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Posts posted by Reanimated35

  1. http://brisbanetimes.drive.com.au/motor-ne...00317-qden.html
    A new theme park will give patrons the chance to travel in an F430 at 200km/h. This Ferrari F430 Spider handles like it's on rails, because it is. The yellow convertible is part of a new rollercoaster ride at Ferrari's extravagant new amusement park in Abu Dhabi. The GT Racing Coaster is the closest most people will get to travelling in a Ferrari at high speed. Ferrari claims it is the world's fastest coaster, reaches speeds of up to 200km/h, as its two F430 replicas 'race' each other on a twisting parallel track. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi opens later this year and will feature 20 rides, including a second rollercoaster that mimics the g-forces of an F1 car and shoots 62 metres into the air, through the theme park's spectacular scarlet roof. The creators of the theme park say the facility is the first of its kind in the world. The main building is 50 metres high with a surface area of 200,000 square metres. It also carries the world's largest Ferrari logo - 65 metres by 48 metres. Other attractions include state-of-the-art racing simulators, memorabilia stores and a food hall that promises to deliver authentic Maranello cuisine.


  2. didnt see any of it! not impress! also they should put smokes machines in the cannon to think they it was shot out, all they had was the sounds i was like O my gosh !! rate 2/10
    I'm pretty sure they normally do as they made an announcement when i saw it that due to the weather (read: low attendance cost cutting) that they will not be using pyrotechnics during that particular display
  3. Um hello that's my opinion I never asked for yours.
    Definitions of forum on the Web: * a public meeting or assembly for open discussion
    Woop di do I don't care if its developed or it has the same laws or its the same whatever as here. Not everyone will like all the same destinations, so what if I'm/others are against Africa, Asia, some parts of Europe and the middle east.
    There wasn't really a personal attack against you there, so what if others aren't against other countries? Everyone is just sharing their experience. I too would be hesitant about the food, but if it was from a 'fast food' shop that sold local food (eg maccas kind of sells "local" American food if you get what I mean)
    I don't care what you think, I will never go somewhere I don't won't unless I get to go for free or have to transfer at the airport. Don't try to correct me as I don't care what you find (where you can drink water, food anything).
    What's wrong with correcting a persons assumption with actual fact? What if other people read this and took your assumption of not being able to drink the water when in fact it's probably better for you than the water available here* (*not actual fact, just highlighting their sanitation efforts)
    My opinions of places will never change no matter what. Also don't tell me I can go and eat McDonald or HJs as I'll be surviving on Nuggets, mcflurrys for the whole time, subway is also a no-go for me and what the hell are the other places? I have never heard of them
    It was a perfectly acceptable suggestion. 99% of the time there is the same fast food stores that we have here as they are all multi-national companies and are a safe and easy alternative for people who don't want to try the local food/drink.
    and don't say fail when I don't even drink water straight out of the tap here (actually I never drink plain water). So please don't ever correct me when it comes to what I eat or drink as that is up to me. I'm the worlds fussiest eater and a dumb blonde disguised as a natural brunette but I'm happy (not with this site but overall everything else).
    Umm, that doesn't read as though it was directed at you failing for not drinking from the tap. It was more that the assumption you made about the water not being safe was "fail"
  4. Saw the show for the first time today...... wish i hadn't. Set in a long time ago - when pirates have jet skis and speed boats - apparantly pirates resolved their differences with dance battles instead of swords. How pathetic. The only impressive thing in the show was the jumps from the high masts. The end of the show seemed rushed too. Out of nowhere the announcer suddenly says 'you were friends before - work together" and then it's all happy as farking roses. I wasn't a fan of the 60s themed ski show, but the skiing was impressive - BRING IT BACK!

  5. Rode the viper for the first time today, went on twice after going on JR 10 times in a row - it was a quiet day - anyway, wow, as the corkscrew it was one of, if not the most smooth coaster ever, now its sitting somewhere between the cyclone and lethal weapon.

  6. http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/theme-p...0-1225834585539
    WHO has Britain's smelliest urine? Thorpe Park - billed as UK's most extreme horror theme park - has decided to find out by asking visitors to provide smelly urine samples. Visitors will be offered the opportunity to urinate in small plastic pots at special "deposit booths''. It will then be judged for odour, with the most disgusting urinator winning $860 and the unparalleled honour of having their wee's smell recreated for a new attraction at the park. Those hoping to achieve immortality in this way are advised by the theme park that good ways of making your urine more pungent include drinking alcohol or coffee, deliberately dehydrating yourself, and eating salty or sugary foods, garlic or, most of all, asparagus. Although, they should probably bear in mind that it's thought only about one fifth of the population is genetically capable of smelling the odour produced by eating asparagus. The winning smell will join that of burning hair and rotting meat in the new attraction, along with other popular entertainments such as vibrating floors and electrocution. The victorious scent will form part of the upcoming SAW Alive attraction, which aims to recreate the nightmarish experience of watching the seemingly endless Saw series of torture-porn films.
  7. ..snip..
    ^ Love the help, but I also hate you for showing me that map :P I was working off the park map because using google or that one didnt cross my mind, so now I have to start again since I can see a better map. Lol. At least all I had done was draw a dodgy outline of things by changing the land colour Joz, I'm going to attempt to draw out the layout in game and I'll send that to you to see if it needs a touch-up. Might have a quick crack at the SeaViper too. I managed to make it in RCT1 & 2 just by memory
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