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Posts posted by Tricoart

  1. 1 hour ago, Biggianthead said:

    I don’t get the dislike for KFF.  I’m 182 cms and have never had a problem with any restraint issues with this ride.

    I’ve ridden it over the last 10~ish years as my kids have progressed through the ride/coaster experience and I’ve found it an awesome way to expose them to a larger ride before they graduate to “adult” rides.  

    The kids (and myself tbh) have always loved the first part of the ride when we hang over the crowd below.  

    It’s great for what it is, and its roughness is greatly exaggerated (which I don’t quite understand, as other coasters here commonly get their roughness drastically underestimated, in my experience). My only issue personal issue is how hard it is to get the restraints down, but that’s entirely due to my own tall torso. I don’t think any coaster at Dreamworld, in its current state, is ‘bad’. Closest would be Moto just ‘cause it’s bland & useless. 

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  2. 51 minutes ago, themagician said:

    I’m also over 6ft and don’t find it so unbelievably rough that I don’t ride it anymore. As Gold Coaster, it’s definitely the smoothest it’s ever been, but it’s also definitely not the smoothest coaster in the country (I see the moto coaster as an SBNO because for me that ride is unbearably uncomfortable).

    Also >6ft, the coaster I’d be least likely to ride at DW has to be KFF. I find Motocoaster dull at best (with not unbearable discomfort), but KFF’s OTSR’s have to squish my shoulders down quite a bit to be able to reach minimum (which, not quite a fault of it, I’m just too big to be riding it). And yeah, GC isn’t the most perfect use of the land it stands on, but WhiteWater World’s built around it to the point that it still fits pretty well. And even if it didn’t fit the land decently, it’s one of the last Queensland coasters that has a story/‘soul’ behind it. It definitely shouldn’t go ‘til it absolutely needs to, and that shouldn’t be any time soon.

    @wikiverse When was the last time you rode it with the original trains? And could it maybe be the case that you’re remembering it much better than it was because it was a decent bit ago, and you handled rougher rides better then than now?

  3. Yeah, GC’s trains are practically butter smooth now, and the restraints eliminate the horrible headbanging that used to occur. It just highlights Arrow’s janky transitions, which IMO is what makes it unique for the area & worthwhile to keep operational for as long as it can be. KFF, though, having that updated would’ve been nice. But with the very recent retheme, central location to the newly reopened land, and a new Vekoma Family coaster coming later this year anyway (not to mention the new Family Invert opening at MW), them looking at a KFF replacement seems to be a good while away. And, if/when the time comes, I’d hesitate to think it’d be a similar model/layout to KFF, if a coaster at all.

  4. Yeah, prices being increased in of itself is fine (though unfortunate, that’s just how capitalism works). Just, so long as you live up to the experience that you advertise, be transparent (within reason) about if/when/why that experience will be impacted, and ideally work continuously towards enhancing said experience, an uptick in cost every now and then is completely justified.

    20 minutes ago, STRAWS said:

    at least it's not gone up like How village made their prices rocket. 

    Which, to this point, is what their issue is. Them marginally increasing prices, solely in concept, would be totally expected. But instead, they’ve coincided their price hikes with cutting down costs in every single way, scaling back/underdelivering on previously advertised experiences, and masking it by lying to customers about new/altered ones (‘guest feedback’, inconsistent opening dates across the board, etc.). And, above all that, publicly bragging about how much more money they’ve been raking in since pre-COVID years due to these measures.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Gobbledok said:

    Its a very good article detailing a lot of history of probably the most influential people in the space

    i find it weird anyone claiming to be interested in theme parks would consider it too long to bother reading 

    I don’t think most people care about reading the life stories of those who’ve (in recent times) ran MW into the ground, which is what 90% of the article focuses on. Especially when most of the park’s current issues are due to cost cutting & exorbitant prices, both of which are positively referenced in the article due to its focus being on the sole beneficiaries of said tactics.

    • Like 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, Michelangelo said:

    Appears to be no external vendors and only a slight variation to their normal offerings. I guess this is why they’ve dropped the “street” and only refer to it as “food festival”.

    It does mention external vendors on the site, but they may be being hard to source due to the aforementioned issues, & therefore aren’t being listed as permanent options for the entirety of the event (at least, not yet).

  7. 2 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    I'm honestly amazed that construction is this far along and we only just started talking about it this week...

    Goes to show what can be done when your managing is actually competent & there’s a schedule to stick to.

  8. On 2/3/2024 at 5:29 PM, Callow said:

    So I noticed Dreamworld now selling Willy Wonka merchandise. After Movie World did this with Wizard of Oz (sold merch and started getting the IP in place to “test the waters” I’m wondering if they could potentially have an idea in the background somewhere? I know it’s a WB IP. But still…


  9. 16 minutes ago, DJKostya said:

    If things are getting this bad I don't understand why the parks don't just move to seasonal operations like many overseas parks, then do all of their maintenance on rides/shops etc. during the off season.

