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Posts posted by MARK28

  1. The Tower of Terror has that paint job for effect; it wasn't just left because they couldn't be bothered. It has a nice rustic delapidated feel..... I thought the dragsters were a strange touch, a bit out of place, but they were better than nothing. Also, the wipeout was fun, but I didn't find it scary at all. Maybe that's because I've been on the Zipper, cause I reckon they didn't flip you over constantly enough! The only intense part was at the very end where you are flipped upside down twice in a row, and I wanted more!!!

  2. Accelerator coaster; Turbo or Full Throttle for a huge one. Inverted coaster; Pheonix Giga coaster; Giant Space themed floorless coaster; Final Flight Inverted impulse coaster; Thrust Large Corkscrew rollercoaster; Great Australian Scream Machine!!! (bigger and better than the American ones) Flying Coaster; Fly (how original) Jungle themed gyro swing; Tarantula Wooden coaster; Vengeance

  3. Rainbow, that family's gonna put Street Fighter in their backyard eh? lol. Seriously, is it going to travel to Sydney??!! America has heaps of afterburners traveling around the place. I rode the Zipper at the bathurst show. I can't say it was a fun ride (I had just been on the Hangover before that- that was fun), but it sure was an adrenaline rush; sort of like a fight for survival, in those violently flipping cages (ours wouldn't stop flipping at the end). I tried to imagine it with chaos cars instead of the paded lap-bar cages, and I think it wouldn't really be that eventful if you didn't have to worry about holding on for your life; you only really flip over when the cars go around the u-turn (and boy do you flip!!)

  4. The claw (from the Easter Show) is great. Can someone tell me how it has such random directions? I don't know how it works! That Jump ride actually looks smooth on video, but it only goes at a moderate pace. It doesn't LOOK very intense seeing it go. I saw the Hard Rock on an American website, The Flat Joint, but I didn't realise a model was in Aus. How does it work?? I reckon the Easter Show really should get an afterburner; www.flatrides.com/Ride%20Index%20Pages/nitro.html , and a top scanner; www.flatrides.com/Ride%20Index%20Pages/topscan.html , a Top Star Tour; www.flatrides.com/Ride%20Index%20Pages/topstartoursm.html , and a Contact; www.flatrides.com/Ride%20Index%20Pages/contact.html . There are heaps of other cool looking rides on that site as well; like Experience, Power Surge, Booster, Star Shape, Super Loop on Top (a portable wipeout), Disk'O, Centrox, Shake (which looks like a flipping break dance- cool), Evolution, Flic Flac, X-scream, Storm, Re-mix, Tango, and take a look at the Inferno as well, looks real cool.

  5. I was just thinking, and the idea of a theme park based on spies sounds terrible. You need the actual theme park as something generic; like Dreamworld, and then divided it into themed sections, or something that has a broad range of ideas associated with it; like Movieworld or Legoland. But Spyland just sounds odd. Too subjective to have any variety in rides or attractions.

  6. Well when I went on the Ranger at Sydney's Luna Park, the boat flinged straight over the top as soon as the ride started; no build up what-so-ever, we just went straight over! I was quite shocked, but it was supposed to happen; the staff member did it to shock us. So I'm complaining about the shocking staff members! (not really, he was a funny guy). The ranger is the best inverting ship I've been on apart from the the Hangover.

  7. A B&M floorless coaster where thunderbolt was. First of it's kind in Aus. It could have a storm sort of theming to go along with cyclone and wipeout. And it should be a really unique layout like Hydra being built at Dorney park, which has an inversion before the lift hill; grab the world's attention....

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