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BTTF Forever

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Everything posted by BTTF Forever

  1. I think going from a long winded description of the situation with no exclamation points to a short excited sentence with 2 exclamation points DOES count as a difference in tone or mood... They are really fueling the fire now... I mean seriously "Stay Tuned!!" if thats not increasing hype IDK what is! haha
  2. Seriously whenever I see that Mine cart with the Dummy's inside I get so annoyed! Haha... I just wanna run up to the maintenance crew and yell...
  3. Haha will do OceanGirl! Would it be best to go on a weekday or a weekend? I'm thinking a weekday would be better considering not many people are gonna be there during school hours in the middle of the week, and maintenance are probably not gonna work weekends. I posted photos before showing the 4 water dummies spread across the loading platform, good to see that they are being used and not just there for storage as some people thought before haha
  4. Looks like i'm gonna have to go back to Dreamworld again soon, and do some Investigationing...with Ryan Shelton (I'm still surprised nobody got that joke from last time) Anyway, with the zoom lens on my camera I should be able to get some more photos like last time or even a video of the cart going round on the very unlikely event that I am there when they do test it... Which is like 1 in 1000 chance... or somethin... Either way, I will definitely be renewing my pass at the end of June now
  5. Haha sorry bout that guys, had no idea that the comment would create so much attention. I don't remember there being a 'flooding' part of the ride, anyone care to elaborate? My memory of the ride isn't the best
  6. Boom... get rekt... (sorry) In all seriousness though it does look like this relatively new management that has taken over (or its the same management just a change of heart maybe?) is actually starting to care about some of its older and beloved attractions in the park... except of course for... you know... the train... and the.... ahhhh... Paddle Steamer... But their decision to do a complete referb of the Wipeout I'm sure wasn't a decision completely based around finances... I'd like to think that Dreamworld actually listens to their customers and values their opinion (Instead of just saying they do) After all that would be the smartest decision. Whether this referb of Eureka Mountain actually happens soon? I'm not entirely convinced yet... Sometime in the future though? most definitely... they cant let it rot for another decade... can they? I just hope that these "2 BIG NEW ATTRACTIONS!" are actually something new not only to Dreamworld but also that we haven't seen in Australia... personally I would like to see 1 really good attraction like a proper simulator... that utilises the standard of theming they have at American parks... something like Star Tours at Disney or the Back to the Future Ride at Universal Studios ... but I'm sure the people here would just tell me I'm dreaming I'm longing for something that actually makes you feel like your having an adventure! I'm kinda past the age where I like getting my fill of G-forces from the most thrilling of rides.... I want something that puts you in the story... Like the rock in roller coaster, space mountain, Jurassic Park ride, and the others I mentioned above... I think you guys understand what I mean They have a Dreamworks affiliation now... start utilising the franchise to it's full ability.. there are a number of films that I would love to see a themed ride be made of... and not just see some short films in a cinema...
