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Posts posted by SuperSpruiker

  1. The Spider is no longer allowed to be run in manual mode, it can only be used in program 4. And I've been told that underneath the external structure it is a travelling ride. There is music on it, and we can choose what we like to play on it as long as there is no swearing. The actual limitations are "Fun, Family Oriented and Luna Parkish". Whatever Luna Parkish means.... And as to not going on the Ranger.. The harnesses aren't a problem any more to my knowledge, although it did open on a child once when I was operating. He wasn't hurt but I was a little shaken. My concern with the Ranger is more to do with the motors. There are supposed to be 4 operating motors on the Ranger. There are less than that. You can hear the bastard struggle to lift even a half load (20 people). I'm not a maintainance guy, I just operate but there is something wrong with it. BTW don't sit on the right hand side, second row from the back, second seat from the entry.

  2. Does anybody have any ideas to improve my beloved LPS other than burning the place to the ground? Surely this fantastic part of Sydney's history can be financially viable without becoming a conference centre/cinema/shopping mall? There is a large building that serves no purpose what-so-ever that was destined to become a restraunt/nightclub that could easily hold indoor attractions and there is huge area out the back in Maloney's Corner that could be used for rides. Even next to the Tumblebug there is a fair sized area for a ride. Sure, the area in Maloney's Corner is going to be used for rental rides during the holidays but seeing as this lineup includes the ever changing, always amazing Dominator, I don't think that management really have that great an idea of what to do with the place. The best thing they ever did was hire the Hard Rock for the 2004/5 Christmas Holidays but it'll never happen again with a cost of $8-10k per day. Can anything be done to save my precious source of income?

  3. There was a large spider thing sitting on top of the Spider in the good old days but that was before my time. But then the Tumblebug had a cool looking bug on top of it too. I'm not saying that the Spider is the greatest ride to go on but I have the most fun while operating and I tell you that customers on the Spider when I operate tend to have a whole lot of fun. Also I would reccomend AGAINST riding the Ranger at Luna Park Sydney. I don't think I'm legally allowed to say why but I just wouldn't

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