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Posts posted by Lotl_90

  1. well today it was really quiet at dreamworld. i think i was the only person for the whole day who used a q4u. saved plenty of time though. anyway, i just thought it was funny that at one stage today we were in main square and noticed a couple of the motorcoaster runs go through empty so i just assume another breakdown with it. then this afternoon just as we were queuing for it, the wipeout got stuck mid-cycle (not upside down). that took about 10mins to fix. instead of waiting we were going to go straight to the cyclone but instead joined the very short avpx queue. turned around and noticed the cyclone stuck halfway up the chain with ride ops/mechanics walking up the stairs talking to the riders. it started up again pretty quickly too.
    One of two groups with Q4U actually, today was pretty quiet though, so im not surprised. Not sure about wipeout today, but I know cyclone was an operator stop. No matter how many times people are told about bringing cameras and phones onto rides, they just dont seem to get it.
  2. Cyclone has had that rule in place for quite some time as far as I'm aware. I don't really think that the ride would actually Valley with less than 6 riders, as it does go through the loops rather fast still.
    Yeah its been a rule for a fairly long time. And it still goes through the loops rather fast with people on-board. If you think about it, even 6 people at 70kg is 420kg. Take that weight off the train and thats a significant amount of push you're removing. So while it may make it back to the station without the people, the risk of it not doing so is increased rediculously. What happens if you add a little bit of wind into the mix? If you look at it, Cyclones loops arent exaclty positioned in a friendly place to get to to move the train back to the station. Best to avoid the situation really.
  3. i noticed there was a key hanging up in the cyclone control booth that had something like "winch back to station" written on it? either i read it wrong and it controls the winch for the dummies or the car has a motor to drive itself back if it gets stuck? also noticed the young chick running it was very good at making nooses :o:(
    Are you talking about that big red tag on the back wall of the booth that says "winch back in progress" and has a key attached? If so that's part of the closing procedure, the big sign acts as a danger tag for the control booth, to stop other operators/engineers touching the panel whilst the winch back is in process.
  4. I wonder if that has always been the case with the Cyclone... even back when it was the Big Dipper?
    Can't be sure, but considering there's a plaque on the control panel saying "The ride MUST NOT be dispatched without 6 riders or equivalent water filled dummies" I daresay it's a condition attached to the ride, not just a silly rule like the wipeout/tower rider minimum.
  5. So does that mean that they must fill the carriage with dummies while testing in the morning?
    Yeah, the ride requires a minimum of 6 adult riders or 6 filled water dummies before it can leave the station. Otherwise there's a good chance it won't make it back. As for Q4U today, there wasn't many people in at all, so very few units went out. Although most guests said it still made a bit of a difference, which is positive to hear I guess.
  6. Saturdays can actually be one of the quietest days of the week for Dreamworld, depending on the time of the year. The last two weeks havent been overly busy, what with poor weather, and the fact that this is the quietest time of the year, so one staff member for AVPX may have been enough. Although if it were busier, one would expect them to move staff over to help cater for the extra guests.

  7. I doubt technical issues, Id be more inclined to say it was only running one briefing rooom with one staff member to meet the operational requirements of the day, and today wasnt very busy at all. If the spongebob coaster youre referring to is the Runaway reptar coaster, that ride barely ever has a queue line longer than 10 mins, so very few operators bother to fill every seat in off peak periods. Also, the cyclone line seems so rediculously long when its quiet, but there has to be enough room there to deal with holiday crowds, so that queue is designed to be capable of holding close to 2 hrs worth of people, but yes ill agree, pointless theming.

  8. Yeah well, the fact is, regardless of how close you are to Alex, it wasn't just wrong it was a low act. He took something from this forum, to then go to another forum in which I am pitching the concept, and on that forum referred to this forum. In fact, if you see no problem in that I suggest you are just as despicable as he. The problem with some people is that they feel that by being anonymous, gives them the right to be obnoxious to those they have never met. Also the problem with some forums is that moderators believe they can censor someone because their Mate takes a bit of heat.
    Im not close to Alex at all, and im not defending what he did. But was there really a need to bring the arguing back to this forum? Also, I never said, not once that what alex did was right, but you yourself in turn brought the bickering and put downs back here from ebay, where you could have quite easily just ignored/deleted alex's comment, ignored what was being said here, and continued on with pitching your idea to the ones that matter to you. Attacking everyone who replies to what you say on here is simply making you look more and more unprofessional. What happens if your potential clients look back on all of this? Surely thats not presenting a good image for yourself.
  9. I'm sorry, but what was the point of moving your post forward and replacing it with this?

