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Coaster Boy 6

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Posts posted by Coaster Boy 6

  1. On Ozcoaster one of the forum members said that it will be the first 8 lane Octopus Racer that Pro.Slide has built for a waterpark! These look really cool and I think deserve alot of hype. You'll probably get some good speed through the tunnels. Going down those pitch black tunnels head first, not knowing when you are going to see daylight again, is got to be a preety disorientating experience! I also hope that WWW gets a dark mammoth,couple of flumes and a Bowl slide from Proslide. Ok, lets look at the line up so far: 1. Nickelodeon Kids Play Area. 2. 8 lane octopus racer. 3. Turbo tunnels - Or could they be for the Octopus Racer? 4. Unconfirmed Proslide Rocket 5. Tube Slides 6. Wave Pool. 7. Green Tornado. 8. Big red tunnel slide. Looks like a good line up to me. CoasterBoy6

  2. I was flicking between Great Outdoors and Aussie Idol when i saw Jenifer Hawkins in Disneyland! The segment went for about 10 to 15 mins and showed all the newest rides and attractions from the park. They showed: Twillight Zone Tower of Terror, Buzz Lightyear astro-blasters, that new Monsters Inc. dark ride, Space Mountain (inside and out), California Screamin and the new Pirates of the Carribean. They showed really good California Screamin POV and the inside of POTC looks really good. They also had little snipits of other attractions: e.g Mad Hatters Tea Party. I just thought people would like to know considering it wasn't advertised much and nobody mensioned it on the forums. CoasterBoy6

  3. I missed out on riding any of Wonderland's Wooden Coasters and i have never been overseas. However, I have been on Scenic Railway in Melbourne. It's a cool experience with the brake-men and the good views of the beach. The tunnels are also really cool and suprisingly you get a bit of air time! Although Cyclone will always beat Scenic Railway in roughness, I prefer steel over wood. As i said before i have never been overseas, nor have i rode a proper woody. CoasterBoy6

  4. Lethal Weapon's theming is done really well, could not of done it better myself :P . However, the china town bit before the ride entry could of been done better though. The path that goes from the main street to lethal is too quiet! The buildings that theme china town should be a bit more interactive, instead of just fake walls and a bit of smoke. They should incorparate it more into the park with a couple of food outlets or a thrill ride. They could put like a chinese fast food shop, and the thrill ride could be something like Reef Diver at Dreamworld, except the carriges could be themed around fire crackers going out of control. Oh, and just one more thing, What is the point of having the cinema before the ride? I don't watch it. I think it should be ripped down and just have a outside queue area. Well these are just my thoughts, I know it is probably not going to change anything, but i can dream! :D CoasterBoy6

  5. WnW Rocks, if think it is a recent addition to Australia Zoo. The first time i went there they had this little ride section. It consisted of a small tea cup ride where the ride op had to spin the tea cups himself, a jumping castle and a funny looking trampoline. Other people have gone to Australia Zoo in my family, and have said there was nothing there. (the didn't tell me when they exactly went) But, i'm guessing it was put in recently. CoasterBoy6

  6. This is a very good move for Dreamworld. I went to Wiggles world last year and thought the area looked really bland with only one proper ride and a random pirate ship that dosen't move. But the new ride will spice up the area a little bit. That's if they place it in an appropriate area - somewhere around the left side of the Big Red Car Ride i think. One Question though, is the tea cups going to be Disneyland size :D , or something really small like the ones at Australian Zoo? :( CoasterBoy6

  7. Geez, that was quick!! They are already testing the slide and it's only early August! Fingers crossed that it opens before Queensland school holidays :unsure: . Melbourne's school holidays start the week before Queenslands and i'm going up before QLD's school holidays. Therefore, the parks usually open their new rides just when i leave and I always have to wait until the next time i go to the GC to ride them, very annoing. :angry: What do you people's think about the opening dates? (Oh, by the way, I'm still in High school so i don't really have a choice of what days my family and i go up to Queensland) CoasterBoy6

  8. One ride i absoulutely hate at WnW is the Speed Coaster. Good Points: 1. Gets some awsome speed. 2. The linclined brake at the end gives a little bit of a twist. Bad Points: 1. If you have just been on a slide and you are soking wet, you get on the top of the tower and you wait in line. As you are on top of the tower waiting to ride, you incounter a calm breeze, but it feels like you are freezing to death!! 2. You get into your tube and go down the slide and don't get splashed by the water as you travel through the tunnels or the straight. 3. You go up the spike and don't even reach half the way. :angry: I don't know about you guys but i had this experience two years ago when riding with my dad. It is so boring and does not give you hardly any thrill. I just hope that the tubed slides on Mach 5 don't do the same thing? CoasterBoy6

  9. I think Joz is right. Even with a loud coaster or attraction it should just fit inwith the rest of the parks noises. Take Dreamworld for instance, in Ocean Parade they have the following rides Reef Diver, Wipeout, Stingray, The Claw, Cyclone and The Vortex. Wipeout you can hear from Nick Central and Cyclone can be heard in Ocean Parade. Therefore, i think that it actually helps build up the excitment for riders and people watching the ride - it looks rough and menacing. Where as the Claw is smough and is noisless - it dosen't really give you a feal of how intense the ride actually is (well, that was what i thought). So hopefully Seaworld new coaster will blend into the surrounding noise and create a great atmosphere! :) CoasterBoy6

