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Posts posted by BemaniAK

  1. Well the best they could do is not say anything

    For the sake of your argument, maybe, but what about for actual people? Would you prefer to walk in a park, have your favourite ride closed, and have no idea why? The building is empty, so naturally it *will* make way for a new attraction at some point in the future, when I see that, I know it's closed for good, I know that something will be replacing it, and if they sit on it for a few years, will it really bother me? No, why would it? What would make me mad is walking in the park, seeing a big closed sign on my favourite ride, and having to waste my time finding out if/when, it will be reopening.
  2. You can certainly reopen the superman lockers. And can we stop beating a dead horse here? They are charge lockers, have been for over 6 years so who gives a shit??? Really

    It's really not the lockers any more, IMO, it's the fact that they pay someone to force guests to throw away park maps secured in Velcro pockets (And other similar cases) that really grinds people's gears. I knew about the loose items rule, I knew that unsecured loose items are very likely to be thrown off the ride, that's why I as a smart guest secured all my belongings in a flat money pouch, the same as I did 5 years ago with no issues from the attendant, however had I not concealed that pouch underneath my jacket the attendant still would have forced me to pay for a locker or leave the ride, lockers aren't a problem, greedy policies, however, are.
  3. Well since this is about a legal case - one in which liability needs to be determined (or not) I would say that this entire discussion is one based around legality.

    A person's opinion on whether the charge is ridiculous or not does not always coincide with the likelihood of getting her Payout. The point is, is that she was scared because she herself decided to not look at safety signs on the ride and assumed that nothing would go wrong, she wasn't injured, nor was there any chance of her getting injured, therefore, her charge is ridiculous regardless of whether she's legally entitled to compensation.
  4. What half the things I have said are fact

    "half" constitutes for quite a lot of things. If you hadn't gone on the big rant about LTRR being closed because you apparently know all the ins and outs of the industry and how easy it is to fix a boat darkride with dozens of animatronics figures maybe people would believe your opinion is not a creation of your own skewed bias. We don't know anything about the justice League ride yet, it's going to be in the Batman building which hasn't been repainted or modified in any way (Since you love theming so much) and even all the crew knows about it is it will be Toy Story Mania with DC comics characters, it's pretty obvious you're just using your hype for what may be a fun attraction to drag attention away from other things.
  5. so the issues were not likely as bad because it can be fixed by almost any company,

    I don't know about you but I personally doubt that "almost any company" can fix problems with RR's millions of dollars worth of animatronics. And I understand your gripe with theming on Green Lantern, but, here's a hint: Green Lantern is an enjoyable ride, Buzzsaw is not, theming enthralls you once and once only, a great thrill ride is what counts in the long run.
  6. Ok, I think it's cool that they're actually doing something with their wildlife zone. But why did the Federal Government give 1.1 million of >our< dollars for them to do it? Government is too secret and hush hush about things, nobody even knew about this in time to say "wait hang on, why"

  7. Safely got through the no loose items rule with my money belt underneath my clothes, I had 2 park maps in a velcro pocket on the inside of my closed jacket and the attendant at the start of the line forced me to get rid of them when I claimed they were all I had, honestly? I really couldn't believe that. It's completely ridiculous, I saw the girl staring at people's pants to catch out wallets, that's just plain wrong, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from putting goddamn boxes for your stuff and having one load dock for entry and exit. There were lots of angry people because the wait time was quoted as 1 hour, which meant people had to spend even more than $2 to rent lockers. I'm heading to guest services next visit to complain about it.

  8. Yeah it was still packed today, enough to squeeze in all the big thrill rides and the stunt show (And Green lantern had it not been closed the entire day for their typical "Technical delay" reason, we left at 4pm) but my legs were sore waiting in line for Arkham Asylum, luckily since we were there early we got in Scooby Doo with about a 15 minute wait and a walk-on Wild West Falls. Plenty of Tourists, but strangely a lot of what seemed like locals, I know private schools are probably mostly still on holiday but every public school went back yesterday, maybe everybody had the same idea just like the ekka days.

  9. Yes, but her claim isn't that she COULD have been injured, it's that she was AFRAID of being injured - because she was unaware that the slide has a built in safety system. It's not a matter of the staff halting the attraction - the dispatch system physically won't allow another rider to be launched whilst there is still a rider in the tube - it has a 'block' system built into it - this is what all the conduits are running all over the place. Her claim goes further that BECAUSE she didn't know there was a built in safety mechanism, she was fearful someone would come down on top of her, and due to that, she hauled herself out by her arm, causing injury, rather than calmly pushing the door open and standing up. The whole basis for her claim is that WnW should have appropriate and adequate signage, or staff instruction informing riders that they may not make it around the loop, and what will happen in the event that they do not complete the loop.

    And anyone who's been on the Aqualoop or even walked past it while being attentive knows that simply isn't true, as the post below you explains, there is signage that is easy to notice telling you of the procedures in case you don't make it over. As I said, ridiculous charge.
  10. Also, all theme parks have the whole 'no sueing us for any injuries/death/loss of property, even if resulting from the negligence of staff'.

    Warning signs that say "don't sue us" do not in any way excuse staff negligence, any negligence on the part of any member of staff makes injury sue-able, they are there because if someone sees that and they are really really dumb (and believe me, they are) they will just flat out decide to not sue. The staff make sure every rider makes it over the loop, and if they don't, they halt the ride and nobody gets injured, this charge is ridiculous.
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