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Posts posted by auspicious

  1. Universal have these events basically 100% planned more than 12 months in advance so it's quite likely they had merch purchased long before cancellation was an inevitability.

    I can't see Movieworld having had this planned. Plus do they even push merch in a big way like they do in the States?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ParkerJ said:

    Two key challenges - economic restraints and senior management.

    Senior management is okay at our parks now. Probably as customer focused as they've ever been. Still far from perfect, but as good as it'll ever be. Its middle and lower management where the problems are at our parks. All egos and politics and they manage to ruin just about every well meaning directive from the top.

    • Like 4

    20 hours ago, Pyro said:

    Ask them about rewiring an entire attraction... like I said, goal post kept being moved unnecessarily by the regulator

    If they didn't have legit grounds to request that the ride be rewired or sensors added then it wouldn't have happened, simple as that.

    You really think with the inquest and potential lawsuits to follow that they would take any chances to either miss anything OR overstep their bounds as regulators?

    It's amazing that blunder after blunder people still give DW the benefit of the doubt like they know what they're doing. 

  4. I am talking about the ride itself, which consists of many pre-wired parts.

    If you decided to import a washing machine from taiwan you would make sure it's compliant with Australian standards so that it can be certified for use in Australia. You'd make sure of this by making it a term of the contract and you'd put into place inspection measures to make sure it never leaves the factory without being up to standard and with the accompanying documentation.

    A ride is no different.

    • Like 2
  5. On 30/07/2019 at 9:08 AM, MickeyD said:

    The TRR accident happened because of years of neglect, ignorance and arrogant decisions made on DW's part to do things DW's way. 

    "ignorance" like not making sure the wiring of Sky voyager is compliant with Australian electrical standards?

  6. I shared the picture as a bit of a joke. Obviously there's not a high level deal going down in full view of the public. 

    But it's also an indication that DW obviously arent ruling out second tier manufacturers like zamperla. They make a cool looking Wipeout clone but beyond that there's not much that would actually help DW.

    And no those zamperla coasters look like steaming hot piles of garbage. The fact that they havent taken off is probably a good indication of their quality and popularity.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

    So it has to be the building - be it emergency exit access, structure or the like. 

    I'm not so sure about this. Bulding faults would be easily rectified by local contractors.

     I'm just spitballing here but on the other hand if you bought a ride from a Taiwan company  that is unfamiliar with Australian standards and is ill-equipped to provide the right and complete documentation for every single part necessary then you could see how this would drag on at a time when the government has decided to start paying attention. 

    And if they were decided to delay it until september for strategic reasons then I would think they would still rush to get it certified and would tell the public that it's all good to go and come up with a better excuse that doesn't make you look completely incompetent.

  8. 51 minutes ago, Jobe said:

    And you had better read the definition I posted a little more closely

    See that semicolon in your definition? that means that those are two separate definitions. You can't mix the words between them and tell me I'm the one reading it wrong.

    You keep ignoring that he didn't say a word about adventure park being cancelled which is odd if this were some genuine video to inform his followers. I follow the PCL page and never saw any posts, videos or comments that said there was a live event happening at gumbaya so now you are just making things up.

  9. 54 minutes ago, Jobe said:

    IF you think this is a violent sudden burst of ill temper, then I don't think you have ever been exposed to one.............

    No one including the dictionary definition you're clinging to said anything about a "violent sudden burst of ill temper".

    Is there ill temper? Yes, with salty lines about how the other parks they contacted were supportive & how gumbaya don't care what enthusiasts think.

    Was it sudden? He's standing in the carpark outside the park straight after it happend.

    Was he literally a 4 year old kicking and screaming cos they didn't get a kinder surprise? No so I guess you win.

    54 minutes ago, Jobe said:

    Please tell me how else they were expected to communicate to their audience that their plans had turned to shit- for what ever the reason?

    They didn't make a video to tell to their audience that Adventure park plans were also cancelled which says this has nothing to do with good communication and everyhting to do with having a whinge.

    If it were genuine, how about just:

    "Due to unforseen circumstances we won't be able to review gumbaya this trip" 

  10. 16 hours ago, Jobe said:

    A video, explaining the reasons of why a planned trip review didn’t  happen with a very restrained commentary of what happened  in my opinion, doesn’t constitute a full blown tantrum in the very definition and meaning of the word.

    The video existing in the first place is the tantrum. Standing out front with the front entrance deliberately behind him right after it happened isnt "restrained commentary" about why you wont be reviewing it because they conveniently forgot to do a video to tell people that their planned Adventure park visit was also cancelled. Its having a whinge trying to throw shade at them because you didn't get your way. Its absolutely sudden burst of ill temper.

    What literally happened is they showed up and started setting up commercial filming equipment without permission and were told not to. They were entirely in the wrong.

    If they got caught doing the same thing at Movieworld or Dreamworld theyd also get asked to stop.

    • Like 1
  11. What purpose does the video serve besides to make gumbaya look bad?? Causing trouble when you don't get your way is pretty much the definition of tantrum.

    It's a Saturday so there's probably no marketing or snr management there and it sounds like whoevers in charge told them to get in touch with the proper office staff to organise it with them. Sounds like they handled it well.

  12. 40 minutes ago, Santa07 said:

    Wipeout needs a bit of TLC and/or a partial rebuild, but I don’t think getting rid of it is a good idea

    Vekoma have washed their hands of ongoing support and the steel structure is very nearly end of life. The fact that it's a unique, iconic or a great ride doesn't change the fact that its days are numbered.

    Similar story for most things on that list really.

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