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Posts posted by BemaniAK

  1. The price is at where it's at because the people who make the decisions believe that including all of the in-park charges, they can keep their cash flow up enough to at least sustain the park, what kind of reasoning would you want to pay more, just buy food and merch.

  2. I actually like buzzsaw. It's a pretty intense ride. It just shouldn't have been the one major attraction the park got for such a long period. I honestly think the best ride at movieworld will change in just a few weeks.

    Im still holding out for official info on Justice League, they've been too hush hush about it.
  3. ^I started disliking fastpass when. -It took me 30 minutes to get on DCAs Toy Story Mania...No fastpass, just a standby queue they pumped through. -It took me 70 minutes to get on DHSs Toy Story Mania...Due to half the capacity being taken up by fastpass, making the standby wait stupidly slow moving.

    And if fastpass didn't exist you wouldn't have an alternative to the standby line :P Think of it this way, though, if there was no fastpass line, wouldn't all the people who were in it just be in front of you in standby anyway?
  4. I don't think it's ever worth it purely because Disney offers the same service for free, and it looks like Warner parks may be doing the same thing soon. Cost aside the fastpass idea is the greatest invention in the history of theme parks.

  5. When all else fails, mimic the competition. Seriously though that key $99 price point is a big plus, though I dislike that their star attraction is now a house you can't see the inside of without leaving dreamworld and watching it on TV. If they announce a new major attraction that gets me interested I'll definitely grab one.

  6. I should have added a follow up question to this... How much money do you spend in park during a visit?

    The first few times I spent bucketloads, too much, I got sick of paying more for less so I typically go around lunch time, grab something from Maccas before heading in at some point between 12-1pm. The most I'll spend now is maybe $6 on churros and $2 on a "hour" locker that I basically just leave my keys in and don't open till It's time to go. I spent more at Seaworld last Saturday however because I remembered how much I loved the vanilla waffles and sundaes they sell next to the monorail station, but that will be only on rare occasion. That's the way Theme Parks always seem to handle their park shops and food outlets, they draw you in with their pretty good food and then push you out after one purchase with generally depressed staff and high prices.
  7. An idea... Scanning your annual pass at the new jl ride will bring up your scores or store them centrally so you can scan them next time u visit to see how you are fairing? I would love to see a leader board type situation. This would encourage more people to buy passes, so every time u exit the ride u can see ur mugshot on a leader board with your scores. Have a daily, weekly, monthly and annual tally. It adds some competition and will bring people back to the park to ride more often. Link it through social media so you can post your score automatically on your wall and challenge friends to beat it. Just an idea I had....

    It's a good idea, but I hope for a theme centric attraction with the shooting second, rather than Laser Force on wheels.
  8. See, that's a really good point these days...With Justice League opening (Turfing out a dated simulator I had little love for) and with Lethal Weapon "fixed up" I can't think of a single attraction that I wouldn't want to ride on a given visit.

    Who could miss those Tweety Bird Teacups.
  9. Superman is by far the best ride at the park. With that said ALL the rides are fantastic and can easily all be done in a single day even when it's fairly busy if you show up at 9:30 and leave at 5:30 (Queue up for a ride at 4:55 and you can still get on) I'd definitely follow Gazza's list, however I'd put Green lantern below Arkham and Superman purely because of personal experience with queue times, I've never seen Green Lantern queues go past 30 minutes while on the same days Superman and Arkham have ranged anywhere from 30-90 minutes, however someone correct me if I'm wrong. If you're really into thrill rides and want to make sure you fit them all in, I'd also most likely skip Wild West falls, it's a great ride don't get me wrong but if you're a rollercoaster hoon it's worth skipping for the others if you don't think you can fit it in.

  10. Hi all, I have just viewed this footage on Youtube for the first time- its fantastic!!! Whilst being silent, its in full colour and gives a fascinating insight into Luna Park a full year before the tragic 1979 Ghost Train fire. Of particular interest here is the excellent footage of the original Big Dipper and of the Schwarzkopf coaster the Wild Cat ( which replaced the Wild Mouse in the early '70's). Have a good look , this is a great find!!! It certainly does make me misty eyed and wistful- it would be a fanatastic thing if the park was in its orignal state today!! This footage now resides in the National Archive of Sound and film, so it is of immnese Austalian cultural importance!! Enjoy!!

    This is completely off-topic but I can't help but laugh at the beginning of the first video, whoever that DVD Infinity company is they're ridiculously amateur for using Pinnacle Studio, not only that but they used stock, royalty-free Pinnacle Studio music as their company logo audio.
  11. they should get rid of the whole show together and put a new cool coaster or ride there instead there's plenty of room for one.

    A show is always welcome, MovieWorld's got enough new rides for now imo. Plus it's the parade effect, if you don't care about the show, you should care about the lower lines while its on.
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