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Posts posted by DarkSide

  1. then u must've put dreamworld email on the block list 


    11 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

    It’s not in junk filters mate. I’m a little more tech savvy than to be complaining about their marketing lists having not checked my own spam folders 


  2. 5 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

    Did you get this on email? I didn’t get it…. No surprise because DWs mail list system is horrendous. I still get emails addressed to my nephew who I purchased a yearly pass for once, 7 years ago, yet get none addressed to me or my partner who Have been passholders for near on 10 years 

    what email is it Hotmail or Gmail if its Gmail it would be in the PROMOTIONS tab other wise if its Hotmail maybe junk inbox 


  3. Hi Everyone 1st of all Merry Xmas & Happy New Year 2010, Recently i was surfing youtube and i came across the new Stunt Show Like The topic says REAL LET DOWN comparing to french version and american to the australian version, the australian version is a cheap version of all the stunt shows ive seen French Version - Moteurs Action! Hollywood Stunt Driver
    American Version - Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show
    Australian Version - Hollywood Stunt Driver
    You compare the differences Tell Me Your Oppinions

  4. Hi too all Sea World Lovers, i was just watching some video's of SeaWorld in USA & AUSTRALIA on youtube, I was wondering will seaworld australia ever get Killer Whales, wasnt there sightings of killer whales outside of sea world shores? in 2002 i think it was do you think they will bring killer whales to sea world australia what are your opinions......thx for your time alex aka darkside

  5. News: German water slide is the definition of terror. Rather than starting out sitting down and sliding into the steep part, you start standing up on a trap door that they pull out from underneath you. It drops you straight down, you know, so you can gather enough speed for the complete loop that it throws you through. I don't understand German, so I'm not sure exactly what they're saying in this, but I assume it has something to do with the dangerous amount of chlorine in the water to help balance out the pee that every single rider leaves behind. Video: Waterslide Drop (Terrorslide)

  6. THE RSPCA has accused Jupiters Casino of illegally breeding three tiger cubs and subsequently allowing one to die. RSPCA Queensland chief executive Mark Townend said the cub, bred to two of the casino's resident tigers, died yesterday. "The casino has got three tigers but, according to their permits, they're not supposed to breed them," he said. Mr Townend said the casino simply did not have the expertise or the facilities to deal with an animal breeding program. "It's not like Dreamworld or Australia Zoo where they have facilities to cope with it it's a casino," he said. "It's purely entertainment and the animals suffer." Given Australia's environmental protection and biodiversity conservation legislation, Mr Townend said he simply could not understand how Jupiters had been given permission to house the tigers in the first place. And he said to make matters worse, the Government had now also approved the addition of a young lion to the casino's large cat family. "Under the Act, circus animals are not approved for import so why should a casino be able to claim exceptional circumstances," said Mr Townend. A Jupiters Casino spokeswoman yesterday confirmed three tiger cubs had been born this week, with onedying yesterday. She said the casino was currently in the process of applying for a permit for the remaining pair. As for the lion, the spokeswoman said he was a fifth-generation captivity-bred white lion from the Johannesburg Zoo. The spokeswoman said the lion, nicknamed Jupe, would be housed in a purpose-built animal enclosure which had passed inspection from both the Queensland Government and the RSPCA. Jupiters chief operating officer Charles Read said Jupiters had worked closely with both the state and federal governments to ensure the animals were kept in the best of health with expert veterinary care.

  7. 2006 - Costa Caribe Expansion - Rumor - (11/1/04) The long term plan of the park is to put some kind of expansion in place at their waterpark in 2006. 2007 - New Coaster - Rumor - (11/1/04) The long term plan of the park is to hopefully install a new unique coaster by 2007, though plans are always subject to change.

  8. Port Aventura and the indoor portion of the Costa Caribe waterpark will be open from March 18th, 2005 to Jan 8th, 2006 this season. The outside section of the waterpark will be open from May 14 to Sept 30th. The annual Halloween event will run from October 1st to November 13 and the Christmas event will run from November 19th to January 8th, 2006

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