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Posts posted by MaxxTheMonster

  1. I know it may be harsh and/or incorrect, but are you Doc Brown?
    No I'm not. I'm simply a very long time annual pass holder. I know it seems like I'm picking the park to shreds, but I'm not meaning to. Honestly, after 13 years of annual passes, it is sad to see the direction the park is taking considering it started out with such an amazing potential, the only movie themed theme park in the Southern Hemisphere, now it's becoming just like the rest. Other than the different rides it is beginning to fall into a typical theme park state. I take no offence to the Doc Brown comment, in some ways I agree with him, a lot of ways I disagree with him, but he is still a tool and does need to mature a bit.
  2. Quite frankly, I prefer to have an echo then be rained on.
    If you actually want to achieve anything worthwhile in the park you need to leave the area and get rained on anyways, and when you walk out any end you get all the water that was falling throughout the area focused in one area instead. The only place you stay dry is where all the shops are located. Again, just a plot to seperate people with their money faster.
  3. I in part agree with Doc Brown... The old rides were classics, and it's experiences like that which would help us to refer to our children what we grew up with... None of the kids I know have any idea what a Gremlin is, who Young Einstein was or how movie magic has changed over the years. I'm not saying they should not have built new rides such as Scooby Doo or Superman, but it is moving away from the whole idea of a movie based theme park... to show how what we watch on the big screen is realised, filmed and brought to life. The other issue with removing old attractions to put in new ones is that parts of the park just do not make any sense now. For example, Looney Tunes Stage Show, which has the Looney Tunes characters singing to rock and roll music... is in the Western Themed area... and the rest of the Looney Tunes attractions are on the other side of the park... They got rid of Young Einstein (I heard it was due to termites) to put in Harry Potter, then updated that, then removed it to put in the Matrix exhibit, then got rid of that and put in a gaming arcade... they even got rid of the olde time photo shop and replaced it with second rate sideshow games. When Movieworld was first opened it was said that it would always be about how movies were made and never about rollercoasters, and for the first several years it was, but now there is Lethal Weapon, Scooby Doo, Road Runner Rollercoaster and Superman Escape. The only one of which is decently themed from the start of the queue line to the end of the ride is Scooby Doo, but even in saying that the smoke machines have been turned way down, half the lasers don't work on any given day, some of the animatronics have been out for up to a month before being repaired, and some of the vocals are now non existent. The roof could have been a great asset, however is covers less than 25% of the park and now creates terrible echo in Main Street, meaning if there is a show outside the Daily Planet building and the atmosphere music near the Department Store you get this awful jumble of noise. Speaking of the Daily Planet Building, besides the fact half of the front of it is now blocked by the big screen, Batman used to repel down it and Neo at one time took a flying fox from the top of it, why is it still there? Shouldn't it be replaced by something in the feel of Gotham City, since Batman is the number one character attraction (he does have his own show and is the final character in the Main Street Parade after all...) And why is Gotham Cafe so far away from the other Batman attractions? Overall I think Movieworld is only focussing on the next big attraction that will make them more money, (and being a business that is understandable) but in doing so is letting the remaining attractions suffer. And being someone who has had a yearly pass for the past 13 years and watched the face of the park through its many changes... bring back the first couple of years, at least the park made sense and had some sense of pride in itself back then.

  4. I'm a yearly pass holder at MW and as such am there almost every second weekend. Went on Sunday, man have things been done. A large ramp access has been placed next to the Intencity building, and yes it is wide enough for a car to fit. The bitumen has also been put down and some of the support scaffolding has been removed. Also went rear of house, there is a brand new Mitsubishi Eclipse sitting in the vehicle bay, which at the time was on ramps and had its bonnet up. Looks like the first vehicle might have arrived...

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