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BTTF Forever

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Posts posted by BTTF Forever

  1. Unpopular opinion... but I like both logos for different reasons, MW is kind of nostalgic and gold looking which is cool, but I cant get over the sleek metalic simplicity of the VR logo which is actually more nostalgic for me than the MW logo, the number of times Ive watched a movie on video tape when I was a kid and it had the VR logo play before The Wiggles Movie or something was quite a lot, when I think about the film industry in Australia I would usually think of Village Roadshow and the old Village Cinema chain and drive-ins...

    And then I would think of 'Screen Australia' haha

  2. 41 minutes ago, reanimated35 said:

    So we're still complaining about the facade despite the clear progress DW is making on covering it up? 

    This doesn't just magically happen overnight. They have to wait for the new facade to be built, delivered, then installed, most likely after park hours so they can keep the store open. 

    I am aware that they are covering it up, sorry should have made it clear that I just thought the photo looked "Interesting" LOL :P

  3. When the cart wasnt there, they probably were fixing something or doing some modifications to the cart itself, then maybe over the weekend they did some test runs and then left it on the track... but why leave it on the track in the first place? Who knows, it could just be a coincidence that they actually have no other place to put the cart when it isnt being worked on... or they are teasing the hell out of us.

  4. I think rides in recent years have naturally gotten less scary as in "feeling out of control"... trying to take into account the fact that as i get older the rides naturally become less "full on" but imagine if u had never ridden scooby doo and when u do the big wearhouse part was in pitch black like parts of the mine ride... you would probably shit yourself... in recent years the rides have naturally been designed to try and "reasure" riders that everything is perfectly safe... whereas the mine ride half the time u didnt know what the hell was going on... mostly due to poor lighting and not being able to see the track... makes people feel uneasy... but i loved that! :D

  5. Well I think Dreamworld should win an award. Why make a mine themed roller coaster themed to be abundant mine. Why not make it an actual abandoned mine ride. Great theming I think. Well done Dreamworld for going to the extra effete for this wonderful piece of scenery.

    LOL Always good to end the night on a joke.

    That is actually a pretty cool idea, market it as an "old ride" that was abandoned and left to rot (I'm getting a Five Nights at Freddy's feeling here! ;) ) and that has suddenly sprung back into operation one night for some reason, maybe the ghost of the Buzz Saw moved into Eureka Mountain and started playing havoc with some of the old equipment and brought it back to life (the reason why the Buzz Saw no longer works LOL), You are part of a research team (Bermuda anyone?) to investigate the weird goings on inside the old ride... OH MAN!! I would love to create the TV ad for the grand reopening of a ride like that! If we have learned one thing from rides it's that themeing and a good backstory to create atmosphere can make all the difference...

  6. I think that when they started with the ad campaign "Big 5 Thrill Rides" it was these rides...

    Giant Drop

    Tower of Terror



    The Claw -Not yet built


    Thunderbolt was removed and The Claw took its lace to go back up to 5

    Mick Doohan didn't open till 2007, to be renamed the "Big 6"

    Then the Buzz Saw, "Big 7"

    Panamonium, "Big 8"

    Tail Spin, "Big 9"

    EDIT: Now we are back to 8... for now :)

    I think your right in saying it was never part of the "Big 5"

    If I knew when this advertisement was done Id be able to check...


    Although when you look at this page from 2005, it shows it as part of the "Thrill Rides" in which there are 5 after Cyclone opened but before The Claw was opened

    So I'm now not so sure if it wasn't

    EDIT: Just found a quote from these forums from 2004

    Well thanks to the help of Dreamworld.com.au i have some new closure times in store from now to the end of June.

    This is most probably a good thing for dreamworld taking in the fact that they have been doing alot of themeing around the park and might be actually taking some pride in thier big 5 thrill ride's themeing situation...

    ...Just one point as well about the Big '5' Thrill rides: Thunderbolt was one of them, so its now the big 4 thrill rides (not that you'd tell with the advertising slogans still all over the Coast).

    So they did have the Big 5 when the Thunderbolt was around... Proving that Eureka was not a "Big 5", otherwise it would have been "Big 6"

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