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Posts posted by Flea

  1. Awesome photos! A description has got me thinking though.. (as suggested)

    This is the first "suspended family coaster" in Australia, and the third suspended coaster (that's got you thinking, hasn't it?).
    Would this 'third' suspended coaster be that old swinging coaster at the expo park in Brisbane? Thanks, ~Flea
  2. Thunder....you seem to delight in dropping is small comments about what will be happening without actually saying anything at all. I now know why people bite. If you know something than spill the beans, if not then just leave it out altogether ...if you can't say anything about what you know, then stop this childish " I know something you don't know" game. as it's getting tedious :D
    Be grateful for what information you get.. Thunder doesn't have to leave clues for our brains to munch on, but for our sake, he does. ~Flea
  3. It's the worst major park in Australia- no doubt about it. When I visited Dreamworld in 2001, I was very pleased with my trip to the park.. but that soon changed after I went to Dreamworld this year in April. The staff were all witty, food sucked and the park was packed. Not to mention the low capacity rides (along with slow loading times) which allowed me to get an amazing 6 rides in that day. A line with a mere 60 or so people in it ended up being a 45 minute line.. thanks to the 15 minute dispatch times on Cyclone. I'd like to say this again.. Dreamworld IS Six Flags Coomera Mountain. ~Flea

  4. I want to be semi-realistic on the issue, so I'll say B&M Dive Machine. Those things must be great, sure there a one-trick-pony, but aren't rocket and air-powered coasters too?

    Either these coaster types:   -FLoorless   -Stand-Up   -Hyper   -Giga Coaster   -Rocket   -Air Powered   -4-row inverted   -A interactive water coaster (Like Roller Soaker)
    Didn't you already post? ~Liam "Who wouldn't want a floorless though" Schembri :)
  5. It's just my way of feeling safe, not yours. Sure, most of the time I do leave my valuables on the side, but whenever I do so, it comes very, very close to being stepped on. Whenever I do take my cameras on rides, I put them in my pocket. This pocket is very tight and secure, there is no chance it could fall out. The time I recorded the Space Probe on ride was the only time I've done such a thing. I'm not in a very good mood, having being very sick for 4 days.. so don't bug me anymore. If you want to annoy someone, then go complain to the thousands of other enthusiasts that do it also. ~Flea

  6. Hey Flea DO NOT TAKE CAMERAS ON RIDES, i cannot say this any louder, not only are you putting yourself at risk of injury but other people as well.  When camera crews come into WS like the Footy Show did recently and they take a camera on the ride SP and Demon they have the camera gaffer taped to their hand and to the harness. Guys safety comes first at them parks, if you dont care about your own safety think about others.
    It's a weird thing to say but, I feel much safer when I take my cameras on rides with me. I've had a video camera and a still digital camera broken due to people stepping on it (one including a Wonderland ride op.. I won't mention the name). I've seen many other guests insist on taking their cameras (or any other valuable) on rides with them, all because of the fear of it getting stolen or even broken. If a person wants to take their valuable on a ride, then you would think that they would be smart enough to hold onto it. They're not going to throw their arms up as if nothing were in their hand's, are they? ~Flea
  7. I noticed on another subject someone saying that SP was noise and then stopped at the top, and the guests were asked to be test riders, i can tell everyone that whoeversaid that (im too lazy to go and find out) is full is *#@%.  WS will NEVER have any one go on the ride to test it, this goes for not just guests but staff as well. ~ Former
    Sorry, I didn't mean that we were 'test dummies' for the ride. I over exaggerated. We were only the first people to get on the ride after the breakdown.. sorry for the confusion. ~Flea
  8. no one, under any circumstance give me the crap that the ride is getting old because, if you knew your facts, you would know that the magnets used in the TOT and GD last for over 1.2 million years!!!!
    Not true. ToT and GD do not use the same magnets. In the event of a power failure, GD's magnetic brakes will still work. The electro magnets used on ToT will not work because it requires power.. I really do doubt that they could last for 1.2 million years. Like it's clone 'S:TE' at SFMM, the speed of the ride has been toned down due to power reasons. Although, if you see tests of ToT early in the morning, you will notice that the cars do actually reach quite high. This happens because of the less weight in the car. ~Flea
  9. Coasters: Scooby, Lethal Weapon, Beastie & Tower of Terror Flats: Pirate Ship (for the air..), Powersurge (Adventure World, Perth) & Space Probe Water Rides: Wild West Falls & Dreamworld's Flume (my mind went blank, so I can't remember the name) Live Shows: Spellbinding Sorcery, Police Acamedy & Dolphin Cove Theatre Show: Pirates Animal Exhibits: Polar Bear Shores Kids Land: Little Wonders Land Restaurants: Gotham City Cafe, and Nick Centrals Cafe (once again, mind went blank). That would make a decent park, ~Flea

  10. Billy's a little liar! :P He said something is coming for 2003, but he won't say. Jaggie asked him 'Is it a new show?' and Billy went quiet. Meh, just what Wonderland needs!

