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Posts posted by DonjaiInLA

  1. I'll be nice and reply. What would have happened was one or more of the hundred or so sensors on the track would have lost track of the car for a split-second. When this happens the ride automatically shuts itself down. Usually that cable under the car catches onto the car and automatically drags it back (I've been on it when it happens). It seems this time (as has happened plenty of times before, the cable failed to catch and the engineers had to walk the track and manually connect it. Then it only takes 30sec or so to reset the system and send it on its way again.
    It also takes more than 30 seconds and they send a test run after reset....
  2. When Superman first open it was a 10 to 20 minute wait now it is nearly an hour and you just cannot get as many rides in one day I think the best we did one day was 8 rides. I have recorded of how many times I have riden Superman in all that time there have been 9 closed not running at all, 7 breakdowns with an hour or 2 wait, 2 breakdowns with a reopen in the afternoon. We have ridden in every seat and even at night during the Anzac day late opening last ride of the night first ride of the day front seat but have never been on it during a rollback but I have seen it happen twice and nearly $1800 in petrol with over 100 visits to Movieworld in this time and yes I did buy my lunch in the park everytime I got my money's worth out of the yearly pass.
    When do you have time to do things?
  3. It would have something to do with the number of tickets sold, tonights event musnt have been selling very well so they made the tickets cheaper, at a certain point they reached the minimum needed tickets for the event to be effectively profitable and the price went back up. Its not about ripping people off, its about a business being profitable

  4. I was driving into the city around the time the storm was at its peak, understandably today I got around to washing my car- came inside and checked facebook and only then read about the predicted dust storm tomorrow. It will be a good week for window washer companies though aye

  5. Why are you arguing about which donuts are better, I mean everyone knows Churros are the best kind. /discussion. Also fyi, the traditional ring shaped donut was created by an American, who baked it in an oven. In fact, the spelling of donut your using (as opposed to doughnut) is the American spelling, so you would be referring to the American ring donut, not the original dutch doughnut which is not like our traditional donut at all. Also, I think you will find that looking back at the massive lines, people camping out and massive customer base which occurred when Krispy Kreme opened in Brisbane/Sydney, you will see what type of donuts people prefer.

  6. Maccas was ditched because Disney were working towards having kids eat healthier. The results...Disney parks now only have healthy kids meals, and McDonalds no longer have Disney/Pixar themed Happymeals.
    They got named and shamed in Super Size me and Fast Food Nation and within a couple of weeks they boarded up Burger Invasion at DCA and replaced the wagon in Frontier Land with a couple of chairs haha
  7. Looking at that picture of Oakey Creek (or whatever the body of water is) I just cant help but imagine a coaster of some sort build over it. One can dream. I enjoyed the photo update Alex, don't just attack people for posting things. What else interesting is happening in the threads? Not alot.

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