Moments of airtime can be identified by the presence of steel rails for the upstop wheels. Because wooden roller coasters have a bit of give between the guide and upstop wheels, there's no need to have running rails unless there's a moment of negative g forces. The row of bolts jutting out the top of the track along the left here hold in place a steel rail like that found on top of the track.
The New Atlantis construction
The New Atlantis construction
20 October, 2021 by Parkz
Moments of airtime can be identified by the presence of steel rails for the upstop wheels. Because wooden roller coasters have a bit of give between the guide and upstop wheels, there's no need to have running rails unless there's a moment of negative g forces. The row of bolts jutting out the top of the track along the left here hold in place a steel rail like that found on top of the track.