is absoulutley MASSIVE. I think we should never, ever speek of this ride again. Really it is a shame. However, the other rides don't look that bad. Like the Star Flyer that has been a real hit at the Oktoberfest in Germany. And I've seen a lot of other parks with these installed. I think this company likes to make those over extreme looking rides. Like the Vomatron and the Sling Shot. And this other ride that really caught my eye, it's called the Tornado. Does anybody have an idea on what this ride does??? :huh: . The webpage isn't finished yet so I can't see any vids or pictures other than the ones on the page linked above. It looks like they have small motor attached to either side of the carrige, to make it flip/spin I think. And the wires that are holding onto the car don't look really strong.

    It would be great if that compny got in to the coaster buisiness.
    NO, NO, NO, I don't think we would want that. I bet if a company in Australia sarts making coasters, they would sell well in all the smaller parks, e.g. Luna Parks, Adventure World. HOWEVER, what happens if they get really popular and Dreamworld, being the park it is :rolleyes: , starts thinking about buying coasters of them!! We would have no chance of a big coaster. I think it would be better for the Aussie parks to continue looking at buying coasters from the major companies. I think everybody would agree with me on this one. COASTERBOY8
  8. ^ I think MW next step is a kick-ass dark-ride!:P. There are many dark rides that are considered to be more supperior than B&M's. I've heard many people say that Universal Studio's Spiderman is really good, because of the moving sumulator with 3-d imagery. Isn't this the same technology used on Indiana Jones at Disneyland?? There are so many possibilities for themeing a dark-ride, not like a rollercoaster, where there are many restrictions. If MW was to get a D-R then I think this would be the style to go with. It's so much better than normal simulators! However, I also like the idea of the themed ZacSpin Coaster by Intamin. It is one of those coasters which give high thrills and at the same time can be equipt with any type of themeing. Something like Gazza's drawing would be a lengthy layout. Especially if they slowed down the cars at the major points of themeing/special fx. However, therer is one problem with this style of coaster. How do you show the exact themeing on oposite sides of the car?? Because the ZacSpin's seating arrangement on the cars is two facing forwards, and two backwards. I guess that would be a challenge for the construction team! :P Oh, and also on the coaster topic, I would rather something lengthy and loopy. I've been hanging out to ride a B&M, or a intamin mega-coaster (Millenium Force), but I just can't see how MW would fit it into there line up?? What would they theme in to?? Nearly all there MAJOR themeing options are gone. I think if MW were to get something lengthy, very thrilling and easy to theme to, they should head to the lonely Western area of the park and build a wooden coaster. I would definately be happy with this, because scince SE and Batwing have been built the whol front area of the park is ALWAYS full. MW need another reason to get people to the other side of ther park other than WWF. Something like those really compact woody's like Boardwalk Bullet that recently opened in America would be good enough! Anyway, that's my oppinion COASTERBOY8

  9. When I was on the Gold Coast in September, we caught up with some friends which came down from Brisbane. We asked them If they had water restrictions and they said that Brissy has only got them but the Gold Coast is exempt from them. This is because the Gold Coast is a major tourist destination, nah dah :P, and they need the water to make gardens look nice, fill up pools, themeparks and for a whole range of other things. Could you imagine rocking up at a resort and seeing dry, yellow grass and dead trees, or, the pool being half full!! I think anybody in their right mind wouldn't come back if they saw this. Especially if they paid lots of money for where they are staying. CoAsTeRbOy8

  10. ^Thanks for a report Pixelpushed! Just wondering, has MW gone all out or this event with stuff like scare zones and haunted houses. Something like the American Parks do. It would be good if MW started to do this because it doesn't really set up the atmosphere if it's just rides in the dark and a little bit of trick'or'treating. I'd really like to go to one of these events, except it's during school and I live in Melbourne, :P . And did anybody else go to the Halloween Event at Movieworld?? COASTERBOY8

  11. ^^OMG! Is this true?? :o Movieworld are actually making an effort to inprove Lethal Weapon. ALSO it looks like they might have adopted the new restraint system. No more banging, just pure thrills. Please, please, PLEASE let this be true!! LW is a great coaster, but the banging just ruins the ride. If they have done something extra to keep the ride "rideable" so to speek, I'm pretty sure most of us would agree on re-rides. As Gazza has asked, we need people who have been on Lethal in the past couple of days/weeks. And also Nikkiwikki if you can back up your recent ride review. I'm not sure how much better you can improve a Vekoma SLC, but if there was no head banging and nothing hurt after you got off Nikkiwikki, then I guess the rides been fixed, well in the short run :lol: . This sounds like I'm dreaming. *pinches face* :blink: CoAsTeRbOy8

