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Posts posted by aussienetman

  1. Chances of that happening? Zero to none Barring some sort of one off Halloween production to absorb crowds mw won't put the resources into a live stage show that will show everyday. Its a big space that's going to waste, but long gone are the days of special effects shows and quality theatre on our parks. The VIP pass has created a new kind of parkgoer - the bogan family. Make it loud, make it screech and make sure there's an explosion. Mw are not going to create anything spectacular for that space within the next 5 years. I would be the first person in line to see a good quality show, but its not going to happen.

  2. Hi all, So I asked this question back in August and now I'm asking it again. I did not end up buying a pass last year as the parks just didn't offer me a good enough reason to fork out the dough to visit and I have worked at DW and MW so being spoilt to ride the rides whenever I was in the park and not have to pay for a few years meant that the Parks had to do something great to get my back in. Going to the Sunset Safari at Dreamworld last night was the first time I had seen the Motocoaster in person ( a lot bigger in real life can I just say) You could technically say I havn't been to Dreamworld since Motocoaster and I have not been to VRTP parks since Movieworld updated to Journey as a paying guest. So, which parks tickets should I buy? Which park has earned my dollar from their additions or subtractions over the last 12 months, and from whats rumoured for the next 12? I can only afford one ticket so I'm really interested to know why you guys think one is better over the other.

  3. Tonight my partner and I decided to check out Dreamworld's Sunset Safari. post-1981-0-45641000-1308994890_thumb.jp Meeting at the Bengal Tiger Exhibit at 4:30pm, we were taken behind the exhibit to view the Tigers in the cages. We were given a very informative talk by a keeper Peter. It was great seeing these big cats up close. post-1981-0-75493200-1308994896_thumb.jp post-1981-0-96963900-1308996062_thumb.jp We were then met by our guide for the evening Kelly, who took us to behind the scenes at the Australian Wildlife Experience. post-1981-0-28999300-1308995067_thumb.jp post-1981-0-29820600-1308996070_thumb.jp We visited Quarantine, the Surgery and the food preparation area for all the animals post-1981-0-85530700-1308994910_thumb.jp post-1981-0-29933500-1308994903_thumb.jp post-1981-0-93630400-1308994883_thumb.jp While in these areas we got to meet a Bilby up close and also pat a snake. Following this we went behind the scenes in Koala Country and saw the very active koalas having tea. post-1981-0-92770000-1308996077_thumb.jp Another keeper Matt then came out and was holding another koala which we had photos with and were allowed to touch. Sandwiches and bottled water was than provided to everyone and a good rest was had at the Kakadu wetlands. This place is beautiful at night, and you totally forget you are in a themepark. It's very peaceful and great. Matt then took us behind the scenes with the Dingos for dinner. post-1981-0-48755200-1308994920_thumb.jp Dreamworld's Sunset Safari is great value for money. Our group only had 11 people, but upto 25 people can enjoy this tour at a time. If you love animals and would like a behind the scenes look at how the keepers help maintain the animals, then this tour is great value. I would suggest that Dreamworld maybe have a couple of flashlights, because some of the pathways are pitchblack and it was hard to navigate in points. The inclusion of the sandwiches and bottled water were a welcome treat, and add to the evening. Peter, Kelly and Matt were fantastic. They were all excellent speakers who were more than happy to answer all the questions we had. Sunset Safari can be pre-booked and you do not need to pay for park entry to have this experience. If you are not paying for park admission you cannot enter the park through the main gates until 4:30pm. Tickets are $25 each and only available these school holidays. **pictures are used for review purposes only -- there is no benefit, either personal or commercial, to the photographer**

  4. Just having a look around and the 120cm height restriction seems to be across the board for all types of disk'o. As Gazza said, no matter how big the disk'o its still a family ride. They could have got the biggest one and still called if a family ride. I am still disapointed that dw have gone for two Meh attractions.

  5. HARRY Potter fans are buzzing after creator JK Rowling launched a mysterious website counting down to the announcement of a new project. A spokesman for the multimillion-selling writer said the new enterprise was not a new book and was not related to the upcoming release of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the final film in the epic saga. Surfers visiting www.pottermore.com are welcomed by a screen containing two owls and the scrawled message "Coming Soon". A click on an owl then redirects the user to a Youtube page with a clock marking down time until June 23, and the message "The owls are gathering - find out why", fuelling fevered speculation about the form of the new venture. Rowling's spokeswoman, Rebecca Salt, said: "There is a holding page up at the moment. It is a new project and not a new book and it's not directly related to the film. The "Pottermore" trademark is owned by Warner Bros, the films' distributor. Fans were led to the site late Wednesday by a "Secret Street View" hunt. In the challenge, 10 Potter fan sites were each given a coordinate relating to a letter of the web page address. A Twitter account set up for the project has already attracted almost 40,000 followers. Initial predictions for the project included a long-awaited Potter encyclopedia, an online role-playing game and a "giant theme park". A member of the fan site www.the-leaky-cauldron.org claimed to have seen a preview of the product and said it was "in a word, breathtaking". 0--------------------- Could this be the rumoured additional areas of the Wizarding World? Or something to do with the "museum" type attrachtion opening in the UK??? I guess we'll find out in under a week!

  6. Themeit's annual report was released today and Wet N Wild was the 8th most visited Waterpark in the world in 2010 with 1,175,000 visitors, which the report says is up 7.5% on the previous years figures. To see the full report for yourself head to http://www.themeit.com/etea/2010Report.pdf I have only scanned the report, so if I've missed anything else of interest post away!

  7. 507001-takabisha.jpg A JAPANESE theme park is getting ready to unveil the world's steepest roller coaster, with a 121 degree incline and speeds of 100 kilometres per hour. The ride, which cost a whopping $40 million to build, is found at the Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park in Yamanash, and has been named 'Takabisha' - which means 'dominant' in English. According to The Daily Mail, Takabisha, which has Mt Fuji as a backdrop, is set to open on July 16 this year. It's packed with jaw-dropping features including seven twists, blackened tunnels and a 43 metre high peak. But the most impressive thing about Takabisha is the freefall at 121 degrees, which is so steep it's Guinness Book of Records-worthy. Relying on a combination of gravity and a set of linear motors attached to the cars, you'll be strapped in and flung down the incline at 100 km/h, experiencing a feeling of weightlessness as you go. The current Guinness World Record-holding roller coaster is the UK's Mumbo Jumbo ride at Flamingoland in Yorkshire. This ride has held the title of "The World's Steepest Roller Coaster" since July 2009, but with an incline of just 112 degrees, Takabisha will be an essential 9 degrees steeper. Once the ride has been certified, it will be the 14th Guinness World Record set by Fuji-Q, which is one of the leading amusement parks in the world for thrill-seekers. When it's up and running, Takabisha will cost $11.75 (Y1000) to ride, excluding park admission fees. Read more: http://www.news.com.au/travel/holiday-ideas/japan-builds-worlds-steepest-roller-coaster-takabisha/story-e6frfqer-1226076503112#ixzz1PUbxh0ln 506405-takabisha.jpg Pretty sure that first drop would make me vomit... Really would like to go to Fuji-Q one day!
  8. It was the first fan kind of site you come across is what I meant. Sorry for confusing you. My point is, if a visitor is looking at goin to movieworld by doing a search they are likely to come.here. surely WVTP and ardent would appreciate the free advertising they recieve, good and bad. t's all bargaining chips hey

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