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Posts posted by Flea

  1. Yer hey flea The lady at my box office thingy where you get the tickets said its been packed all weekend. I did see the sp with no cover looks sweet! Did you get or see any of the 'kids passport to fun' things. You get stamps and when you get 19 you get a free hat and marvel poster.   All staff were happy it's amazing. Last week i went there and it was a mess staff were ***** and no1 was there this week its like a brand new park with new owners! Congratulations wonderland on this queens birthday public holidays everything was great!
    Yeah, I saw the "kidz passport to fun" things. My ride-op-friend (Billy) kept stamping em for me as I kept riding SP without getting off (on Saturday). I didn't claim my prizes, but I did successfully fill up all spaces in 30 mins! :) It's very true about the staff, they were all bubbly.. I am soo impressed with Wonderland atm.. so good to see my home park in this state. Now, what can I say about this new addition? You guys have got me going crazy mad. It's costing a lot of money, and Kevin says that it seems Australia is trying to out do the American coasters. I am very excited.. you know that feeling when your so excited your chest like 'locks' up? I got that feeling :P This rules out any possibilty of a flat ride, since Kevin stated coasters. Could we please have some information on the manufacturer of the ride? We have got the information of it costing a lot of money, but all rides cost a lot of money. I just don't see a park that gets fairly low attendance get a 4d coaster or something, maybe they've been saving since the addition of Space Probe? Thanks, ~Flea
  2. Heya Jaggs.. I took 2 trips to Wonderland on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday, each trip were 4 hours long). Saturday wasn't too crowded, but had a nice amount of people to generate 10 min lins for each ride and Sunday was pretty darn crowded. Did you end up seeing car no. 3's on SP with no cover? It's very interesting to see. Here's my trip report.. http://www.totalthrills.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=195

    Good news Flea, my sig is a joke
    Good to hear :P ~Flea
  3. So you're saying that river caves was a love tunnel ride which ripped every other love tunnel ride to shreads? I don't see why this ride was so popular, to me it sounded like a dark tunnel with crappy theming.. just a place for teens to make out in private. Thanks for the info, ~Flea

  4. I'd prefer a Giga Coaster.. but then again, if Rabid Disney said we were getting something great, and he knew it was a Giga Coaster, then he might as well said 'you guys are getting something excellent'. Catch my drift? Anything Intamin or B & M would really please me, but hey, if a merry-go-round was added, I'd still go nuts! :) ~Flea

  5. trust me unless there is a big terroist attack which stop tourism , you guys are not getting a show. You guys are getting something great but I am not allowed to say as I was told by high up sources at work and do not wish to jeoparised my working relationship.
    Why do you guys have to make us suffer like this? :P You must tell us! Just give us the manufacturer please? Pretty please with 'Intamin' on top? :) ~Flea :)
  6. I have to agree with you on this one boycotta. I am excited, but i can't get to happy coz it might be some show themed to a marvel character. BUT hopefully it wont be! And it'l be a coaster. Imagen how good it would be! All of us standing in the line on Open Day with our video cameras, like those guys of on Rob Alvey's coaster videos. They are the best!!!!! :D
    I'll wake up at 6am so I can get on the first public train released.. or, how about we all make up a coaster group so we can go on media day? :) (If there is one!).. I'll be there with my video camera, but don't expect to take your cameras on guys :P Now, were getting way to ahead of ourselves ~Flea
  7. Thanks for that.. what book stores would you think might be able to order it in? I was thinking that the river caves ride was more like an old version of Bermuda Triangle at Sea World.. but a love boat ride.. scary to think what people really do in there and if they really cared for the theming :P Thanks, ~Flea :)

  8. Sorry mate, that 90% downtime was certainly a wild guess from what I've heard from other people. I didn't say anything about Deja Vu not being a good ride.. I'm sure it is! Infact, I would kill to replace the entire wonderland for one of those.

