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Posts posted by ALIENSK

  1. This car wouldn't have axles due to the different type of wheel assembly being used. I always thought it was something to do with aerodynamics also, since air hitting the backs of four seats has much more resistance than two. In this photo it appears the back structure is larger for better aerodynamics, and it looks like part of this could be in the way of the other two seats.

  2. I really hope the second part of the ride is intensely themed, like dodging rocks or something like some people have said. The part after the first launch in NL I just based on Gazza's layout drawings.. which is just really a large banked curve. I'm sure it won't be anything like what I've done in NL as that would be way too short after the first launch, and both the launches would be too close together in the ride. You can see though in some pictures that you'll enter the second launch turning right, so the track has to bend out that way towards Bermuda. Hopefully some stats and a layout will be revealed soon, or we'll just have to make up what we can until it's complete. Can't wait to see more construction over the coming weeks though, and hope this is our next great roller coaster!

  3. Hey, I've done a basic recreation of what I can see so far in NL. From what I can tell of the pictures, your pic would be right Teen and one launch would be the opposite direction to the other. Anyway, here's what I've come up with: What we've got so far, as best as I could make it :P . I think it might be a bit spread out but it gives you an idea. nolimitssimulator200810bo8.th.jpg The unknown? This is probably the most basic layout for that area but none of us know what it is going to be yet, all just a guess. nolimitssimulator200810lj6.th.jpg

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