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Posts posted by Spotty

  1. The lockers were enforced for the first 2-3 months of Green Lanterns operations, it used to confuse guests as they could see the loose items boxes on the platform but were made to put them in the lockers. I think it was around Feb / March when they changed it. This was also when they were trialing running 6 cars on the track (and lets just say, the ride did NOT like that one bit) and it didn't make the capacity of the ride any better, just resulted in people sitting on the brake run for ages.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

    True, and some European fairs are the perfect example of well maintained attractions. There are many around the 30 year mark that look and run better than even some park rides!

    Hell, a lot of Australian carnival rides are over 30 years old and still run great.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Thrill Seeker said:


    Blue = Admin

    Green = kitchen / staff space

    Red = Admin

    Brown = large storage

    Purple = show / parade / entertainment maintenance area

    Pink = dry food storage

    Orange = Ride maintenance (strip down/rebuild)


    Blue = Wardrobe

    Green = Kitchen (Above that is the staff canteen)

    Red = Admin

    Pink = Staff Toilets / Locker Room + other misc park operations 

    Purple = Show's Rehearsal room

    Orange = Maintenence

    Brown = Parade storage

    Teal = Training room (Although most training is in the old gremlins theatres these days)


    • Like 5
  4. 19 hours ago, themagician said:

    VRTP should definitely have this sort of thing 

    VRTP's training is very thorough for their ride operators, speaking from experience. Mind you this was nearly 7 years ago now but even then it was a very full on day (or 2 - 3 depending on the ride). And if you didn't feel comfortable after your training, they would give you more until you did. I'm not sure what their training is like now, but i'd only assume it's been improved even further than what it was back then. I can't comment on Dreamworld's training as I never worked in attractions there so I can't compare. But I have no issue trusting VRTP's training procedures at all.

  5. The Studio Commissary (or Stars Cafe) will always have a soft spot being where I had my first ever job as a waiter. The food back in the day was really quite good for a theme park, think Cobb Loaves, Club Sandwiches etc. It was a seasonal venue in it's later years along with a small Ice Cream Parlour attached which is where they take character photos now. It was also home to a very large commercial kitchen which if i'm not mistaken is still used to this day as the main kitchen? 

    It was also home to Breakfast with the Stars early on in it's life, along with Lunch with the Legends. This is actually where Sophie Monk from Bardot and other ventures actually started her career as a Marilyn actor. Honestly I think it was the nicest food venue the park had, where you could just sit back and relax with a nice coffee and lunch and soak up the atmosphere of the park.

    • Like 2
  6. With the hypercoaster the harness may lock and the seatbelt can be done up, but it doesn't always mean the train will dispatch. I have ridden before and it's all locked but they have to push down on the harness a bit to get it to detect it's locked. With Scooby I would always recommend if your on the larger side to sit in the back seat as there is more leg room so it's easier to manoeuvre in a way to have the harness lock safely (little tip I learnt when working there). 

    Ever since they changed the seatbelts on The Claw and the Giant Drop I have been unable to ride as they are significantly shorter than what they used to be for whatever reason.

  7. 14 hours ago, Skeeta said:

    MW tried to be ground breaking with Doomsday Destroyer and when I was at MW on the weekend it was the only walk on ride.  Either DD has great operations or people aren’t riding it. 

    In my opinion a gyro has become a great staple ride and would’ve been a better option.


    MW doesn't always need to be ground breaking, MW just have to be good at what they do.

    Doomsday and great operations should not be used in the same sentence...Just saying

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, joz said:

    Clearly it's not down to change stickers, and surely hot wheel was paying Dreamworld to sponsor a ride not Dreamworld paying for the hot wheel logo. So yeah if its closed for something else, fair enough to spruce it up for when it reopens. I forgot until I saw that pic though how ugly the multi coloured train is

    Yeah... I actually liked the look of the Cyclone's trains too (when they were new) and the old Corkscrew, much better than what we have now.

  9. I think the last time it was used was for a meet and greet for the Janoskian's back in 2012... I had never seen so many teenage girls in my life. They filled up the whole old LW queue, went through the alley and overflowed out in front of scooby just to get an autograph... was all good until around mid-day when all the people were too scared to go on the big rides and ALL flocked to Scooby... Had to set up the outdoor queue very quickly lol.

    • Like 1
  10. I can also confirm that ToT II launches anywhere between 135 - 140kph. If the car isn't full it will generally launch faster or make it further up the tower. I have ridden it recently when it was only 6 others on the ride in the back row and well... it made it pretty damn far up. I really wish that when they did the conversion they spent the extra money upgrading the computers like SFMM did. I also haven't heard much about Superman in the US having any major reliability issues like ToT has either...

    • Like 3
  11. As far as the queue goes the way it's been set up would actually make it very easy to do while the ride is operational. Close off one side of the queue (which they currently have) and finish the theming works on it. Once that's done, close the other side and open the finished side and then when that's done reopen the queue up fully. Everyone was freaking out about the outside queue being full all the time during peak period but realistically that queue was only as long as if the whole inside queue was used.

    I have high hopes for what Village can pull off with Scooby with a bit more tweaking, but expectations are a different kettle of fish sadly. Hope they prove me wrong and actually finish the job instead of leaving it the sub standard it is now.

    • Like 5
  12. Can confirm what @Brad2912 has said, for venomous snakes they outsource and for non venomous snakes they just get Corroboree staff to assist. Movie World is much the same, but for all snakes. I still remember evacuating the whole front of the park one day due to a rather large King Brown that decided it would be great to come visit Batwing SpaceShot on my training day haha. I've never seen staff move so quickly in my life!

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