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Posts posted by bladex

  1. Hopefully they make it look half decent again. I remember how impressive it looked when I was a kid, being the first thing you see when you walk in. It's looked pretty sad lately, especially since they moved the remote control boats there. Rediculous idea. They never get used anyway :/

    you get to use them for about a minute for a dollar and good luck controlling the damn things. i was watching one guy use them once the look on is face after it was over he was absolutely disgusted it was priceless :P

  2. What irks me is the crazy "financial loss" figures lawyers put on cases like this - look, if she has an issue with her wrists caused by work, she should actually bring it up with her work as it's happening not after it's happened, her work should pay for her surgery or whatever she needs to have it corrected and if it's an invasive surgery which requires time off work, then for the company to compensate her for her lost time during that period. But hundreds of thousands of dollars? Come off it, mate. You signed up for that kind of work, no one forced you to push harnesses down all day every day.

    it's a good thing she wasn't working in the ice cream parlor having to scoop that ice cream into cones all day is a wrist killer! :lol:

    Lol I should sue movieworld too for all times Lethal Weapon

    gave us a headache too back when we where kids lol

    man that ride can't go 2 or 3 times in a row on it unless you have your panadeine forte with you :P

  3. Parks overseas can do it because literally nobody would visit the park in the offseason... you know - snow and all... But Dreamworld is established as a 364-day a year park.

    If they're going to change operations like this - they're going to need to buy an 8 foot tall talking moose, and take out insurance against armed holdup.

    as i was reading this halfway through i was just thinking of NLV and than you said it at the end i pissed myself laughing! :lol:

  4. Yeah that's the thing as I saw people at the top of the Bro tower all day as well but isn't there another slide on that tower as the water was never running on the Bro and I swear I saw a sign saying it was shut.

    A shame as well today that Buzzsaw wasn't back open as had been hoped and the problems that kept Pandamonium shut all day and Claw shut for nearly the whole day as well

    yeah pretty shit day to go to DW but good day for WWW. everything was working (except the bro i guess) they even had both rippers running. speaking of i don't even know why they have that ripper line i've never seen it open! :P

  5. 2hr line for TRR on a weekday?

    Haven't even seen a 2hr waitline on a weekend for years

    well a lot of rides weren't working at the time including the claw. i dunno if it was actually 2 hour wait but they were lined up right outside the door where the photo shop was. we took 1 look and said screw it lets go to www which wasn't packed at all surprisingly. :P

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