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Posts posted by Hdutt2

  1. Hey guys :) Okay for starters I loved the event as a whole, the theming of the park was great and the mist was heavy and Club Blood, Main Street and the Fountain near Superman Escape were just as spectacular as ever. Firstly there was a lot of people and I mean a lot of people last night, it was chaos. The opening show was good, introducing the people that were going to scare us and the Ringmaster who's laugh was just a mimic from the one coming from the speakers. Anyway loved the end of the opening because literally an army of scare actors walked towards us since we got the front of the middle of the street for the best view of the opening. Leatherface got right in my face with his chainsaw and I swear I got a few drops of water or petrol or whatever it was coming from that thing. Pigface guy went under and literally pushed through my sister who wasn't expecting that whilst filming. And just when we thought it was safe down goes the rope and there goes the actors who start chasing everyone in the mist, brilliant.

    Headed down to Hillbilly Slasher II first and was surprised that even after being at the front and being at Movie World early (went into Fright Nights at 5:00) there was still a 30min wait for the maze...but it was worth it.

    Hillbilly Slasher II: Okay so this was much better than the previous experience and scarier but still felt the same but oh well, the actors were much better than last time. Okay so firstly we went through the new sewer entrance part of the maze which really set up the scene well with the Hillbilly guy yelling and screaming at us about cutting our face and all sorts of nonsense and of course eyeballing us down before approaching the forest. A scare actor jumped out at us in the forest part but I felt there should have been someone else near the end of it as you walk past the car crash scene, someone could have been there. Then we approach the home where this woman (who mind you my Sister said "Look its your future wife!" which I just laughed at as the woman went to my sister and told her that she was pretty and to not let anyone cut her face to pieces.) She then stalked us for a while as we went past boxes and crates which I swear could have had someone in it for a scare but didn't. Then we went past an afro hillbilly with a large knife who tried to get up in my face before my dad told him he looked like Sam Thaiday and the actor just laughed. Afterwards there were hallways and then the caves with the pigmen who really got in my sisters face with only one paying attention to me. I just told them they ripped it off Saw before we got out. It was scary but not terrifying, however it had good theming throughout.

    Continued on our way and me and my sister went on Superman Escape (20 min wait) before heading down past the burlesque vampire women in the cages and went to Evil Dead. Now this was when I think people started to lose their patience. Firstly the line was bloody long, I mean it was a 90-100min wait just to get in the maze. And then you just see the Fast Track people going along enjoying their time, what torture. At least you hd the soothing sound of chainsaws and people screaming to tell you the maze is going to be good. Although what they should have had was the actual film just playing on a large screen since it would have been finsihed by the time we got in there. It was the length of the film. But after a long wait we finally made it in and it was my fav for the night.

    Evil Dead: Okay from the get go you walk through a forest and head into the flashing lights of the dim cabin where the infamous line from the book is written on the walls amongst other explicit lines. After that you head down a couple of hallways and then one of the walls move to reveal a woman in the window with a piercing scream which literally would have damaged my ears if I was right next to it...but it helped set up the mood. After that we walked to the tree rape scene where my sister got her first jump scare of the night as a scare actor in really well done camoflague burst out of the forest and got right in her face. After that we walked through the shed and into the below attic of the sinister cabin with the dead pigs all along the walls. This is when things got interesting. Firstly going into the lounge room was good, looked down to see a mechanical Mia trapped in the trap door like the film before the guy with the glasses rushed right at me and I got a good scare for I did not expect that one bit. Afterwards was the bathroom where out of the shower came the chick with the screwed up mouth holding the electric knife and in the next bathroom was a lady covered in blood with a knife on her knees right by my legs. Didn't notice her at all until I looked down, good scare. Afterwards was the part which again got my sister and my dad too a good scare when another actor got the nail gun and shot at us. Then came the last part through an elaborate door where we were faced with Mia holding a chainsaw and almost running us out of the maze. Almost the entire group sped up at that part. All in all it had the best theming, good recreated scenes from the film and good actors, it was scary and heart thumping and I loved it.

    Afterwards went to watch Carnevil which was good in my opinion but was way too short for the build up. Afterwards it was getting late and the maze lines were ridiculous so we just went on scooby which was an even longer wait than Evil Dead. Went in the line at 9:30, got on at 10:50, second last ride for the night. Afterwards the place was literally empty and it was time to go. Overall it was a fun night but shame we couldn't go in all the mazes. Way too many people on the night, was sold out but was still the best Fright Nights I've been to. Next year will go again but this time with fast track...definitely.

  2. Well Saturday is here and I cannot wait to go. Already preparing for the big night ahead. I will take pictures (maybe) and hopefully film the whole thing on my android phone. I will make sure to get through all four mazes without fast track (I have a plan) and go on some rides. From all the reviews tonight will be great. All in all I think the actors get better each night which will make tonight spectacular.

