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Posts posted by mission

  1. 1 hour ago, grrofunger said:

    I'm planning a family trip purely for this coaster 

    And you're a member of a theme park enthusiast website, so yeah, you would be in the minority that would plan a family holiday around a single attraction at a theme park. I have no problem with that, good on you for doing something you enjoy.

    But the notion that the average Australian family would plan a family holiday to the Gold Coast because MW has a new, and fairly intimidating (especially for children), attraction? The large majority of holiday makers (extending to their families) aren't roller coaster enthusiasts and likely wouldn't place anywhere near the importance of this attraction to the same level as the members of this forum.

    I like a good theme park but it doesn't rank highly on my destination short listing for family holiday destinations.  A family holiday is far more than a day at the theme park.....


    14 minutes ago, AlexB said:

    The discussions on these boards for months have all pretty much agreed - they are stupid for not marketing \ announcing this earlier than they have.  Its the popular opinion, and its the right one. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to say they are right in not marketing it by now is just plain wrong.

    So a bunch of random people that likely have no idea about marketing, especially marketing a theme park attraction, have agreed on something so it must be true!!


    Have you ever considered that MW have actually done their research and planned very carefully what they are going to do?  But because it's not what armchair critics expect or want, and is in contrast to what other theme parks may have done, then it's wrong?


    Maybe you should go to the park, speak to management and tell them your concerns. 


    Anyway, no ones going to agree..... I've got no more to say on this.




  3. 9 minutes ago, Santa07 said:

    People have made their end of year holiday plans by now and if they had announced the coaster a few months ago they would've attracted the attention of those interstate or overseas,

    It's going to be there for 30 years.

    While I get what you mean, I'm sure the planning of this attraction has taken things like this into account.  


    I don't get why people are saying MW is doing such a bad job (or not doing anything at all) of marketing it, unless of course the people saying that are experts in marketing theme park attractions so they actually have some credence to their comments.

  4. 24 minutes ago, GoGoBoy said:

    Crew makes it sounds like they are either staff members, volunteers or mods.

    Exactly, to new members it's easily misinterpreted.


    10 minutes ago, Fultre said:

    New people come in, get a taste of this community and never return. Only the few new people with thick skin remain.

    I have never been a part of a more nastier community that this.

    Sadly I also mostly agree with this. I've been/am a member of many forums over varied topics/themes so I have a lot to compare to.

    I've tried to tale a back seat on this forum and now really only come here to keep updated on things.

  5. ^ yeah it amazes me the detail and ensuing discussion that goes on on this board about the most trivial (to most people) things.


    1st Post

    Dreamworld painted a post a different colour - what does it mean???

    4 pages Later

    No firm reasoning has been agreed upon and wild theories are thrown around as to the meaning of the new post colour scheme


    I'm not saying it's a bad thing btw......



  6. I think a bit of comedy/light heartedness wouldn't go astray.  Do away with all the 'tough guy' characters


    A My Little Pony Ride.  The front of the train can be the ponies happy face with googles on, the sides can be blinged up with bedazzles etc and the back can be it's tail flapping around in the wind.


    Super pink, super girly, even a little bit cheesy = cool.


    Anyway, back on topic.... the ride's looking good.  I'm yet to go down there since any track has been put in place so sill have to go for a look soon!



  7. I can't see one ever tbh.


    The Gold Coast Parks aren't exactly red hot gold mines (maybe they are, I'm just basing this in how long they've been established and their average growth and development over the period) and most other parks would seem to only just get by (Luna Parks, Aussie Worlds etc), or in the case of Wonder Land (the one out of Sydney, if that what it was called) failed.


    I just don't think we've got the population or tourism to support a Disney park, unless it's a watered down version... then maybe.


    Speaking of Wonderland - I just googled it as I couldn't recall the exact name and the below article popped up - I assume this has been discussed before but I hadn't heard about it - is it still in the pipeline?




  8. On 15/04/2017 at 8:35 AM, MickeyD said:

    While it's sad to see the old girl in such crook shape I am glad DW are putting so much effort and expense into what appears to be yet another significant rebuild of the ride.


    I was there a few weeks ago and I was thinking that surely it's more cost effective to scrap it and put in a new attraction.  


    They do appear to be putting in a lot of effort - maybe they've invested so much so far they might as well continue....

  9. 5 minutes ago, Reanimated35 said:

    I'm saying that even if there is, it shouldn't allow for any staff to be on the ride path during a cycle as there is always the possibility of something going wrong. 

    Exactly, mechanical or human error, it happens.


    And that swing is pretty nasty, very lucky she wasn't killed :/

  10. 1 hour ago, MaxxTheMonster said:

    When did they change that?  Wife went to go on it and had no cash only card and they told her she needed to go to the photo outlet at the front of the park to purchase it as they could only accept cash at AA...  Signage also showed cash only...

    I'm pretty sure it's always been EFT only.  Maybe the machines were down on the day you were there.

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