    Look further on for my reply to Alex regarding the sale of my project location. Would you believe this JOKER logged on to eBay to mock me!!!!!! Read on for a good laugh all at Alex's expense.
    What alex did off of these forums is the business of nobody on these forums bar yourself and Alex. I actually find your post on here more rude and Immature than anything Alex has said in this thread. And the personal slurs (from everyone) are just becoming tedious. I'm far from perfect myself, but come on guys (and gals) I think enough is enough, let's let this topic die the death it deserves.
  10. I wonder if they have looked into better/more ventilation, and im not talking like gaping holes with fans attached or anything, but if they just had some ducted air vents or something to help remove more of the smoke/fog from the room to avoid having it settle on the track/brakes/whatever else as much as it has been. Surely there has to be a solution that would allow them to keep running the attraction at its former standard, without compromising safety/brake systems. Although if it comes down to nothing but saving money wherever possible, then I doubt we'll see a change, and Movie World is getting itself onto a long dark path. My last few visits to MW in the last little while have left me quite dissapointed. Especially the more recently obvious attempts to scrape every cent out of guests. Its becoming worse than i've ever seen. Personally, I wont be visiting again in a hurry if recent trends continue.

  11. OH **** sakes, i want this i want that attitude is like really gay. What you prefer a ride there or not?
    Another classy post. Nobody is debating about having the ride, this is currently a conversation about the deterioration of what used to be an absolutely brilliant ride experience.
  12. I apologise if my replies are coming across as slagging. My intention was to correct some slightly misleading information, which then caused a response full of more of it. If anyone finds my tone disrespectful, then i'll also apologise for that.

    Oh and back on topic through all the arguing in this topic i cant seem to find a correct answer here but is the house actually gone or not.
    No, the house is still very much there. Edit: Reworded to avoid further arguments.
  13. Id be inclined to say that spotty is on the right track with his comment about priming. It makes the most sense to me. Depending on the ride, when the water level dips below a certain point, the operator must prime the pumps, or call a supervisor/engineer to do so. Basically, its just stopping the pumps and opening the valves, allowing the water level to rise again, before turning the pumps back on. Its usually a fairly quick process, but can dramatically change the level of soaking that the guests get. Other rides, like rapid rides, are self priming, Which basically means that the ride monitors its own output, and when it drops below a certain level, turns itself off briefly to prime, and then restarts. In this sort of situation, the operator just has to keep an eye on the output throughout operation to ensure that the ride is self priming.

  14. Settle down, Take a step back for a second, and you might realise youre not the only dreamworld staff member on these forums.

    lemme tke you through baby steps here.
    No need for that, I feel im more than capable of understanding. Ive never known a junior attractions staff member to do rounds, or monitor areas between rides for added security, nor any other staff apart from the supervisors/security themselves. Sure, all staff are aware of stupid behaviour, smoking, restricted areas etc, and if it is seen, its dealt with, but nobody goes actively looking for it.
    we DO do park rounds IF we are NOT assigned a ride. they are not official "rounds" but if we are moving from one attraction to another we are required to monitor areas in between attraction A and B. this keeps a constant security measure happening. going into detail would breach my contract but basically we are on occassio required to go and check, not "do rounds and supervise" but check, closed off areas. its a safety precaution. people can still get into closed off areas in different ways and you would know that yourself mate
    If you read my post, what i was actually saying is, it is very unlike Dreamworld to have unassigned staff sitting around, especially in junior/casual positions. All staff are assigned something for the day, or they just wouldnt be called in.
    I NEVER SAID i was in dicussions with any member higher than me. in fact i said the opposite. i said i havent been told by anyone that the hosue had been demolished. i was using the rumour that the house WAS demolished as a scenario, saying that IF it had been demolished, it wouldnt look good to be directing people to the big brother house if it was gone and i just hadnt been notified.
    Fair enough, clearly didnt understand what you were trying to get at. Apologies if im the only one who didnt make sense of it.
    also mate we are notified if something is shut or closed off, eg the big brother house. i can tell you now i get asked a lot how to get to the house. my answer is sorry the house is closed off at the moment. not the house is demolished. i am a junior member of staff but im not an idiot buddy.
    Im aware that youre notified, I never said you werent. I just asked why you would be directing people to a closed part of the park when it is made obvious that they arent open. But again, obviously misread your post.
  15. the house hasnt moved. hasnt been demolished ! when i did a park round ( we do that to make sure everything is running smotthly if we arent assigned a ride) i saw the big brother house. cause i was guna say. i never heard anything from management about the house being demolished! thatd look pretty bad if someone asked me how to get to the bb house and im like yer its just down this way and they came back and said theres just dirt!!!!!!!! and id have to say well sorry i dont get told anything lol ;)
    Lovely, except for the fact that; a) As an attractions staff member (which i'm doubting you are), you would be nowhere near that area of the park. b ) That area of the park is completely closed off. c) Attractions staff don't do park rounds to make sure everything is running smoothly. If they are not assigned a ride for the day, or are not put on reliefs, they wouldnt be at work. And regardless, why you would be doing rounds in a closed area is beyond me. d) As a lower level staff member, you wouldnt be in that sort of discussion with anyone of any importance, and finally, e) Even if you are a Dreamworld staff member, why you would be showing guests the way to the big brother house when you would quite clearly know, as all of Dreamworlds staff do, that the area is closed off? Sorry, nothing you are saying makes sense.
  16. River rapid is still down
    Still? It only went down yesterday. Could be down for a few more days, potentially even a week or so from what I understand. I havent had a chance to go through AVPX yet, but ive spoken to quite a few people who have been through, and all seem to be pretty wrapped with it. Im really looking forward to seeing how it goes when its all settled in and has been operating for a few months, and all of the little teething problems have been sorted out. I too heard a figure in excess of $2mil so i highly doubt they are going to get rid of it quickly, especially if its popular with the guests. Edit: Fixed typo.
  17. Just on this, I heard from a friend who went to seaworld recently, that they are now making people book in for character photos, with no personal cameras allowed. Fair enough, things are tight, but booking people in surely has to limit their sales. I know a lot of the Dreamworld character photo sales come from the people who are walking past, see the character out and get their photo, not book in for it, so im interested as to how this sort of system would work for them. Has anyone else seen/heard of this?