    See You There (very unlikely but meh.) :)

  3. Well since we're going to do descriptions since we're going this Saturday might as well. Besides the one holding a phone filming the whole thing I will be the one wearing dark shorts and dark T-Shirt, just for interest. BTW I'm a teenager, not an adult...just for interest. Who knows, maybe I'll see you guys there in a glimpse, perhaps not. Only two more days to go until Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot wait, been waiting all year for this year's Fright Nights.

    See you there :)

    I will be going friday and saturday

    I'll be the guy in the shirt and shorts with the dark brown hair.

    Oh and last description of me I also have dark brown hair but mainly in sunlight, at night...well its going to be black since my dark brown hair is a bit too dark. Anyway I will go and do all four mazes even though from what I've heard, Darkness isn't so great but the fact you can't see anything is enough for me to go. Anyway thanks for all of the information as its been giving me great coverage and ideas of the night and by the sounds and looks of it, this year's Fright Night will be the best yet :)

  4. So who's going on Saturday (puts hand up) never know which one of you guys I will randomly meet without ever knowing its you. I'm going to be one of the people using my phone to film the whole thing. I don't know whether or not I'll post the night on Youtube but we'll see, I see whether or not I'll take pictures as I want to film without much pausing (except when I'm on a ride, don't want to break my phone.)

  5. So who's going tonight? My week's coming up shortly, next Saturday, can't wait :) Anyway since the time is almost here let's get some more opinions about tonight's event. Also I think that if Reanimated35 is going again try and see if the lines for the mazes changed in any way time wise and to see if the number of people has risen or fallen compared to the last two nights just to see if there is any way that the park can get less crowded on certain nights.

    Specific info for me is who are the people scaring you throughout the park? Previous Fright Nights have had the classic horror icons such as Freddy or Jason. Now I know its all about the undead and demons but I want to see some people I recognise from horror films just on the streets for better scares. Also do any of the three mascots for this year's Fright Nights actually appear in an attempt to scare you? All I've heard is the Ringmaster only appears in Carnevil and the opening show once you get into the park.

  6. What do you mean terrible? I know it doesn't have the finesse as Fright Nights but its still enjoyable. Its probably because you had a season pass and went every night. In my opinion White Christmas is a night that should be enjoyed for one night a year at Movie World not all the nights otherwise it does become boring. At least the rides are open.

  7. So with Movie World pulling off big, lush events each year and with the birth of Fright Nights comes the birth of White Christmas, another popular annual event taking place during December at Australia's most popular theme park Movie World. So now that Fright Nights has hit its midway point, preparations for White Christmas is underway and its going to be bigger, brighter and more celebratious than ever.

    This will be the official topic for White Christmas like the Fright Night topic. Last years White Christmas, personally, was amazing with the entire theme park being lit up and decorated like one large christmas tree, the parade getting a large twist and main street being the brightest place in the park, I found it an incredible experience and the snow really added to that. Like Fright Nights, Movie World puts tons of thought into this celebration and each year gets more and more elaborate.

    Plus the added bonus is the rides are on at night just like Fright Nights. So with the event taking place in a couple of months time let the updates begin!

  8. Yeah I've been wondering about the Darkness Maze myself and I'm a bit worried that the maze could be a dud. I mean the concept of it being very dark is good but if nobody uses it then it will suck. Well I guess Fright Nights have to have at least one maze that isn't that great. Then again it could be the fact on what time a person walks into the maze. Also if the maze is completely black the scare actors might have a problem seeing the people walking through the maze. If we can't see them then they can't see us, maybe its just too dark in there.

    Anyway when I go to Fright Nights I will post a detailed review of all the shows, mazes, atmosphere and overall event and maybe some videos if my phone can make some decent recordings. If it doesn't then I will take pictures of my night. Can't wait.

  9. Okay I've been excited all year for the 2013 Fright Nights, I've been to 2012 and 2011 Fright Nights so excited about this one after hearing so much news about it all year. Anyway I'm going 26th of October, the second last night its on, but I was wondering if there were any iconic horror icons this year like the previous years. Since I know someone's gone to Fright Nights last night I was just wondering because all I've seen are the undead, the three mascots and some other creatures.

    But I also want the main ones to be throughout Movie World scaring people, so were there any horror icons there? I did find it a bit depressing how Hillbilly Slasher II hasn't been expanded upon greatly I mean all I've heard is that its just the same maze except with an added scene. Did the actor's get an improvement from last year to at least top this? Last years scare actors for the Hillbilly Slasher maze were a bit off and not entirely scary whatsoever so they better have improved to justify adding one simple scene to the maze, is the new scene worth it?

    Well only 20 days to go until I get to go to Fright Nights!

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