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Theme Park

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Posts posted by Theme Park

  1. I remember reading online somewhere that Taft broadcasting had the opportunity of selling their stake in Australia's Wonderland to paramount parks who was at the time buying up all of the other parks owned by Taft but instead of selling to paramount they ended up selling their stake to the other investment partners involved with Australia's Wonderland who went on to sell it off to Sunway who in 2002 closed the park while paramount operated Taft's parks till 2006 when they sold the parks they bought from Taft to Cedar Fair who continues to operate all of the parks they acquired.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Flynn_Smith said:

    It was certainly not preserved by Channel 9 or 10. Its a mess. There is a video of someone who broke into the area and filmed a full walk through of the studios, but I can't be bothered to find it in the forums. @Theme Park they can't hire it out because it is literally a mess.

    Jeez I didn't realise the state the studios were in. Man I really wish they looked after the place even if they were not able to find someone to rent it they could have had some type of behind the scenes studio tour attractions to draw in fans of the show or just some television fans in general.

  3. 18 hours ago, Jackson13Walasek said:


    The bare minimum they should do is turn the shadows down and rotate the park to the positioning it use to be in to remove some of the carpark, sheds and backlots.

    The bare minimum they should do is get rid of this attrocity and start the map design over from scratch.

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    3 minutes ago, AlexB said:

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Honestly? you think those 9 will rival Rivals? (had to do that!)

    Superman, Green Lantern, Rivals, Batwing, Arkham, Doomsday, (and if MDMC ranks as a big thrill, then...) SDSC and Wild West Falls. That's 8 rides that i'm comfortable saying shits on all but maybe 3 of DW's 'big 9'.

    Honestly their current actions don't even come close to competing. I'm calling it - Movie World is the new thrill capital on the gold coast!

    I agree that movie world has better trill attractions than dreamworld but from a marketing standpoint they will be advertising to a no nothing member of the general public who will be thinking I could ride the new hypercoaster or I could ride 9 thrill rides at a park which has heavily discounted tickets.

  5. 1 minute ago, Luke said:

    @Theme Park I wouldn't got as low as describing Movieworld as 'Australia's answer to Six Flags'. But at this point in time, I would say it sits firmly in between a Cedar Fair park and a Universal park.

    Just trying to say I think we need to demand it becoming the best it possibly can be.

    1 minute ago, Brad2912 said:

    The supervillains area at MW is as well themed as any universal park I've got recollection of. 

    WWF whilst dated is well themed

    Scooby was, and by all accounts will Return to being, well themed. 

    I've no doubt family attractions are in the pipeline, but I seriously doubt that equates to a dark ride given the availability of space and cost of building a soundstage/building to house the ride. 

    I want movie world to have lots of different movie IP's not just DC and Looney Tunes.

    Plus I am still salty about harry potter going away to universal studios.

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