  10. Thank God!, At least Dreamworld will not be wasting their money. I personally think that the longer the tunnel the better - especially if it is dark coloured, it will be more disorientating, you will not know when your about to drop! :o However, the colours look really ugly and don't suit the Tornado theme. Instead of Dreamworld getting a Tornado they could of got one of these: http://www.whitewaterwest.com/Featured_Pro...rld_Icarus.html It's made by White Water West and looks really cool with the theming and everything. I am not sure about other people on these forums but i think this could give the same type of thrill as tornado. CoasterBoy6

  11. What are these in the background? i thought they were concrete pipes, but arent they normally circular and not cut in half?
    They are probably half covered in dirt or something. However, before the chute into the splash pool there are usually two pipes that dump out water so you get more speed when you splash down - this could be another possibility? Just a question to fish off with: What are the speakers for, and how do you know that they are speakers? CoasterBoy6
  12. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH TORNADO!!?? Everyone on these forums has been focusing on Whitewater World, Movieworld's new S&S Space Shot and not-so illegal videos so much, that we have forgoten about Tornado. Has anybody been past Wet'nWild or have gone into the park lately? I was just want to see what they have done with the area around it - in other words, how have they themed Tornado. And also, Have the nearly finished the slide and the staircase? If any body has new pics of the ride or just wants to comment on my post, feal free to do do. :D CoasterBoy6

  13. Damn IT!! i don't have foxtel or optus, and i also rang up my uncle (he has optus) so that he could tape it for me. However, there is no such channel on Optus!!!! :o:angry: - Usually the channels are simular or the same on both pay tv's. If you could get that stuff onto the website Tony - it would be greatly appreciated!! CoasterBoy6

  14. It's not one of those Intamin Ball whatever coasters, I sure hope not, they look soo boring!
    What is a ball coaster? I looked on their website and everything and i still can't find a pic or a description of it. Oh, one more thing - Is it a water ride or a rollercoaster? (I ask this because there have been roumers that it might be a water ride and not a coaster, and you also said in your original post that seaworld is getting a new attraction) If you could answer this question for me Matt, then the search for the new ride will significantly decrease. Thanks - CoasterBoy6
  15. What!?, are they already marking out the ride? It's a bit early - they said it will probably open around April 2007. This means that Sea World is going to be getting something decent sized, if its going to take about 10 months to build. CoasterBoy6

  16. Please Rabid, could you please give us a indecation if we are on the right track or have completly got it all wrong (:() on guessing the new ride for SW? And is it true that Sea World has got an 100 feet hight limit? If this is true than we will not be gettin a very tall water ride or coaster, considering Superman Escape is 10 meters taller than the limit! :o CoasterBoy6

  17. Yeh Dreamworld Rulz - Its just so exciting to see Seaworld to get a new ride after about 5 years and somthing that will probably be an Australian first!!! :) I would absoulutely love if Sea World got a Intamin Impulse Coaster or Aqua Trax. Probably a Impulse more than a Aqua Trax, because Sea World has already got two very good water rides. ( Bermuda Triangle and Vikings Revenge Flume Ride). Ahh, who cares, at least there geting a Intamin coaster!!

  18. Same here Goliath, i couldn't help myself either. Seaworld has not brought out a new ride for ages!! :( The latest rides that were added to Seaworld was Cartoon Network Cartoon Beach - and the area didn't even have a kiddie coaster (Sea World really needs one). Anyway onto the new coaster - I would of thought that a Impulse Coaster would of been good for Sea World, dosent take up too much room and could be themed to a sea animal, E.g: An Electric Eel. However, they are deciding to build a Intamin Launch Coaster - How come WVTP are building the same style coaster twice? So i thought to myself, mabey they are planning to build a water coaster. And Intamin do make water coasters. But, it is a launch coaster. So i did more research and found this Intamin Aqua Trax, called Atlantis Adventure, in a park called Lotte World, here is the website - http://www.rcdb.com/id1646.htm It has a LIM launch!! :o So Sea World will probably getting a Water coaster with a launch. If you look at the pictures the theming is really extensive (it also looks really cool) and the Atlantis type theme could be used in Sea World. If anybody wants to comment on my theory, please do. CoasterBoy6

  19. This ride will have great surrounding theming without the story just like DCA, when the park decided on a S&S tower last year they wanted to make sure the was no enclosed theming at the bottom, as it will be a lot cooler for the general public watching to see the fear on the riders faces as they take off.
    I think that this is a great choice made by Movieworld. Why does a short thrill ride need extensive theming? It is just a waste of time and money. I also think that there should be some sort of interactive experiences in the queue. For example - The could have burst water pipes which spray out that jet of smoke at people randomly that you see on SE when come in and out of the building. I think it would be a cool idea considering you will be in a queue for over 30 mins (on crowded days) so it would add just a little bit of excitment to the theming.
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