  12. Finally we find out the acceleration of this coaster!! 0 to 65km/h in 2 seconds isn't too bad. I think the launch will "seem" to last for longer because of this, which is good. I like what Dreamworld's done with the website! It also looks like there is going to be a page with videos on it. Anyway, they gave out good publicity for the ride, unlike the two bowl slides next door!! LOL. CoAsTeRbOy8

  13. SE's ride cycle time with one train was around 5 minutes minimum. For some reason, last week at Movieworld the line for Superman was over an hour all day!! It didn't decrease at all, not even when the parade and Police academy shows were on at the same time :blink: . So I only got one ride, cause we had family who had never been to Movieworld before (wanted to do the other stuff) . However, all the rides were packed to the brim on the day I went, and it wasn't even school holidays. I think I even waited around 30mins for Wild West Falls, WTF :huh: (every time I go it's a walk on). Anyway, back on topic. As I said in my previous post, I think they were testing it at a slower speed then what it is meant to be. And later in the day I saw it come into the brake-run faster then what the coaster did in the video. However, even if it wasn't going it's top speed, the length is really short! And I'm also wondering if Dreamworld will use two trains all the time or just on the busier days?? If they use two trains all the time and the lines are short, well I think that it will be a fun coaster to re-ride. *wink* re-ride *wink* LOL :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  14. Thanks richard for putting it up!!! Sorry for the poor quality video though. But I couldn't upload a 279mb video and expect everybody to download it!! :lol: And for the sound, I edited it out. I did this because my brother was saying stuff in the background and didn't realise that I was taping ;) . There were also school children everywhere yelling and screaming about their ride on the giant drop!! LOL. Anyway, I left the bits where the sound was most important e.g. launch and when the train took the corners closest to me, so you can hear the awful squeaking noise it makes. I was scared something was not secured properly :unsure: . As for the launch speed, they were testing the ride after that time as well but I only got a small peak through the trees over in Wiggles World. It seemed to go alot faster over the brake run, so I'm not sure if they were gradualy putting the speed higher or what. Thanks for the comments everyone, and I hope everybody gets an insight into the "not so much of a thrill ride now after we have seen the first test-run" ride that dreamworld has built!! :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  15. Hey guys, they were testing the coaster on thursday, when I went to Dreamworld. Got some footage of it after I went on the Giant Drop so I'll get that up in a few days or so :D . I'm posting from the Gold Coast Airport and should be back in Melbourne in a couple hours. :( I will also have a trip report for you guys as well very soon. Anyway, This coaster has a really fast launch for something that is run by tires, but I think they were testing it on a slower launch speed cause it was on it's last legs over the last hills. It could also be becuase there were no test dumbies to give extra weight, and in turn extra speed. However, it takes the first turn really forcefully and the turns after that pretty fast as well. I think it's going to be a good coaster but we'll just have to wait and see. CoAsTeRBoY8

  16. Hey, so from now on the hole area is going to be named "Kids' WB Fun Zone", with a new sign and everything! SHOCK :o !! I liked the sign into that area of the park it was really creative, now we are going to see one of those crummy arched signs saying "Kids WB' Fun Zone". I don't like the Fun Zone bit, it really makes it seem really corny! :angry: Why coudn't it say something like "Kids' WB Movie Studios". It would fit in perfectly, as the Looney Tunes ride is sort of based around a movie studio and all the attractions are based on the cartoons made by Warner Bros. Oh well, you can't change it now. Try and take some pics while I'm up there. Going TOMORROW!! CoAsTeRbOy8

  17. This is a bit of topic and has nothing to do with how they test if the train can safely make it through. However, it's good news. :P I rang up Dreamworld today and they said that the Moto-coaster's opening date has been delayed becuase of the rain! They said that it is due to open up on the 30th of September, which is the last day of the month I think. So that's one new ride that I'll have to wait till next year to ride :angry: . CoAsTeRbOy8

