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Posts posted by Bmull19

  1. So hang on. Two nick minor Nick rides being under maintenance = contact being canned? Calling bullshit on this one.

    One ride under maintenance. Two rides already lost theming. But I don't know, I'm still on the fence for this one because Dreamworld haven't yet confirmed it, but there is some evidence supporting it. I guess we'll wait and see soon.
  2. Maurer's promo video for the general 'type' of coaster we're discussing stated that the capacity can double if 2 trains are used. I hope they get that second train then. :S Mick Doohan only runs 2 during the Summer Holidays now (from what I've seen. But then again. Last time I went on it was in summer holidays). I'll go looking for that video now.

  3. I'm a little worried about the theming, too, seeing as it's not even built yet and it opens on June 25th (and probably an earlier media day). With TOTII, they finished the ride but kept out some aspects of the theming because they didn't have enough time to get them in before launch. Why else would they of kept them out?? I hope this isn't the case for Shockwave and let's wait and see what good ride they can get for $6/7 million. :-)

  4. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/226611_160131287383118_152421251487455_361751_3754842_n.jpg Just wanted to add this picture (from Chris @ Outsiders). In the left, we can see some landscaping is happening. And obviously, River Rapids are under maintenance at the moment. Nothing too special, just wanted to share.

  5. Sea World definitely needs an expansion to the park. At dinner the other night, I heard one of my mum's friends saying how she went to Sea World with her two daughters (5 and 8 using the VIP Passes) and how they were utterly disappointed at how much it lacked. They said that because of that they're probably going to change to a Dreamworld pass. :\ And just want to let you know that I'm going to use that link on the Outsider's page, but I will tag Parkz in the post because I did find this out from you guys. Or if you'd prefer I put a link to this page, just let me know so I can change it. :)

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