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Posts posted by bladex

  1. I didn't get no email? were heading out to mw today will prob be the last time for a while since our passes run out next month and can't afford to renew right now. anyway we'll wait till they add a few more rides :P

  2. The ride does weigh each train before dispatch automatically along with wind speed to determine just how fast to actually launch the train. It ranges really from around 98kph to 103 - 104kph depending on various factors. Batwing also weigh's the gondola during the countdown to determine just how much air pressure is required to launch it for the optimum ride experience. The ride can not be launched at a speed set by the operator and i'm not 100% weather or not it can be changed in maintenance mode.

    There have been incidents that have happened, that the media have not got a hold of. But in saying that they would be reasonably minor incidents... I remember a boat load of asian tourists freaking the hell out on the turntable of Wild West Falls when I was in the lift room as they had a cane toad hopping about in their boat. One of them jumped out before it reversed haha... I've never hit a ride stop button that quickly in my life...

    i would have loved to been in that boat i would have been ROFL

  3. Has anyone been on the ride recently? Anymore changes and does the water feel cold now?

    ALSO, has anyone got any pictures of the Sea Viper's latest maintenance?

    i went on it on monday i dont know if they increased the water height or something but when you hit the splash down now entering the container you get frigging soaked! and yes the water is cold and it was very windy that day made it worse...

  4. the food at mw is a joke you have a sausage roll shop and the other 2 hot food shops all they sell is burgers some variety! stop at kfc before going in that's why it's across the road and go on tuesday and you get 9 pieces for the same price they want for their tiny little burger in there! :P

  5. One thing I remember from the cafe is how crowded it gets. There were only a few cash registers available, I always went to Wild West to get my lunch.

    i used to as well until they got rid of the chicken menu. mw has shit all food worth getting i always eat before going in now.

  6. That's a great observation there... And what exactly points to them selling all their rides, and additionally, not replacing them??

    because they don't replace them they just let them sit there dormant for years :P

    mw/sw/wnw run rings around DW how these parks are run.

  7. you think facebook is actually used for something useful except for idiots to complain, spy on their friends and than back stab them on their page or post about what they are doing every minute of the day. the whole thing should be shut down all it does it cause nothing but trouble. it is never used for anything actually useful or benefiting. :lol: face-tards

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