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Posts posted by Flea

  1. My friend Andrew (Andy_q69) and I took another trip to Wonderland for 3 reasons: - To test out my new digital camera - To watch the new BMX show - And to get more rides on Space Probe! Here's how the day went.. I woke up at 9:12am, expecting it was 8:30am (which would've left time to play my new wakeboarding game on PS2.. but oh well) My mum hurried me into the shower, half asleep. I got dressed, grabbed my digital camera and were set to go at 9:30.. only with a few problems. My digital camera only had a 8mb card, which would only allow me to take 10-15 pics. I also needed more than 4 AA batteries, since my camera really chewed them up fast. We hoped in the car and were heading for my dad's photography studio. He grabbed a 96mb card for me, and said that I'll have to get the AA batteries at Wonderland. It was now 9:42am Due to construction of another lane of the horsley drive, the drive to wonderland was delayed by closed roads, detours etc. I arrived at the park at approximately 10am, and there was Andrew with his mother waiting for me. Andrew and I flashed our wonderpasses, and were now in the park. We raced for Space Probe, hoping that Billy would be operating it. There was no line, and before we knew it, the lights around the door turned green, and the doors opened. Was it Billy? No, it was the short monkey like ride op, who is very cool. We grabbed a few rides on Space Probe, and I took this pic.. mini-Picture%20003.jpgIn the Space Probe station, looking up.. It was now time for Demon, and Billy was operating it.. enthusiastic as ever. After a chat with him, we were off.. we sat in the front row, car 7. Demon was running very smooth this morning, my head did not bang against the restraints once.. best ride ever! After showing Billy my new digital camera, I took this.. mini-Picture%20001.jpgDemon's loop. We were very hesitant about riding Galleon's Graveyard, but passed. mini-Picture%20002.jpgGalleon's Graveyard Space Probe was yet again calling. So we took another few rides. (In the morning, SP was running very slow. It didn't feel like we were falling at all) More rides on Demon seemed appropriate at the time, so we took a few rides on car 6.. it was still as smooth as ever. mini-Picture%20005.jpgDemon hitting the brakes hard It was now 11:10am, so we headed to Goldrush for a few rides on Bush Beast. On the way down, we passed the Action Arena (former site of the Action Man show) and noticed DareDevil posters to the side of the entrance of the Action Arena. We then found out that the DareDevil BMX show was to be held here.. mini-Picture%20006.jpgNow we know why the action arena was kept :) I'm quite worried about the length of the post, (I may be denied if I continue to type any more) so expect Part 2 in 30 mins. Thanks, ~Flea

  2. Great! I've never been to Luna Park.. wish I had! I can't believe I missed out on the credit when Big Dipper was operational, I guess I wasn't quite the enthusiast in 2000 when the park was open for the olympics. Good to know that the mouse will still be there, that'll bring my credit count to a whopping 15! :) ~Flea

  3. Funny, I was just about to post a topic about this. At first i thought my letter was a reply from all the good things I've been saying about the park. There's some nice discount coupons on the back, (ie buy one hotdog, get one free) but the rest really is nothing special. ~Liam

  4. Interesting, it would be great for a hotel to be situated on the other side of the carpark, I can certainly picture it. Hopefully, a monorail system will be linked from the hotel to the park, much like Sea World's. However, why would a company build a hotel right next to a theme park if it is in no way affiliated with Wonderland? All you've got in that area is bush, with a theme park stuck in the middle of it. It takes a good 10 minutes to get to civilisation. I'm sure the hotel would make some sort of contact with the park, it just wouldn't make sense if they didn't! Hopefully all this refurbishment talk is true. I will have many photos of construction (and general park photos) on saturday evening. Thanks, ~Liam

  5. IMO the idea the entrance at the water area of the park sounds pretty strange to me concidering that the water park is closed during the winter season. Just would be akward thats all. Visiting the park during the winter season and having firstly walk through a closed area of the park. Any comments on that?
    It would make sense, since it seems that the beach is getting a major upgrade, something similar to what all the other major theme parks in america have now. Maybe if Wonderland got this, the pools and slides would be heated for a year round operation.. so I guess that getting the additional entrance to the beach would be a reasonable guess. ~Flea
  6. Hey look, the BB house! Funny that you skipped the smooth and thrilling RR and went straight for the worst ride in the park. Have you even got the credit for RR? Sounds like you had a good time, I'm so a anxious to read the rest of your story! More photos, more photos, please more photos, ~Flea

