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Im Hungry

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Posts posted by Im Hungry

  1. Hmm... I usually tend to have a rough experience on rivals whenever it's a light train (when there's empty seats here and there) and I'm front or back seat... Especially at the helix.

    More logically (I think) however, maybe the rails were wet (coz it did rain lightly today) and caused some of the wheels to lose traction and essentially skid its way around the layout (similar idea as to going to a playground and turning the spinning cogs or hopeless boat wheel as fast as you can then it starts to vibrate and shake uncontrollably causing it to lose speed).

  2. After a very nice visit to Movieworld today, must I say, it was probably the best visit I've had so far. Entertainment everywhere. Movie magic all over Main Street...

    The rides were sooo good too, with Rivals having low physical and Virtual Queue times (with a few 30 mins waits). Superman was a walk-on in the morning while also running 2 trains. Green Lantern was a walk-on and dead all day with 4 carriages on-track (with a 5th cling wrapped and duct taped down to the storage/maintenance track 🤨). Scooby... well you had better chances getting on by using Virtual Queue (10 mins VQ wait time most of the day). Doomsday was closed in the morning then opened later on with minimal physical and Virtual Queue waiting times.

    So yeah... Nice day indeed.

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  3. 2 hours ago, themagician said:

    They should probably give the garden a bit of a tidy up so you can actually see all the wonderful ‘theming’

    Also, how long has the yellow/mustard villain that was above the archway been gone for?


    It's been gone for a couple of weeks now... It was removed sometime when Rivals entered its annual maintenance period.

  4. It would've been nice if they ended the show on a positive outlook into the future of our Australian parks. For example, the new upcoming attractions and seasonal events from both VRTP and Dreamworld... Instead of ending it on Natalie Barr contemplating her life after riding a rollercoaster and Grant Denyer talking about UFOs.

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  5. That Fully6 incident has me fuming as well. I mean I have soooooo many questions to ask, but the fact that the mother said it "wasn't an accident" is really triggering. Hopefully Dreamworld win this lawsuit or that the case had already been dismissed.

    Such a shame there was no mention of Green Lantern - it was almost like VRTP (particularly Movie World) was in favour and crowned the "hero" of this episode if that makes any sense (I can't really explain it).

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