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Posts posted by Churros

  1. Well, something that the Gold Coast parks have done well more recently is tap into the local market. I think you would find that in spite of the fact that international appeal would decline, with the growth potential of the Gold Coast maintaining links with the locals could sustain the parks. I couldn't tell you to what extent because it would all be hypothetical... but you get the idea.

  2. Well that's more or less what WVTP said when Dreamworld announced WhiteWater World.
    That's true, but keep in mind that the rumours of WhiteWater World in the pipeline did and is forcing Wet'n'Wild to continually update their product. And whose to say that a third party wouldn't have a similar effect on the current parks we have?
    I didn't say that they played the good guy; I said they're playing the good guy card. Compeltely different things. You've implied that I think Dreamworld are the bad guy in this situation, which isn't true. I was commenting on the fact that Dreamworld went with an overly optimistic statement that suggests they'd love nothing more than to have a Disney park in the neighbourhood. Of course Dreamworld are well within their rights to weigh in on such things. No one with any sense would suggest otherwise.
    Yeah but mate, you haven't been the biggest fan of Dreamworld in general for some time now, and I know you have your reasons as many people on these boards do. Whether it be Dreamworld itself or perhaps some of the decisions that have been made by this body. But my point was that don't take that statement literally. You know as good as any that both parks tend to keep their future plans and to an extent current situation well under wraps. Their actual reply to the idea of a Disney park would be very different to this. It is more than natural that they would play the good guy card.
  3. ^Yeah, but I just meant that in some cases the idea of a woodie conjurs up memories of those at Wonderland for those who have not visited international parks. And rather than just saying woodie (which includes those) people could give reference to a particular type of woodie they'd like to see.

  4. Parts of that land surrounding the current Coomera station and toward the top end of Dreamworld's land is owned by Westfield anyway. Both Westfield and MLE are putting their heads together to design the integrated town centre that will serve as the basis for future Coomera development. And by the way, I don't think Dreamworld is playing the 'good guy'. Keep in mind that Dreamworld is run by an Australia company that has been operating in that area of the coast for 20 odd years. And Dreamworld aside, MLE holds a pretty big stake in the future development of the Coomera area so they are more than within their rights to make a statement about increased competition within that area. Honestly though, what would expect them to say, "No, Disney should bugger off!" ??? And PS - MLE has based its operations on its own business model, so it would be well aware of what the introduction of a third pary such as Disney would do to the coast. Personally, I would like to see a Disney park in Australia, but if the expectation was that the Queensland Government was to 'bend over backwards' I think that sells the Gold Coast short. I think the best phrase would be 'tell em they're dreaming'. I think if Disney and the QLD Gov saw mutual potential in the development of a Disney resort then that would be ideal. That being said, if they are talking coasters in excess of $20mill, I'll go. And it could spark a development war that could really see our parks boom.

  5. Yeah, I was saying this way back, but you really get the feeling that they are brewing up something for the old Wild West Area. I am not sure what but I think you can anticipate they won't leave the area like that for too long. It is honestly a ghost town. I also completely agree with the idea of building a new show in another location and running them concurrently. Does any of the releases, etc confirm that this new stunt show will replace the current one? Similarly, I think we have had the feeling for a while that Movieworld would expand behind Scooby Doo and eventually behind the old show stage. I would particularly look forward to seeing an entirely new themed area. Whether this happens in front of the show stage or behind Scooby doesn't bother me. But I would like to see a nice little surprise from Movieworld.

  6. I think the problem with some of these discussions is that people make statements like, "We need a woodie" when a wooden coaster does include a whole heap of pie coasters that have been built made out of wood (such as the ones at Wonderland). I think what the fella at the top of this topic did well was state what type of wooden coaster they would rather see. When people make suggestions for other forms of coasters people say what type they are after. EG: I would like to see them build a GIGA. Rather than saying Movieworld should build a steel coaster out the back of their park... and so on and so forth. It is just a case of making a distinction, because let's face it, by saying a woodie, you mean a coaster built from wood and this includes all wooden coasters. If you mean a woodie with pre-fabricated track say it. And as I said, at the top of this discussion, this was done, so perhaps some of the pre-dispositions against these kinds of coasters could be premature. That being said, I too am a culprit of jumping to conclusions based on the wooden coasters I have ridden. Personally, I would still not rather see them install a wooden coaster anytime soon, but wouldn't mind regardless - if it is a good ride, with decent theming and cost effective, I would be content with that. EDIT: I think I am refering to Gazza - the one who said we should get a GCI Woodie to spark this discussion.