  7. Can't believe I didn't remember this sooner... this old ad from 1991 shows the mine ride with the new "Tube" rails going down the bunny hop and up the other side before it was covered over... and there also some smoke in the background? Skip to 21 seconds http://youtu.be/eMgXRzIQ6TM
  8. Maybe at this point in time if there was "Proof of Concept" testing going on behind the scenes... they probably wouldnt need to change anything about the ride... It probably still 'Runs' fine... EDIT: Running SAFELY...now thats a whole other issue (hence the fire extinguisher... which looks brand new... and is sitting in the middle of the floor...) EDIT2: AAAAAAAANNNDDD.... It is charged to normal pressure.... but there is no pin in it... Hmm
  9. Just uploaded some pics from today... Coming in a sec Dreamworld - Mine Ride 15/2/15 Emergency Stop Down the Brake Run Water Dummies King of the Hill Looking through the boarded up exit door... I guess they had it there for testing... Just in case From the same hole... Another dummy... 3 Dummys so far From the side exit down the alleyway... And 1 more dummy seen so far on the right... the one on the left was the 3rd one from before... Camera under the big Maintenance Door on the other side of the ride, pointed to the right... Pointed to the Middle... Pointed to the Right more and further up... Close-Up on Track Now that looks unsafe There are some others but they are copies of some shown before... Like the Control Box... except the photo i took i can read the writing on it... EDIT: Link to Album if anyone wants... http://imgur.com/a/xSuYe
  10. WOW! so thats what it looks like all lit up! that is indeed pretty freekin cool. Also the mine cart spotted on the maintenance run looks promising
  11. That is awesome thanks for that... I downloaded that photo before to try and do the same thing but I ended up giving up haha, but that was pretty much how I also imagined it would be like... (I only rode the ride when I was about 9 and don't remember much haha) But it does make me wonder... What did the old layout look like with the old track, carts and hairpin turns? Surely it can't be too different from the existing model? EDIT: I'm actually curious to what people would want if this restoration goes ahead... I'd like to propose a question... IF...and its a big IF... Dreamworld had a lot of 'throw away' cash to spend on this ride... Would you rather? A. Just a simple restoration of the existing ride as it is today, to get it working and make it look nicer... and spend the rest elsewhere in the park? B. Remove the existing track and ride system and replace with a brand new Wild Mouse coaster following the exact same track outline as today and fix up the exterior same as above? C. Same as above but the new coaster would be fitted to follow the original (circa 1986) track layout within the mountain that has the original hairpins and other features, the exterior modified account for the change? D. Same as above again however a brand new track layout with modern special pieces (turntables, lifts, fast hairpins... Like Scooby Doo) and the exterior modified to account for this change? What do u think?
  12. I wonder if the original Mine Ride coaster (B.A. Schiff & Associates) was actually a pre-owned coaster that was built in the 70's or something? And maybe they started having problems with the track and the carts in the 2 or so years that followed that caused them to completely replace the ride? Hmmm... It gets more and more interesting
  13. That layout of the track is a really interesting find!... but rather confusing though... I am assuming the lines that overlap on the far left of the ride map show the track at different heights within the ride?
  14. I think they are talking about the inside structure underneath the fibreglass... Man if only we had some old structural drawings...
  15. Probably has been posted before but just found this... Didn't realise how exposed the mine carts originally were when it was opened. EDIT: Also for the people who cant tell where the photo is placed...
  16. Found this in another commercial for Dreamworld on YouTube... It has not aged gracefully The red ring is around where I think they have modified the layout of the original ride... this part doesn't fit the rest IMO
  17. I think it's time someone did some Investigationing... (with Ryan Shelton)
  18. I guess that's the thing isn't it... Nobody actually has solid proof of why EXACTLY it was closed... for all we know it was probably a number of reasons combined, Unless there is someone on this forum who previously maintained the mine ride during its final years... I guess we will never know unless someone goes and does a proper interview with some Dreamworld staff
  19. TBH I'm not really fussed about under what circumstances the ride originally closed... I'm just basically riding the hype like everyone else ATM haha I wonder what the staff at Dreamworld think when they read these forums (I'm assuming they have seen these forums)... They are probably sitting there with popcorn going "let the hype begin..." EDIT: Sorry... Had to be done / Dreamworld Staff/Executives
  20. They probably didn't know that 3 years later, the ride wasn't going to be feasible to maintain? EDIT: Also... Welcome to the forums! ...Someone will arrive shortly to be your guide ...Unless they don't then your on your own...
  21. Is it just me or does that control panel look... A ) Brand New B ) Cleaned Up like new C ) Was always looking spotless like that... EDIT: At closer inspection it doesn't quite look BRAND new... there is some rust on it haha EDIT2: Sorry for the edits but also noticed something else... Were the yellow strips of paint on the steps in the ride always that...Yellow? Shouldn't they have faded since 2006?
  22. They will add flashing lights, crappy themeing, and make you ride it facing backwards! /sarcasm
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