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Posts posted by Spotty

  1. The last locker wasn't working today, And it is NOT just you about the smoke, it isn't as good as it used to be, alot of the effects are dying off, I can see it becoming Dreamworld lol, And it is becoming a bit more rough, and the darn OTSR's keep digging into your arms, giving you a nice bruise :D On another note today was PACKED!!! 40 min waits for Lethal and Superman anyone???

  2. Ok people, I have a discount card that will get 4 People into Movie World at 15% Off, It is my mums, so I am NOT 100% certain that I can use it, so have the full price there, and If I can get the discount, Great, If Not Sorry. So the first 3 to post here will get the discount, Cause Adam allreday has one of those spots. So Get in Quick :D

  3. I like the way it creeps over too. And you can tell by the area avalible that it had to be VERY tight, If they had skiped the subway, there could have been more rollercoaster, but I like the way how it has the subway first, This rocket is a few world firsts, the FIRST superman Rocket Coaster, the only rocket to feature a pre launch section, and quite possibly the best themed, And there is GREAT headchoppers on it. SO I say leave the layout and speed the way it is, and just work on more themeing.

  4. Well, thats where the fee comes in if you Keep your stuff in there for too long, And the person checking height should be supervising them, And in the event of a evacuation, they give each rider after they get off the ride, a ticket, and the supervisor or A member of guest services opens the locker free of charge. But, another catch is, they still can't cheat this system, cause the ticket has the ride time, and it will only be opened up to 10 mins or so later. That could work very well. Those are my Ideas

  5. Lol, I think if we get enough people to complain about it ( I am NOT suggesting to get real angry with them, but just have a complaint to them, as a few people have done) They may think "hey alot of people are complaining about this one thing, maybe we should do something about it. Because i have been talking to people that have been, and they all argree that it is rediculious, So I think if we got enough support, we may be able to get them to consider it. For The R-C meet, I am happy to share my locker with up to 2 other people, so like put in 2 or so dollars each, this way it will save us money (day lockers that is). So I think if we manage to get enough support, WVTP may consider doing something about it.

  6. I will probably be going to Movie World tomorrow, so I may talk to them in person, or i may just e-mail that is yet to be decided, I was also talking to a Ride Op today about the locker system, they have also copped some abuse from it. When I told her my idea of having the lockers free for say... 30 mins depending on how busy the lines are and then to Unlock them after that period it costs 1 dollar, this would make it ALOT better in my opinion. Because it is just crazy paying money to get in (not nessacarily for me as a Pass Holder, but for non pass holders) and then having to basically pay to ride the newest blockbuster ride. It also means that I don't get to go as often to movie world, because of this locker fee.

  7. Well Gazza, This is where the unlocking fee comes into place. I will be sending a e-mail to Movie World in a few days about the locker fee, if anyone has ANYTHING they would like added to this e-mail, send me a PM or e-mail me at daniel.harmer@gmail.com I am going to see what they say about this specific idea "It is like you are having to pay extra to go on the ride"

  8. Yea, basically what Gazza Said, It isn't really that bad if you are just ducking under, i'll admit, even i do that when the line is short enough but hurdling over I can see the saftey risk in that, I also really hope they do ditch the locker fee at Superman, they can keep the lockers but make them free, except if you go over a hour or designated limit, then there is a 1 dollar fee or something. I would be fine with that. They are quite good the lockers, except for the fee's, as this burns a nice hole in your pocket. Also you pay what... 60 dollars to get into the park, and then they are basically charging you to ride superman, I.E Locker Fee, it is just plain rediculous, if they had Free lockers for annual pass holders I would be fine, as would many from this site, but the general public still would have to pay, causing issues.

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