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Posts posted by AllegroCrab

  1. Simple math. Quite often people travel in even numbers to theme parks, largely due to wanting someone to ride with.

    When you have a ride with say 3 across seating (like radiator springs racers) groups of 2 and 4 result in an empty single seat.

    On a ride like California Screaming the pairs fill up most rows.

    And yes people always complain. At RSR a couple weeks ago a woman was throwing a fit because her group was being split up after waiting in the single rider line **slaps forehead

    I guess when it's down to specifics, but all in all, it doesn't make a massive difference, it just takes one odd numbered group to change that.

  2. Disagree to no down side.

    I've found in personal experience people get it in their head that single rider means no wait (same with fast pass too) and then get pissed when they might be waiting 20mins to get on a ride, even though the normal que may be an hour.

    These people will always exist though, and it doesn't matter what you give them, they will find a way to complain. If they can't see that they are cutting their wait time in half compared to the rest of the riders then it's their problem.

    Perhaps a sign outside the queue would make them shut up a bit, but when have signs stopped people from doing anything?

  3. No matter what anyone says about not needing another coaster, it would still be the smartest business option.

    It is just proven that coasters churn guests. Masses will walk in the door, the coaster will eat them up like candy and have room for more, assuming that it is a modern ride with 2-3 trains.

    Plus, a coaster would look awesome over that sand bank.

  4. People think it has happened because people are gullible, plus they don't understand amusement rides in general. They think that they're in actual danger, when in fact they aren't. I'm actually surprised by the number of people I know who think that rides are dangerous.

    My advice, agree with them. People like that don't deserve to be part of the 'knowing that rides are safe' club. Let them be scared while you sit there enjoying the ride and pissing yourself laughing at them fearing for their lives.

  5. One of the most established, if not the most established park in the country will die a horrible death for what reason?

    You are going to get shit from a lot of people, including me, for saying that. Cue the shitstorm at 5pm - 8pm when people log in after a hard day's work and have to put up with seeing your post.

    Looney Tunes is gone and it is in the process of being replaced, and Bermuda has already been replaced. If I'm not mistaken, it hasn't been 4 years, so I can't see any reason why you would believe that Sea Viper is going to be left rusting next to the ocean. Also, Sea World have reclaimed a lot of land right next to the ride, and leaving Sea Viper there would be an extreme hindrance to their intended expansion, whatever it might be.

    Instead of writing bullshit like that, why don't you get excited about what is going to take its place and improve the park even further.

  6. Sad to see it go, my first inverting coaster, but there is the potential for something incredible to take its place.

    Look at all that space, surely we could see what we've been wanting for years. Perhaps something feasible like a Mega-Lite, perhaps something more adventurous ie. B&M Suspended, maybe something ridiculous like a B&M Dive Machine. A year ago I would have been beaming at the announcement of a Eurofighter, but now I come to think of it, that would be a missed opportunity in this situation, especially if they wanted to build a coaster.

    Something big could happen here.

    Judging by Google Maps, it looks like one of those batman clones would fit. Custom built, they would definitely be able to fit a decent length ride, something we seem to lack.

  7. Maybe it's because I'm a V8 fan, but that thing is pathetic. It's a NASCAR simulator. It was built as a NASCAR simulator. The graphics look circa 1999, the gears are in stupid places, the teams and drivers you're racing as I'm pretty sure don't even exist any more. (Ignoring the liveries, they change annually)

    Had they invested a little more money in it it could have been great. In its current state, it doesn't deserve to be an upcharge.

    Yeah, I get pretty much the same experience at home with a PC wheel, except for the cockpit setup.

    At the easter show, there was a guy running rFactor with the same wheel I have, but set up with a moving seat. >>


    I think it was $15 for what was only a few laps. Really making a mint there, it was pretty popular as well.

  8. "Hello again, it's with regret that we have decided to close the park again tomorrow due to the weather forecast. We hope that any who have been making plans to come may be able to join us next weekend when the forecast is looking so much drier and sunnier! Sorry again for any disappointment caused."

    About 20 minutes ago on facebook

  9. Does Dreamworld need a drop tower? They already have the tallest in the world southern hemisphere.

    If they did, it would confirm my judgement that they have just turned into cash grabbers. Two top of the range drop towers in a park with no particularly thrilling coaster is a bit sad. Add things that you don't have already.

    MW is another story, but this doesn't really say anything about connections with AU parks.

    I don't think any of us really think this is going to happen at DW.

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