    Dont start me on reliability of moving lights HEHEHE
    Martin all the way! :) ~Flea
  9. Today, I was lying in bed for what seemed to be hours. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to think of what I would do today. I decided to go to Wonderland for a few hous by myself.. I arrived at the park at exactly 11:20am, I told my mum to pick me up at 2:20pm. There were no lines to get a ticket, so I just flashed my wonderpass got a stamp and was in the park 2 minutes after I exited my car. I raced to Space Probe (even there was no real reason to) and there was absolutely no line. I walked on, to be greeted by 4, yes 4 ride ops! (even though 2 were just talking to the 2 that were actually working). Due to myself being extremely light and the only one on car no. 3, the freefall was quite slow. Never-the-less, fun! I re-rode SP another 20 times until I had to get off because of the line getting too long. Here's some information about SP today.. - Car no. 3 is now currently working. The 'catchment's' cover has been removed for car no. 3, but still is operational.. It looks very, weird. - I made great conversation with a ride op named 'Billy'. He is very enthusiastic, and got the cars up and running in a very short amount of time. We had this little joke between myself and Billy where when the cars reached the very top of the tower, Billy would say 'emergency harness release' and everyone would get freaked out. He's a great person, and I told him to look out for me when I come again next week with my friend Andrew (I think?) After this I took 4 rides on demon, 1 ride at front, 3 at back. Same old stuff, a little rougher than I remember. I raced down to TBB to take a ride on it. I sat next to this person with digusting breath and not at all humourous jokes. Very disappointing ride since I had to put up with roughness, bad breath and lame jokes.. The yellow train has been painted with a wonderland logo at the front. After this, I decided to take a glimpse at the recently 'refurbished' Snowy River Rampage. Nothing has changed except a newly painted station. There was a pretty long line. I took a few more rides on SP (with a 10 minute line), grabbed some chips and waited for my mum to pick me up. Btw, crowds were moderate. ~Flea

  10. The fact that you guys have posted photos of more coastets than there are in the entire of Australia is somewhat depressing. The fact that they're all on-ride makes it even more depressing. :D
    Ditto.. :( Guys, I challenge you to bring a camera on any of Wonderland's rides.. very, very hard, and if they catch you.. be prepared for a scream of around 110db :P I've managed to bring my video camera and still camera on some rides a few times, but most of the time I get caught. :) ~Flea
  11. BTW, the show is from the same producers as Police Academy if I'm right
    Is that so? Seeing stuntman's using suspended cables to do their stunts really does disappoint though.. I'll stick to ours being better :) Just imagine a Matrix based show, to do the stunts shown in the movie would require some major 'look at me!' cables, ewww.. ~Flea
  12. Holy crap! No fire? What a jib ;) BTW... What is an Intamin transport system? I figured Bermuda was a boat ride like ours? Our Looney Tunes ride is similar, but instead of going to the black forest, you just go down to Australia. Our new Batman ride is pretty ok, but I personally prefer the old 'live action' version.
    It's odd really, shouldn't it be going from Australia to Hollywood. I mean, the ride is set in Australia therefore we shouldn't be jumping from australia to Hollywood to Australia.. then again, Movie World is set like Hollywood.. me confused :P Anyway, it's a good starters ride for juniors, but I wouldn't recommend riding it alone since it ain't that thrilling, and the drop is probally on the tamest angle I have ever experienced :) Nonetheless.. fun! ~Flea
  13. That looks like a cheap shot at our Police stunt show. Our stuntman's do not have cables supporting them, unlike this show. From what I see, WBMW Germany seemed to have picked random people off the street and start swinging on some cables. Although I could be completely wrong, and some people may take a fair hit at me for what I have said.. but it's IMO :) ~Flea

  14. Well.. seeing as that I'll be adding my on ride video of TBB, SDSC, RRRC and Corkscrew in the next few weeks, I don't know if I have a crazy shot of any rides. I mean, there are some TBB still's that I took, but it is a really tame coaster IMO.. http://ourworld.cs.com/Flea110/012.jpg http://ourworld.cs.com/Flea110/016.jpg http://ourworld.cs.com/Flea110/017.jpg http://ourworld.cs.com/Flea110/018.jpg ~Flea

  15. Yeah, my camera picked the lasers up great, I really do think that with out the lasers, it ain't that of a great ride it really can be with the lasers on. Luckily for me when I went to Movie World a few months back, the lasers were switched on for my 2 rides. I really do think that it has to be the best coaster I've ridden. My cousin thought that LW was the best coaster.. ewww :P So whacha say about that high quality video? :) ~Flea

  16. Nice video Richard! I wouldn't mind seeing the more higher quality video since I can load them quickly :) Just wondeirng though, why were the lasers turned off during your ride? Is this to cut running costs of the ride, or it's just the camera? I actually also took my video camera on SDSC during my ride, and it turned out great! Also, I took it on WWF and RRRC (which really did show the dirtyness of my lens at the time!) I should have those vids up in a week. Thanks, ~Flea

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