    Cause that’d require having a schedule, not bringing profits in during the off-season, and actually having their rides operational for more than 2 months at a time.

    Really, though, most of the parks that have seasonal operations overseas are forced into it by weather (snow/low temps in winter months, mainly). And, for the overseas parks without that issue, most seem to be/are transitioning into being open year-round. ‘Cause we don't really experience seasons here (it’s either hot & sometimes rainy or very hot & rainy), we’ve had no reason to have seasonal ops.

  10. 6 minutes ago, themagician said:

    Awesome to see them add this. Small thing, but helps improve your day.

    Im really hoping they plan on reopening the Billabong (Rivertown) Station when the land opens. Even though it’s not a massive walk, I think it will (again) help improve a guest day just by reducing some of the walking

    [DIPPIN DOTS WARNING] Asked the person operating the train about if there’ll be a third station near Jungle Rush once it returns to it’s full circuit (not mentioning Billabong station), they said there’s one there already &, as far as they know, the plan is to reuse that.

  11. On 23/2/2024 at 12:02 PM, WalleyWorld said:

    Too busy creating nonsense competitions that involve tagging Taylor Swift's socials.

    To that point, 9News was there earlier interviewing people leaving about wanting Taylor to attend Movie World again before she leaves Australia. Why? I don’t have a clue. Seems Movie World’s trying to campaign for her to come back for some reason, though, even though she’s not even in the state. 

  12. With Superman and Batwing closed, the best way to view the construction site is now to turn around on DCR’s lift (or, if you’re not able to, ride it backwards). Doing so, I can (obviously without photos) confirm the SFC has it’s dark grey supports for the turnaround closest to Arkham’s facade installed, and 1 section of track is onsite.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    Yeah what is with that? Like she visited the park once? but isn't even touring Queensland? So what relevance does Village have with it? #bandwagon

    Even Sydney Zoo, the place she’s actually attended while in Aus this time around, hasn’t shoehorned her into a post yet (not saying they won’t, it’d be unlikely for them not to at some point in the future, just that they’re not jumping on it immediately like MW has). They’re desperate to get the positive PR that Dreamworld’s got with their giveaways/discounts, and used her as a reason to do so/to promote it.

  14. 33 minutes ago, New display name said:

    This doesn't confirm anything. The Architect/Artist who produced the drawings mentions on a lot of his work, "the concept sketches are purely idea generators and not what may be the final outcome".




    True, it’s more than likely that it is official concept art, just a very early iteration of it. Like, for example, the art they did for Rivertown is the first art that was released, the one with a nonsensical ride layout that went over the water (in the version they posted, it wasn’t even called Rivertown, the entrance sign was different & read ‘Riverside’ instead). In that case, Dreamworld seems to have commissioned them to do the art, but not for it to be an exact replica of what’s to be constructed, just to get the vibe down & have references for what it could look like.

  15. More concept art has been posted. Unsure how legit it is, but the poster seems to have done stuff for Village (Float mockups), DW (the Rivertown art, and maybe some DWF stuff), Taronga (Reptile & Amphibian Conservation Centre concept art), & others.



    Edit: Definitely recommend checking out the page above, upon closer look they seem to have a lot of concept art for old AUS park/zoo plans. If they’re legit, there’s some good stuff there.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Ogre said:

    Do we think the turntable's going to be indoors or outdoors?

    If the ride building is as prominent in the area’s design in the concept art has it seeming, I’d hope that it’s at least partially indoors. And, based on the outline contained in the overhead view that was on related signs for a while, that does seem like it’ll be the case.IMG_7210.thumb.jpeg.d8d6bfa7624b1126e2bed3bef6f66376.jpeg

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  17. 3 hours ago, Baconjack said:

    There’s footage of the jungle rush turntable being tested in the Netherlands if you look far enough back on this thread.

    The track/support colour (orange track grey supports iirc) look similar enough to the artwork that’s been released, so it could what they might be shipping everything to dreamworld in.

    Yeah, I somehow thought it was known that was it’s colour scheme (ig from the testing & concept art), hence:


    Kinda interesting how both DW & MW have ended up with new themed areas based on 1 family-thrill Vekoma that’s the same colour scheme as their last major thrill coaster (of which, both were Mack, both with gimmick seats) & 1 smaller-scale supporting ride, with Pico Play collaborating in design & manufacturing of thematic elements, both set to open around the same time during holidays this year.

    There’s so many coincidental/unintentional parallels going on with the parks recently (or at least, ones that I’m making up).

    Don’t hate if it does end up having that colour scheme, same reason I don’t hate the SFC having its’ colour scheme. Both could definitely have chosen colours that fit their themes a bit better, but ig “If it ain’t broke, copy it down to the family coaster”.

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