  7. Still, the F&B prices at DW are a load of bollocks for the product standard you are getting. I mean at Pizza Hut $5.95 gets you a large pizza with the lot, at DW it gets you a crummy little "personal pizza". Soft drinks were around $3, pretty bad considering a box of post mix stuff (which does a couple of hundred serves from memory) is around $20
    Regardless of what industry you are in, one of the biggest money makers are beverages. I cannot tell you exactly what a box of post mix and a tin of gas costs (intellectual capital), but I can tell you that at places like Cinemas, a large coke will cost them something like 30c to product and they sell it for 5 bucks. That's where they make their biggest money. BTW - if you are talking food standard: $5.95 for a large pizza at Pizza Hut you are getting what you pay for :lol:
    Yeah, When I went to Dreamworld I thought how silly the prices were. The food is also crappy deep-fried stuff too which doesn't taste good. I think they should do what the US parks do and open a Maccas or even better, Subway - though I cannot see them doing this.
    They will never outsource the F&B because this along with Merchandise is where all the moolah comes from.
    But each department at the park should be drawing it's own income and paying its own way. The F&B department shouldn't be subsidising ride maintenance, that should be covered by ticket sales. I just dont see why a F&B outlet at a theme park is intrinsically different to one anywhere else in terms of how it runs. But most restaurants can provide stuff at a reasonable rate, while meeting staff expenses.
    Yeah, but remember that these places are businesses. They are designed to make profit not break even. As for staff expenses - labour is a huge cost. If you take your model for running a business such as Dreamworld, you would have the ticket sales increase to cover maintenance and the rest, yet have a reduction in food, beverage and merchandise? You're mad. If this model was taken then at least one of a few things would happen: A: Entrance ticket sales would go through the roof. B: Parks would look for even more ways to reduce running costs, to ensure that profits are made. C: Reduced capacity. D: Investors would be annoyed at the fact that the company was not producing effective results. C: You would get cheap food... hooray. I would personally rather pay slightly more for food and bev and have the choice of buying food than pay more at the gate. Remember, while on occasions you have to eat at the park, buying merchandise and the like is still a choice. As for Richard's comment earlier about Dreamworld focussing on the Dollar. As I said earlier, it is a business. And from where I stand this is one of their greatest strengths. While some elements of what they do tend to annoy us and potentially the rest of the population, I personally enjoy my time at both Dreamworld and WhiteWater World so they mustn't being doing too bad a job. EDIT: If you eat Maccas then you are an idiot anyway. McDonald's makes burgers fresh now... haha... that's the funniest thing you guys have ever said. There is no such thing as value at places like that. You will always be better off buying some mince, bread rolls and potatoes and making the stuff yourself. :lol:
  8. If they were to do something like that Lights, Motor, Action or whatever, would they have to increase the footprint? If this is the case it could mean the area where the current stunt show is may not be big enough to support it. Similarly, if it is the case that the residents out the back dissapprove of the noise, this could be an opportunity to move the show to a location that won't disturb the residents out the back. That being said, how much would the deconstruction of the current area and construction of such an area cost, etc? Perhaps it could explain though why Movieworld seemingly spent very little this year (with specific reference to the black room). As for the theming it to Hot Wheels. Can anyone say ca-ching! Movieworld will clean up on that property. If they target children and families, expect to see at least one or two stores packed with Hot Wheels products. Currently (and correct me if I'm wrong), Police Academy stunt show merchandise would not be a huge seller - or at least probably not as huge as Hot Wheels based products could be. Personally, while I really enjoy Police Academy I haven't had the inclination to see it for a while now since it really is the same show that has been running for quite some time. I think if they made something similar to the Lights, Motor, Action and it was done well, it could be a huge hit.

  9. 'Scuse my ignorance, but what is an "ERT"? I think you might find it is better off if people arrange their own accommodation, but you could still organise a transportation bus to collect everyone. Alternately, you might find everyone can arrange their own transport. It might be worth identifying how many attending will be coming from outside the Gold Coast area, etc. But I agree with getting things rolling sooner rather than later. Nice work.

