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themagician last won the day on July 22

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  1. It wouldn’t surprise me. Keep them open for a little longer while Giant Drop and Play School Wheel are closed. A very sensible management decision.
  2. The maintenance for the Play School Wheel has been extended by a month The Giant Drop has closed unexpectedly for a couple of days The maintenance for The Claw and Kenny’s Forest Flyer was supposed to start today but has been pushed back a few weeks And rather than having a reopening date the vintage cars just say ‘temporarily closed’
  3. Quite a few rides are closed from today for maintenance, but interestingly there’s a couple that seem to be just closed for today. There are also a couple of attractions closing from tomorrow and then a few in August. Going to be a busy maintenance period for Sea World during this school term!
  4. I’m sure it will be, but hopefully they improve it. The park has been known to improve on some pages in previous years when they return if there were things that weren’t working. In saying that, there has been years when bad mazes haven’t been changed at all, or good mazes have been adjusted to make them not as good. Fingers crossed though. This is very exciting!
  5. Movie World are looking for scare actors for Fright Nights, which confirms this years event will be on October 5, 11, 12, 18. 19, 25, 26 and 31. https://calendly.com/evolutionmanagement/maze-presenter-rove-performer-audition
  6. Might put into perspective how massive this project and the investment is. Potentially they’ve needed multiple design contractors and fabricators to be spread across the land and its attractions.
  7. I haven’t heard of Earthstory before this project, but I get the feeling you don’t like them very much?
  8. I don’t like the situation either, but whether you’re being biased or not, the technology now exists, it’s only going to get better and people will sadly be loosing their jobs. It’s the unfortunate reality in most cases.
  9. @Tricoart you’re being very passionate about something that doesn’t really matter. Dreamworld haven’t released these (poorer quality) artworks on their own socials, they’ve just published the actually good ones that will give a better idea of what’s going be reality. Before AI was possible, you’d just do a quick photoshop to capture the concept/theme that they’re going for. Now AI is an available tool, so why not use it. It’s not like they’re going to be using these AI images to build the thing! And I’m sure there is a lot better content being shown behind closed doors, but what this contractor has shown is purely to just tease the basic concept of what they are doing.
  10. Definitely doesn’t. Indiana Jones’ general theme if you removed the character is jungle/temples/artefacts. And that is just a general theme that could be applied as the theme to any attraction. If there’s a whip and fedora as part of the theming, then yes, maybe there is an argument.
  11. In the same video posted by @Ogre, they captured this And there’s a lot of it on Vortex too
  12. @jjuttup yeah those things! I assume they’ve gone them in place to stop seagulls from gathering while vortex isn’t operating, but I’ve never seen a ‘world class theme park’ have those before
  13. It’s been a few years, but apparently Sea World’s (sometimes) annual car sale is back on, but this time around The New Atlantis. In @Ogre most recent update from the park, they captured the inflatable dancers have returned. I haven’t seen the park advertising this years car sale, but if they’ve got the inflatable dancers back, that must mean it’s happening again. Images from the below video:
  14. I know the boat/restraint changes were necessary for the future of the attraction, but they have really have made it less appealing to ride. Operations are so much slower, the boats are annoying to get in and out of and they’re now more restricting for certain guests.
  15. But surely it makes more sense to have it at a lower price point so more people use it and then see a higher return day to day. Otherwise, what’s the point in having them at all if only 5% (this is just a guess) of your daily guests use it. It’s daylight robbery that Village charge $30 for the backwards seats. Especially when they don’t have the excuse of the costs to charge and maintain them.
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