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Posts posted by MARK28

  1. I don't think it would do much for me. I like continuous motions like both the claws and wipe out and that, even though wipe out jerks arounds, it still goes up and over in a continuous motion. The topple tower would fall down, and then it would have to be lifted back up, and then it would fall down again, and then it would have to be lifted back up...etc. Unless it comes back to the vertical position really quickly...but it looks really heavy and would have to require heaps of muscle to lift back up quickly.

  2. Yeah that would be one of the only freefalling rides in the world that actually had that sort of theming for it. Almost Disney standards I reckon..from what I've seen of Disney anyway. When I first saw it with the lasers coming out of it and the ship blowing up, I thought whoa, that can't be Space Probe....it's a pity that lighting didn't last though.

  3. I think a tall intamin freefall ride would be cool; they don't take up too much space, and they don't make much sound either (apart from the zip of the brakes) because you can't really scream on them. If you want it to be unique, you could make it one of those stand up drop rides, or a gyro drop ride. They should tend to blend in with the skyline as well.

  4. I don't find going upside down too scary, and it can sometimes get really uncomfortable if you're upside down for a long period of time. The zipper was scary because of the minimal restraints, but even then, it's not really the upside down-ness that's scary: more the roughness and getting flung about. I loved going upside down on the hang over and the ranger at luna park which I found just as secure as bounty's revenge at W'land, and only wished that wipeout would flip over more often. Going upside down on the claw at the Easter show was a shock, because i didn't know how intense it was going to be, but then I got used to it and just had fun. I love just how random and crazy that ride is! Has any one ridden the Mega Mix? I'd never seen anything like it. Was it intense? It didn't look like it went very fast, and the controller talked everyone on the ride through how he was going to flip them next; but those sort of interactive rides where the riders talk to the controller can be pretty fun; good social times.

  5. Apparently it was gonna rock our worlds.....hopefully there will be a lot of cool track aside from the top hat. The trains are most likely to have over the shoulder restraints; it's intamins new thing. Kingda Ka has them, ok; it's the tallest ride in the world, but look here: http://www.towersalmanac.com/features/rita...uary/20/03.html and see Rita, Queen of Speed a new accelerator at alton towers, that doesn't have a top hat or doesn't even go close to a vertical incline, has them too.

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