  7. ok i think certain people on this forum have a major crush on a ride attendant called billy. maybe richard can create a special private forum for you guys to discuss your obsession with the park and its male operators so the rest of us don't have to read all about it every day. pls keep posting info regarding any new attraction-related developments at the park but is the rest really relevant?
    You'll regret saying that. And that's all I'm saying.. ~Flea
  8. My friend Andrew and I went to Wonderland today. As we were running up to Space Probe (Kevin beat us :(), we noticed something missing. It was the Little Monster's Flying School. Everything is gone, except a little pole in the middle of the pool with a garbage bag around it. A sign states that the ride is in refurbishment. As I was riding Space Probe, I looked at the plaza area to see if I could find any construction of the 'Super Hero Headquarters'. I found a very large building right next to the plaza, it looked as if major construction was going on inside. On the subject of that, I can confirm that it will be a shop. A lady selling lollies at the plaza informed me that it would be full of Marvel toys. Last weekeend, I sent an email to front desk regarding how Billy (the ride op) is so enthusiastic, and that he is the best ride op I have seen at any theme park. Well, today as I was riding Demon, Billy comes up to me with 2 pieces of paper. He said "Look at this, your a legend man!" The paper had this written on it.. Dear Billy, A valued guest has informed us on the 21/6/03 of your great co-operation with guests. Regards, Management It then had my email on the second page. He was so happy about that :) While queuing up for TBB, someone had pushed an air gate so hard that it broke, and it could swing freely without locking. Due to this, they had to close down the whole ride and call 2 mechanics to fix it. It took a good 10 minutes to open up the ride again. Just a question for anyone that frequents wonderland, does anyone know if a ride op (or former ride op) has been sacked? His name is Daniel. Btw, Andrew and I managed to get 52 rides on Space Probe. This took my ride count on Space Probe for 2003 up to 167! Thanks, ~Liam

  9. You saw me! :) Hehe, I looked so weird today, and wasn't in the mood to talk either, I had a bad week. You should've said hi! Was that the train where it was the girl's birthday? I saw the trees being cleared out, it does look interesting, but I doubt they will be building a new ride which is isolated from the rest of the park. I remember seeing large pipes next to the construction site. Btw, where you on Space Probe between 2:30-3:30? I was there the whole time :) ~Flea

  10. Today, I took a trip to Wonderland with my brother and his girlfriend. I looked around the park, grabbed 20 rides on Space Probe (Haha Elissa :D), 5 rides on demon and a ride on TBB. Now on to the interesting stuff.. I was on the lookout for any construction, and the 'Super Hero Headquarters'. There is a big blue wall on the right hand side of the main plaza, just with a big sign saying 'Super Hero Headquarters, opening September 27th'. It's obviously a shop, but I'm very excited to see what will be included in this shop. I met my ride op friend Billy as he was operating Demon and Space Probe, my brother and his girlfriend found it funny that when we were walking into the train, Billy said over the microphone 'Hi Liam!'. I talked to Billy for a bit, and he let me re ride on Space Probe a good 20 times, even though there was a good 10 minute wait (I was a single rider at the time.. so why not! :)) Now onto the main subject of this post. As I was riding Space Probe, Billy informed me that Kevin hit a milestone achievement today. Today was his 11,000th ride on Space Probe, good on you Kevin! For those who does not know Kevin, he is a person that goes to Wonderland every day except Mondays (says Billy..). Scary to know that Kevin has been weightless for over 9 hours! Questions? Comments? ~Flea

  11. You said it boycotta! However..

    dropping another 30 metres doing 3 loops backwards at 90k/hr
    I thought it was 75km/h? Then again, it does look like the train is going much faster when going backwards.
    where alse in australia would you find a kickass wooden roller coaster
    Yeah, it sure does 'kickass'! ;) However, Beastie was way better :( It had great air when cresting the second hill.
    in summer H2Overload
    I hope it comes back for this summer! It was so cool, the fact that they were driving very powerful vehicles in such a small area was great. ~Flea
  12. The park did lose ground once HBB land was closed off, but did regain that ground. 79% of the park's guest said the park was too big, well I can tell you this, the 79% of the population are fat lazy bums! Either this stupidity was true, or that Wonderland wanted to add a major new ride there in the coming years. But am I the only one who thought that Beastie was the best coaster in the park? ~Flea

  13. Soak up that airtime! :) I wish I could come, but unfortunately, I live 12 hours south! Have fun with whomever comes, but have you ever considered driving down to Sydney and going to Wonderland instead? Then again, it doesn't have ToT, so I'll keep my mouth shut :) Have fun, and have a very happy birthday, ~Flea

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