  18. Definitely looks quite well done. Im impressed with the way Dreamworld has done this, and the way they have presented it on the website. With Sudden Impact involved you know the theming and design will be good, and you know the actors (im assuming) will be well trained and good at what they do. As Kieron has mentioned, the crews have been working long and hard, so fingers crossed the end result is as good as it we're hoping, and well worth the hours they have put in. Well done to dreamworld for taking a step in the right direction, and Bring on April 10th.

  19. Looks like it will be permanent. They've used the old vortex building to accommodate for the course... seems like a very small area how ever.
    The old Vortex Building, attached to the rather large tent like demountable building that was used for Nightmares, the Mummy, and a function centre. Its been placed down behind the Nick Stuff merchandise outlet, running all the way down the length of the building. From what i know, the vortex building will only be used as a queueing area. That gives them more than enough room for a decent attraction.
  20. So now it seems that we have a name for the new Laser Skirmish attraction. And on the website it states that it is "Included in the Entry Price"
    Also, the fact that it is named after AVP, might be putting more truth in the rumours about sudden impact being involved. Their involvement, and the fact that its a laser attraction could be an interesting combination, even if they are only creating/installing the theming. Personally i'm looking forward to it. From what ive heard, we can at least expect a decent length attraction, being around the 10-15 minute mark.
  21. The point in the matter is as mentioned WVTP really isn't doing any better in there sales than they did this time last year. Everyone reckons they are, but they're not. These Q150 passes are only creating a once off admission. There may be heaps of people in the park but how many are actual one day admission payers? Slim to none. A lot of people would be surprised as to how many people are actually paying to get into the park, all you have to do is look at the ticket booth line and the turnstile line at 9:30 each morning, there is no one at the ticket booth line. The booths don't open till 10 so you can't say that they have already bought there tickets. The only good thing about all this is that for the parks quarterly report in July will be the in park sales increase. I really don't even think that will be up as much as a lot of people think, so many people in these times opt for a pre made lunch from home.
    Even though they arent making much more from admissions, and they are screwing over their per cap sales figures by having more people come through the gate, If each of those people coming through was to spend even an extra $4 on a drink, or buy the occaisonal photo or snack throughout the day, thats still $4, or $15 or whatever, that the park didnt have in the first place. It may not seem like much, but all those little sales still make a difference after a while.
  22. What measures have DW taken to battle the economic downturn, anything yet?
    Nothing as drastic as what WVTP seems to be doing. Little things like removing unecessary staff day to day to reduce operating costs, but nothing that severely affects guest experience. The only thing vaguely similar to WVTP's response is WWW, where on the quite/rainy days, Green Room and Hydrocoaster have been operating alternately, hour to hour, as have the BRO and the Rip. But again, there arent enough people in the park on those days to warrant running the two rides all day. With the reported upsurge in attendance at the WV parks from the introduction of the Q150, and their obvious lack of interest in keeping the guest feeling satisfied (by reducing ride operating hours and turning off effects, opening shops later etc), surely the people are going to be losing interest in the parks. Seems like they are pushing away the local demographic that the Q150 pass has worked so effectively to bring to the parks.
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