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Posts posted by tomwilson

  1. It's not that they're bad, there's just nothing really about it that stands out to me as being amazing. It's like a bunch of decent elements of many coasters but none of them really stand out as being exceptional. Maybe it would stand out more if you hadn't ridden hundreds of rollercoasters, but I don't know, because I rode Blue Fire and Velociraptor with my partner who isn't the biggest rollercoaster fan (but has still ridden a ton of them), and they couldn't even remember having ridden Blue Fire before Velociraptor, even though it's the same ride 😅

    My summary of the blue fire layout would be:

    The launch is OK but there are way better launches out there, then you go up that first hill thing and it looks like it'd be fun airtime with laterals but it's just a bit too slow so nothing really happens, then the loop is just... there. Not fast enough to be intense with positive g's, but not slow enough for hang time.

    Theres a couple of small pops of airtime that are decent - sideways into the mid course brake run is cool, and there's a right banked turn which is semi forceful that I enjoy... then the other inversions are nothing really special.

    The barrel roll however is pretty dang fun, and then it's over.

    It will probably be the 2nd best coaster in Australia (after DC, obviously). Then again, maybe Superman will still be better... which would be a shame.

    The only thing up in the air for me is how awesome will the spinny row at the back be. It could honestly change everything for me.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of any of the blue fire or blue fire-ish rides I've ridden (blue fire, velociraptor, capitol city bullet train) but honestly its a good choice for Dream World. They don't have enough rides to put something extreme af that will scare people away. It covers a lot of bases in 1 ride - a launch, some inversions, some air time. It's not amazing at any of them but it has them and they're good enough. It should easily be the 2nd best coaster in Australia.

    And hey the spinny row should appeal to the enthusiasts even if it is an upcharge.


  3. I did cedar points version of this a couple of years back - it was awesome. They gave you a couple of rides on MF and Maverick as well and a couple of fast lane vouchers to use later in the day. The B&M dive machines have a fair bit of room to walk around once you are up there though. Standing at the top of DC rivals by comparison sounds terrifying lol,

  4. 5 hours ago, Gazza said:

    I think that's being a bit dismissive of the place, it's got an RMC and a big ass floorless coaster, and  then a few unique rides OP probably hasn't ridden like the Superman sky rocket coaster and V2.

    Worst comes to worst, just stay for a few hours?

    Yeah... I guess. IF you are going to San Fransisco anyway then you might as well. IF you are flying to San Fran just for SFDK - fly somewhere else instead like Ohio :D

  5. 5 hours ago, downunder said:

    The launches on Maverick are pretty cool. The first one gets you up a conventional hill and then you hit a beyond 90 degree drop at a good speed - crazy in the back row.

    The second launch is like they pressed the fast forward button on the ride and it's a real kick, the  coaster goes up another level.

    Everything is a lot of fun on that ride. 

    The first launch is pretty cool - the back seat on that hill really whips you over.

    The second launch felt pretty pointless to me.. slows down almost immediately after it without doing anything >_>

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