    The beach wont be getting a new slide just a new level in the tower
    They're not going to add a new level for nothing ;) Nice TR, it was real fun meeting you (and your brother!) :) ~Liam "DEMON!" Schembri
  11. I had the chicken strips meal at Movie World (Gotham City Cafe), and I was really surprised at how good (at amazingly cheap) it was. Just another reason why WBMW is my favourite park. Regarding the Chicken Burger issue. I hate anything with mayo on it. Everytime I eat the stuff, I feel like I'm going to vomit. So bad, overpriced Wonderland burgers + mayo is a no no. For anyone wondering, I just sent the complaint to Wonderland. ~Flea

  12. Yes, the chicken was burnt, but the meat inside the skin was nice and juicy
    Then your chicken wasn't burnt, lol. Mine was disgusting, burnt inside and out.
    Flea you should pass those comments along to the park. I'm sure they would want to know about it so they can perhaps attempt to fix it.
    I was just about to do it actually, I had the same experience with my food today.. Went to Wonderland again today with an attempt to meet Jaggie. Sure enough, he was on one of my rides on Space Probe, so we said hi, met his brother (Jaggie, I think I scared your brother with that weird face I was doing!) and they were off (we met later at The Demon). Anyway, I gave Batty Chicken a second chance, and ordered the chicken nuggets meal. I'm debating wether yesterday's meal was better than today's, because this one was beyond disgusting. The meat inside the nuggets were all mushy and off, chips were yet again cold and I had to wait 5 mins for my drink.. did I mention that was warm? I'm really disappointed with the state of Wonderland's food, I'm sure Jaggie would agree.. even though all he eats is pretty much fairy floss! :) ~Flea
  13. During my trip to Wonderland today, I was rather hungry and chose to eat at Batty Chicken. Normally, I'm satisfied with what I get, but today's food was absolutely disgusting. It was an overpriced crap feast, I might aswell have eaten vomit. The chicken was burnt, chips were cold and my drink warm.. not to mention the odd stentch that was coming from the Batty Chicken. I have yet to get the revolting taste of the burnt chicken out of my mouth, despite eating a few meals and some snacks since I ate there. I took a shower to get that smell off me.. washing my hands just did not do the trick. Yes guys, it was that disgusting. Never again am I eating at that place, I think I'll stick to mum's sandwiches next time.. ~Flea

  14. I just got back from yet another trip to Wonderland. A lot of changes have occured, but I unfortunately didn't get any photos. My digital camera has yet to be sent away to be fixed (got broken due to an unfortunate accident caused by a ride op). Anyway, here's what I saw today.. -- Whilst riding Demon, I turned my head to the right on the second lift. I noticed a crane working on the structure of the Speed/Freefall slides. It seems that the slides are being demolished.. but only time will tell on whats really happening. -- The blue wall in the main plaza (Super hero headquarters wall) has been extended to cover the "echo room". -- Merlin's floss (located in Transylvania) has been painted with bright "Marti Gra" colours. I believe the colours were bright yellow, blue, green and red. The new store is going to be called 'Chills & Thrills'. These new colours certainly do not suit the dark and gloomy feel that Transylvania currently offers. -- Due to high winds today, only one car was operating on Space Probe (Car no. 2). Despite the small attendance at Wonderland today, Space Probe was generating 30 minute queues. I did however bring my 2003 SP ride count up to 301! -- The Bush Beast is still closed. I did not bother to go down to Goldrush today, so I didn't see any changes done to the ride. There were no tests today, which obviously means that the TBB won't be opening any time soon. -- It seems that buildings are currently in construction at the Business Park. I saw a few large blue frames just to left of the 2nd carpark (or construction office car park..). -- Space Probe's sound system has been made much louder (in the queue and at the top for the countdown). It gives much more of a 'scary' feel to the ride, and you can finally understand the news report! :) That's my news today. I really wish I had my camera with me, but hopefully I get some next week. :) Thanks for reading, ~Flea

  15. For a moment there I thought you were the existing Richard that operates rides at Wonderland (inside joke for Jaggie ;)).. but obviously not since you've been either sacked or quit. Do you mind telling us why you stopped work at Wonderland, and what info and rumours you got whilst working there? Thanks, ~Flea

  16. Alright then, lol. I don't think a single topic should have been made for this, but I'll do it anyway. It's Richard, right? Just going slightly off topic here, but I think I saw you on Saturday at Wonderland. It seemed as if you were talking to all the employees, like they were your old 'work mates'. I actually do recall seeing your face (if it is) operating the rides early this year. Was this you? Thanks, ~Flea

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