  10. But that's where you're wrong Churros. Did you look at the Vekoma motorcycle coaster in the video link I posted? If not here it is again -
    Then read the comments underneath it and you can see it has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. Dreamworld's Motocoaster on the other hand misses the mark well and truly judging by the reviews so far
    Yeah I know, but there is no guarantee that Vekoma would have built something that received as much positive feedback as this one.
  11. Who ever thought we'd see the day where people were wishing for a Vekoma rather than an Intamin?
    Well, let's not get too carried away. There is no guarantee that Vekoma would have produced a better product.
    Elaborating further on the comment I wrote on the Youtube clip of the Motocoaster POV, I reckon we should be calling for Stephen Gregg's resignation. As the CEO of Dreamworld he is responsible for this ride and as far as I'm concerned the buck stops with him. With so much money at their disposal there is no excuse that they didn't create a truly fun and successful coaster. $10 million dollars should at least buy a damn fun ride. I can't help but feel Mr Gregg has indulged his own personal interest in sport and motor racing to the detriment of the park and its guests. I'd like to see someone take over the park who knows how to oversee and implement a real theme park attraction and get over this idea of trying to create "new experiences never before seen in Australia"... particularly when those experiences are well below standard
    Honestly, I wish you all the best with that. I can just read the letter MLE will send Mr Gregg when they give him the sack: :lol: Dear Mr Gregg, At the request of one GoGoBoy of the RC Forums, it has come to our attention that you are no longer serving our company in a positive fashion. While we are very pleased with the continued efforts you have made to increase general profits and build a foundation for the future of our company, it is simply not exceptable to lash out on a coaster themed to Motorbike racing for the sheer pleasure of indulging yourself. It is also unnacceptable to continually install attractions that are 'fun' and good for the whole family rather than 'thrilling' as this has alienated our product from the Roller Coaster fanatic community. Sadly, this will no longer stand, and it is with great regret that we inform you that your duration with us has come to an end. Kind regards, MLE. EDIT: Never mind :D
  12. ^Haha! Yeah that looks pretty cool. But knowing our parks you would be lucky if you get a smaller version of this. I understand you can get more bang for your buck, but does that mean a park can spend less and receive less? Knowing our guys, that's what would probably happen. I still think they need a lick of paint though to spruse them up too. That looks alright because it is fairly new, yeah? I think by all means they can build one, just put it in a showstage building or something so you don't have to look at the supports. After a bit they begin to look like pine fences :D Look, I've said it before but I am sure that whatever Movieworld has planned, you could expect that they are building up to something good. The only thing I fear is that if they use the bit of land behind Scooby and the ride/attraction/area turns out poorly and you have wasted the area (hence why I said a woodie would be a waste of space).

