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Posts posted by Flea

  1. For the park being open for such a short time, I feel honoured to having getting the Rail Chase credit. I rid it about 10 times overall, it was an excellent coaster. From what I remembered, this is how the ride went.. The car glided along a few tight turns before going up the lift hill. There were three tv's all with lips on the them saying something like 'enjoy your ride on Rail Chase (echo). The coaster then went down a rather large dip which were surrounded by rings that light up (as the car passes). There was a few very tight turns, and then led into the turntable area which was surrounded by strobes (and a giant spider that came down). You then went up a lift hill, backwards. While going up this lift hill, you had to put out fires with a fixed water gun on the car. A large explosion then took place on a small tv screen as you went down a drop. My mind has gone blank, but all I remember about this bit is that we were going through tight turns in complete darkness. The theming was very random, I guess you could call it Sydney's Disaster Transport! :) Rail Chase also generated very long lines, despite the great capacity. When I entered Sega World, it was like I stepped into another world. Flashing lights, the noise of the arcade games, the shiny black floor and more is what made it so special. It was a real bummer that the park was a major failure, I'm sure that by now there would have been some major additions. I'll get to the real point of the post now, sorry for going off topic. I never took pictures of my many visits to Sega World, so it's quite special to see some. Certaily brings back some memories. Thanks a lot!! ~Flea

  2. By the way Flea, you are a great information resource on park developments (especially when you stick to the topic). You are certainly providing a lot more new info than anyone else on this forum. Keep it up!
    Thankyou! That's certainly something that I love to hear :) It could just be annual maintenance, I do recall that last year the ride was down for a little while. Hopefully, they'll fix up the first drop, I've literally smahed into the person next to me while going down that dreadful drop, let alone doing harm to myself (smashing my nose on the buzz bar, which caused my nose to severe bleeding). The Bush Beast seems to be the park's most popular attraction, even though it's a piece of crap. I've found myself running to the ride, along with many, many others.. just to get beat up. Can anyone imagine TBB with horsecollars? Although it would never happen, it would become Thudnerbolt Snr. My digital camera is about to be sent away for it's fix, so as soon as I get it back, I'll take another trip to wonderland and get pics of what's happening at TBB. Thanks, ~Liam
  3. I went for my weekly trip to Wonderland today, expecting to meet a fellow member of these forums, Jaggie. I waited at the front of the gates for Wonderland (since it was only 9:50am, 10 minutes before opening), and talked to Wonderland's best customer, Kevin. He told me that he has got 11, 260 rides on Space Probe. Crazy. Anyway, onto the point. After riding Space Probe, Demon and talking to ride op friends Billy and Michelle, I decided to go down to TBB, just for the sake of it. I noticed that Goldrush was rather quiet, much quieter than any other time I've been to Wonderland. Why could this be? I continued my forever-long walk down to TBB, and noticed the entrance to the coaster roped off, with a sign saying.. This ride is currently under refurbishment for your future enjoyment Normally when this sign is placed, it means the ride is closed for a few hours while maintainence do some minor adjustments to the ride. I tried looking for any crew working on the ride, but not one soul was in the station, nor anywhere near the ride. I had to find out what was going on, I just had to! I ended up catching Billy while he was walking to HMS Endeavour to operate it for a little while. So I asked him.. Billy, what's going on with Bush Beast? Response: The ride is going to be closed for 2-3 weeks, they're fixing the ride up. That's all I managed to get out of him, since he was caught up with fellow staff members. Now, what does this mean? 2-3 weeks of down time is a lot, could this mean a complete retrack? Or modifications to the trains? It's exciting news to know that Wonderland is finally doing something with this horrible, horrible ride. I'd like to mention this, but the red train was the only train operating during the school holidays. The yellow train was no where in sight, not on the transfer track, not on the track.. nowhere. For those also wondering, I spent the day with myself. I failed to find Jaggie, but maybe that's just because I didn't know what his visual was. Or maybe he just didn't come at all.. oh well, it was a great day! I also brang my Space Probe ride count up to 280, making a total of 30 rides on Space Probe today! Thanks to Billy & Michelle for making this a great (and informative) day, ~Flea

  4. I thought Jamberoo was supposed to close down at the end of this year (due to lack of attendance.. apparently)? One of the staff there told me this months back, but from the looks of things, they seem to be making ground. It seems like all NSW parks are getting special treatment by heavy machinery :) ~Flea

  5. But one funny thing i remember reading here at Total Thrills was that some guy thought that the TOT was too loud! What, was he 80 or something???? The TOT is supposed to be loud, that's why it's cool you llama.......
    That would be me. I'm not 80, I'm 13. Compared to today's roller coasters, the ride sounds like a jet taking off. Not good when queuing up for RR (which is right next to the ride). Nonetheless, the ride is still cool despite it only making it halfway up the tower. Definately not a llama, ~Flea
  6. Guys, please lay off Thunder for the time being. He is going through some very difficult times, having losing his best mate. This will hopefully make you understand for why he has been this way, losing your mate is not an easy thing to go through. For now, feed yourself on the information you currently have, for we are very lucky in getting this information. Please understand, ~Flea