  18. Woah! :blink: , this is very unexpected. I thought that the slides would take another couple weeks to finish construction. However, it looks like they'll be up and running in the next week or so. And I'm also amazed at the construction of the motor-coaster. The track seemed to have gone up really quickly and now the themeing/buildings construction and test-runs are already in full-force. I was hopping for this ride to be open when I go this year but it looks like It will just be test running. :angry: Oh well! At least I'll be able to ride the two new cannon-bowls. YAY! Hey quick question, When did you take the photos? It looked like a really awfull day when you went Lisalilla! I'd hate to be stuck at the themeparks then. LOL! CoAsTeRbOy8

  19. Thanks for the pics Saberon! It seems like the shell of the station is nearly finished, but the site is really messy. What is with that tank in the middle of the track, aren't they going to put it somewhere so they can catch water!! :huh: It's been there for weeks. Anyway, I hope this ride opens in around two weeks, cause I'm going on the September holidays (week before the normal Queensland holidays). The only ride that will be closed during my trip is the TOT but I think it's got something to do with the Moto-coaster as it opens again on the 20th of Sep. This is the Thursday on my trip which isn't so bad but time will tell if this coaster is going to be running by then. Quick question: When you where at Dreamworld, did you see if the cannon bowls had advanced in their construction or did you just go to Dreamworld? CoAsTeRbOy8

  20. Hey Jcgoldcoast, great work on the recreation! :D Even though i haven't seen it yet (I don't have NoLimits), but it sounds pretty good by the posts. :lol: If it's possible, could you put up some screenshots (photos) of the ride, so that people without NoLimits can see what you have created. From the previous posts it seems that there were a couple errors but I'm sure there only minor details and you have the basics of the ride right. Thanks, CoAsTeRbOy8

  21. This is the weirdest, scariest, travelling carnival ride I have ever seen!! I think this one beats Wipeout hands down for the "crazy" category!! Just watch it it's amazing:

    If you know of any other weird and wonderful carnival rides please post up pics or videos!! :D CoAsTeRbOy8
  22. I think Movieworld have picked a really good decision. :) It definetely wasn't what I was thinking but it looks like it'll fit into that side of the park with ease. I think the sign looks "westernish" and if MW are going to theme it right then I think it will be a real winner and a good crowd stealer with the bumper cars! A question that is on my mind is if Movieworld are going to make an arcade with free games? B) ; something like Disney Quest. Mabey MW will buy games that are interactive and inovative, like at Disney Quest with the Jungle cruiser thing. I think that this would be a good idea, as it would be like an arcade, but free and making it feel like a permanent ride rather than a cheapo arcade you can find at your local shopping centre. Movieworld I think will do a reasonable job with this even if it is just a crummy arcade that you can find at your local shopping centre! :P CoAsTeRbOy8

  23. Yer thanks lisalila for the pic of the new expansion. It seems that WWW is coming along reasonably well for a new waterpark. I think its because it slipped into the line of themeparks/waterparks on the GC within a couple of months and now is in full force with expansions! The bowls look really cool with the alternating colours, and even on the supports. Just a couple questions though: 1. Are the two slides confirmed to come of the Temple Of Huey tower? Or on a seperate, newly built tower? 2. Does anyboy know what the names for these slides will be? They are very brightly coloured; so I don't think it's going to be called "STORM" or "TWISTER". The function centre next to these slides looks alright, and isn't really an eyesore becuase of its location at the back of the park. Will this centre be used for like birthday parties as well as coparate events and things like that? Anyway, they should finish the two bowls before the September school holidays, all they have to do now is ad the drop,curve into the bowl, a exit path and water :P ! Fingers crossed for it to be open a week before when I go! CoAsTeRbOy8

  24. This sounds really good! I mean when I went last year to Movieworld, Looney Tunes Village wasn't like it used to be and the only rides I went on were the Road Runner and the River Ride. These are the two rides which really stand out in the village but if they had another family ride like a merry-go-round or a thrill family flat ride. The rumored merry-go-round should be good cause most of the rides in Tunes Village are really uncomfortable to ride because the seats are small. This is compared to every ride in Nick Central that can be rode on by nearly everyone!! ;) . Mabey the second ride could be a techno-jump (

    ) that hops and spins at the same time. However, it's good that MW have decided to do something about there kiddy area problem. Now, I'm not sure what is happening over by the matrix exhibit building, but if they have just started now with the construction, how are they possibly going to be finished before the holidays!? Matt, can you tell us if the attractions in the wild west area are rides OR an actual "attraction". Cause 4 rides in one year is pretty unlikely for Movieworld, unless the rides are very cheap OR have been bought from other parks. We'll just have to wait and see! CoAsTeRbOy8
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