  13. Your original words were "theming to keep you interested or you become pre-occupied by the tame nature of the ride". I think Scooby-Doo would still be a good ride with or without the theming, because ultimately the ride experience does come down to the physical nature of the ride. I've ridden this exact same ride out in the open overseas, and to say it's only half as good would be a huge understatement. It's still a very fun ride, and I'd go so far as to say Scooby-Doo wouldn't be nearly as good as it is if it didn't have a quality coaster at its core. It all comes down to the physical experience. Theming will make a ride memorable and more interesting, but regardless of the ride type it's absolutely critical that it's a ride system at the core that is exciting and enjoyable. Thankfully I think this is one area Movie World has shown that they are on top of.
    Yep yep... ok. I know :D I was essentially using something more along the lines of Looney Tunes as a reference to that exact statement. Personally, I havn't been on a Scooby Like Wild Mouse without all the extra theming, but I still think the best part is the way in which you are deceived into believing its a small ghost ride before being thrown into a full on wild moust. For people who havn't ridden the ride before, this not knowing is the best part. But I will re-structure my statement, imagine a ride like Looney Tunes without theming. I am just saying that in my opinion in family type rides theming helps satisfy the craving for excitement along with the ride experience.
    In terms of overall park developments, I'd have to say I've not been too convinced about a lot of things they've done around the park, not just major attractions. It seems you agree with me that Superman and Batwing are not up to Movie World's previous standards of theming. The reasoning for this is totally irrelevant to what my original point was, and that is we can most definitely be optimistic that Movie World will deliver world-class attractions as they have in the past, but to have blind faith and simply assume that it's a given wouldn't be wise, because their strike rate isn't all that high.
    Yeah, but this is just a forum of speculation. It is just a place to bounce ideas. I completely agree with your statement, but it isn't as though I am about to bet my life savings on Movieworld delivering a world-class attraction. I just feel that in my opinion that when WVTP do something underdone (ie Superman or Batwing) it still turns out to be relevant and attractive, while still being cost effective. And that considering that they havn't had the opportunity to create a ride where story is the emphasis for a while, then it is unfair to suggest that they no longer know how to pull it off.
    No one that has ridden any good modern wooden roller coaster can honestly say that they aren't great rides. If you're honestly comparing a wooden coaster experience to a train or taxi ride then I think that speaks for itself. From a financial perspective they are very sound investments. Elsewhere they prove to be consistently popular year after year. The idea of a wooden coaster at Movie World has been around for years. I wouldn't expect it to happen anytime soon, but I think it's an idea that would be no less successful than any B&M or Intamin that costs 2-3 times as much.
    Are you having a dig at me? :unsure: It was just a statement. Quite possibly the reason that Movieworld is yet to install a woodie is because unlike many of us, they actually know how to run a theme park and know that while they could be potentially popular, there are better attractions out there (and please, don't use the Motocoaster as a basis of dissagreeing with this statement... I know... I know). That being said, even if Wooden Coasters have the ride experience people are talking about (regardless of how they differ from a taxi ride) then that really doesn't justify the fact that they are aesthetically inappropriate. Placing such a horrible structure in Movieworld would be far more detrimental to the visual appeal of the park than the screen in mainstreet ever was. EDIT: Oh, and no, sorry Gazza, I appreciate the effort but I'm not feeling it champion :P I think we need something that goes upside down and gets a bit more creative. Not that I am saying they are that bad, but there is probably a lot more better stuff they could go with here.
  14. While I totally agree with regards to story/theming, this notion that 'family ride' means a ride so boring that you'd fall asleep if it weren't for interesting theming doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't think anyone here is envisaging an it's a small world style boat ride. If a below-average ride experience has to be patched up with theming to make it barely enjoyable then the ride system isn't doing its job (see: Motocoaster), and I think Movie World is smart enough to be able to deliver
    That being said, you would have to agree that Scooby Doo would not be half the ride it is if it were a stock-standard wild mouse just built out in the open with a tin roof cover over the que line. I wasn't implying that family rides are that boring, but again, if I take the example of Scooby Doo, the animatronics, lights and all that jazz make the ride so much more of a hit.
    I'd have agreed five years ago Movie World had a nack of sorts for delivering to notch theming, but these days it's somewhat hit and miss. It has been several years since Movie World has delivered what could be considered a world-class themed attraction. I'm by no means suggesting they can't do it anymore (I believe they most definitely can and will again in the near future), but I think that priorities in recent years are such that delivering the same standard of theming doesn't weigh in all that much.
    But keep in mind also that it has been a few years since Movieworld produced a fully customised themed family ride. The latest additions Superman Escape and Batwing have a high thrill emphasis. While money could have been sacrified when it comes to theming, essentially this is done on the premise that the ride experience is the focus. And in both occasions the ride delivers. Even so, what theming they have made with Superman improves the ride experiene moreso. I can't imagine that Movieworld would produce a family ride... whether it be river rapids or whatever without finishing the job, not on a major attraction anyhow. PS - No woodies. They are a waste of space and money; and they look like sin. If you are desperate to experience the ride of a wooden coaster get on the train to Brissie or catch a taxi. If they are going to build a new large scale coaster, they should look at either a B&M with a unique seating/standing/lying position or Intamin with inversions or build a mega coaster if you are keen on airtime.
  15. I think the possibilities for a Simpsons themed ride are endless. After all, there is like 18 years of material out there and it is so iconic. Listening to some of the ideas is getting me interested, but I am not sure that Movieworld needs a third river ride. That being said, I think some of the ideas being thrown around here are arousing my interest. I am totally for the idea of a good family-esc ride. But family attractions need a good story or theming to keep you interested or you become pre-occupied by the tame nature of the ride. Naturally, Movieworld have a nack for pulling it off. Can't wait to see what the future holds though. Keep up the good speculating :D

  16. There is an actual launch soundtrack; it's a generic reving engine sort of sound. There will also be starting lights to complete the effect.
    It seems this ride may yet have some redemption.
    1.5 hour queues and a single train is totally unacceptable. I don't know why our parks can't set realistic deadlines for ride construction that includes getting the ride to a completely finished state and training staff to allow it to operate at a suitable capacity. No one expects peak efficiency right off the bat, but to not even be able to run both trains upon opening in the middle of the school holidays is simply unfair to all those who came on the basis that it would be operating. It seems aside from basic flat rides and the like, new attractions at our parks are either delayed significantly or open before they're really ready to be. If parks overseas can get it right, why not ours?
    I think you could start a whole topic with regards to how our parks differ from the US. I will have to say though that thanks to the parks here, we really don't get enought major installations for this type of thing to happen regularly. That being said, I'm really not surprised by this at all. I mean it's Dreamworld. There will be a short period of time in the near future it will operate perfectly, and then not long after that they will cut staff and removed the lights, etc. We all know it to be true.
  17. -Churros were you 3rd, I was 4th I would have seen you :o
    Haha, you probably would have. I was wearing a Simpsons shirt and glasses! Anyhow. Those comments are, for the lack of a better term "MLE-BULL". If you think otherwise then I think you need to watch the Chaser (9:00PM Tonight). Brakes? It needs them? I thought it just stopped on its own! Nah, in all seriousness, they are magnetic, just as Richard said - different design. And Saberon, you said they had a race noises on launch? Were they actual noises or just the typical launch noise? EDIT: Oh, and 1.5 hrs... tell em they're dreaming...
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