  7. my cousin just came back from wonderland yesterday and said the park has fixed up the river rampage and the guesyers or sprays in the water has been fixed and timed better so that they all get you
    Yes, the ride has been fixed up (hence the ride being closed for a month), a new paintjob in the station consisting of cream and green colours really makes it looks nice. I went on the ride today, and it is no longer boring throughout the whole ride (with the exception of the water jets). Right until the end, the ride is filled with wave makers, along with the not-so-timed water jets. What your cousin told you about the jets is not true. The water jets are purposely set to go off before or after the boat passes, due to it being Winter, and no one really wants to get wet. Obviouly when it hits mid Spring, the water jets are set to hit the boats..
    So if The Beach is not getting any new attractions this year (as according to thunder) can anyone explain the digging in that area?
    He never said that. ~Flea
  8. Wow, that's awesome news! I'm guessing the ride is going to be a flat, obviously something that's currently not in Australia (since Thunder stated that he has never ridden it before, and he has never been overseas for a coaster trip). I'm guessing that it may be a Huss Frisbee. Or even a giant one.. Is it possible to give us information about who the manufacturer of the ride is? Thanks, ~Flea

  9. No, the dodgems is the Jousting Rink. The Bounty Bumpers is the little kids car ride outside the dodgems... {EDIT} - And yes, he did tape BB!!  :rolleyes:
    Lol, it's Jousting Ring. No, I didn't tape BB. I was going to take a picture of it, but I didn't. And plus, I'm talking about the day when I took my video camera to the park, not my digital camera. Get your facts right! :) To answer your question Nightshifter, I took footage of nearly everything in the park, except for the little flats etc. However, my video camera is currently being repaired since an unfortunate incident happened on Bounty's Revenge (I asked this guy to put my bag down, but instead of putting it down slowly, he decided to chuck it.. which broke my camera). Once the camera gets fixed, I will take it to Wonderland again to get some more footage, but this time, focusing on all the rides at the park. Thanks, ~Flea
  10. Wonderland have used the excuse that the ride is under yearly maintainence for the past 2 years now. From what I saw a year ago, there were crews working in the splash pool. I didn't bother to check out what was going on last summer though. Hopefully, the ride will open this Summer.. it really was cool! ~Liam

  11. The topic rises from the dead! Since it's now active, I'll post stuff.. I've never really been on a ride breakdown, other than what Andrew stated. However, that wasn't really a breakdown. I've ridden Space Probe more than 240 times this year alone, and have not yet gotten stuck. I can't wait till I get stuck on a ride, it will be awesome!

    Then on Demon, there was a delay cause my restrain didnt' wanna let go, so I got another turn!
    This is easily fixed by pushing the harness down then releasing it. It happens often. :) ~Liam
  12. Flea, the "special treatment" that international Six Flags parks get is pretty much standard everywhere else.
    I was comparing the treatment to American Six Flags parks, as most would agree, they are crap holes. I'm sure if Six Flags took over, they would give extra attention to the park as it would be the only SF in Australia. Take WBMW Spain for example, that park looks excellent! We can easily say that WBMW is our best park, much better than the cliche 'we have more rides than you' park, Dreamworld. If Six Flags took over and maintained the park as it is now (along with a few extras), then the park would still be successful. But to be safe, let's just hope they don't take over. Make sense? :) ~Flea
  13. i know ay six flags has the best roller coasters. how kool is this. well im from sydney so lets hop six flags buys wonderland. lol
    Well let's just hope if this is true, we would get 'special treatment' as all the international Six Flags parks do. We wouldn't want our most beautiful park, WBMW, to turn in a crap hole like all Six Flags parks in the US are. ~Liam
  14. http://www.themeparkinsider.com/news/respo...nse.cfm?ID=1210
    Have heard a couple of whispers coming from within Warner Bros. Movie World Theme Park here on the Gold Coast - Australia that it has been sold to Six Flags. As the whisperers have stated, co's CEO has moved back over to SeaWorld to manage the Park and MovieWorld Senior Management and all departmental Head and supervisors within each department will have to reapply for their jobs. As what was done to Warner Bros. Movie World in Germany which was sold off as well. Nothing is concrete yet, as only rumours as far as I am aware. Just seems a bit odd though as Warner Bros. Movie World, Seaworld and WetandWild are all part of a 3 way venture between Warners and Village Roadshow a movie production house here in Australia. As It was always stated the Parks would never be sold off individually. Just ads to the rumours which resurface every 18 months or so that the Park/s are up for sale.   Could this be break up of the Group. Has anyone else heard or know of more whispers coming from the parks?
    Well, this could certainly mean more coasters from WBMW.. especially B&M's! :) ~Liam
  15. from what i have heared the area has not closed down becasue of guests complaining that the park is big, but the land agreement expired, and wonderland didnt want to renew it.
    HBL was changed to Little Wonders Land months before the closure. So I really doubt that was the real reason. ~Flea
  16. $500,000 shivers that's alot for just teemoving a ride! I cant see why they dont get the skyrider going and people can get to it like that becuase the exit/entrance to the skyrider is near the beastie all they would have to do is put a wall up around that area and make it u can only do that there.
    Sorry! I meant to write relocate instead of remove. I'm sure if Wonderland were to remove it, it wouldn't cost as much. If a path is built up to The Beastie, it would be very idolised and wouldn't fit in with the existing land. If a few rides were added around The Beastie, then a new land could be easily created. But unless that happens, I don't see Wonderland building a path up to it. ~Flea
  17. Looks like your making good use of your scanner :) I like the pictures, nice to see a lot of pics of Big Dipper. I personally think that the red train looks tonnes better than the current Cyclone train at dreamworld! There's just something about a red train on a yellow track that looks so nice. Thank you so much for all the content you are providing us with, ~Flea

  18. Awesome! Thank you so much for this great piece of 'history' :) I remember that $4 per car fee, there used to have toll booths were the little yellow things at the entrance of the car park are now. Very nice of you to add this, and spend so much money for the sake of our enjoyment. You rule, ~Flea

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