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Posts posted by Baconjack

  1. On 7/12/2023 at 10:06 AM, New display name said:

    Is this the end of 2 months maintenance periods or is this just a MW thing?

    I just checked.  Nope MW still doing their bullshit 2 mouths maintenance at MW. SW mechanics must be more efficient.

    I think it’s a bit different. Leviathan’s needs are very different to anything else Village has so they’ll stagger it out throughout the year to look after the wood throughout the year as opposed to 2 months in a nondescript off peak period.

    Also Sea World’s rides are much younger on average than Movie World. Most of the rides going down for 2 months are old (or getting repainted in the case of Rivals)


  2. 7 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    I've observed some ops that are just clearly dead inside. I often wonder whether it's the idiot guests or the draconian management and company culture, but it matters not. it happens. you have to hire the right person to work in a theme park. When you aren't attracting the right people, you're not offering enough, and you end up settling for bums on seats, so to speak. 

    Well to be fair being a ride op is not exactly the most well paid job and quite a few people wouldn't really care about the job, which is completely understandable given the pay and the fact most would be doing it during uni to earn cash before moving onto greener pastures. Having idiot guests definitely exacerbates the problem but I digress, in those kinds of jobs you need to maximise morale where possible, have the right kinds of managers who don't treat the joint as some sort of a power trip, and create room for staff to build relationships with one another.

    I used to work for a business in the same industry as the parks, was paid quite poorly and had to deal with entitled guests and it burned me out from time to time.


  3. 10 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    pretty sure the claw is coming up on it's 20th birthday (just checked, and it is scheduled to reopen a week before it turns 20) so there is merit to the timing if it is an unusual length...

    Time for a strip down and repaint? I mean it’s hit that 10 year mark I’m pretty sure, could explain the length

  4. 4 hours ago, TBoy said:

    I'm hoping when Wizard Of Oz opens there will be a pathway from WWF to the area, like it shows in the concept art with people walking toward the Boomerang from behind Scooby. I think one of Movie World's biggest problems in terms of crowd management is that it is the smallest park on the GC in size by a fair margin. For example, Sea World is around 25hectares, but Movie World is half that. Assuming most people go to SeaWorld and MovieWorld, there would be around the same amount of people there, and at MW since everyone is inside a smaller space everyone is packed closer together, whereas Sea World is more spread out. Not to mention the number of dead ends in the park currently, something the other parks have less of, affecting guest flow. If they have entrances from WWF, Scooby, Superman and Main Street to WoO, it will help guest flow and reduce the amount of crowds packed together.

    TLDR: MW is smaller in size than the parks but has the same if not more visitors, and as a result everyone is more packed together, so there should be a new pathway from WWF to WoO to help with crowd flow.

    Like re using Lethal Weapon Chinatown alley? Most logical solution imo but it seems to be wishful thinking based on concept art.

    Before someone goes on about F&B needing the space for temporary storage there’s a many other areas to put these things that doesn’t necessitate using an area that was designed to be public access

  5. 3 hours ago, New display name said:

    A lot of people are off with the fairies tonight.  Every person that went to the parks today knew what the northern GC was going through and they still chose to go to the parks.  The parks didn't force these people to go.

    As mentioned by others I’d say most of the people visiting at this time of year have pre bought tickets prior to going up north. So they need to go within a span of usually a few days they don’t have unlimited time to visit the parks.

    Either way the problem is very manageable. It’s not by letting less people in but by improving what you do day to day to lower wait times. I like how in your post you used those quotes and missed this one:

    8 hours ago, Dean Barnett said:


    What excuses are there for these? There are about 6 months in the year village could use to complete train rebuilds and get them online for peak time.

    Back in the day both major coasters would run a 2 train service from Boxing Day to early feb, and allowed guests to do their own seatbelts rather having the 2 station attendants doing a whole train full of them. You’d figure if 2 of your majors were down at the busiest time of the year (with another being replaced) managers would figure out a way to churn through people an hour on each ride efficiently. That means training their staff based on how Universal does it, or by creating a culture that values efficiency. 

    • Like 4
  6. On 31/12/2023 at 8:09 PM, dbo121 said:

    Surely if they are true to attempting rebrand to nostalgia they will allow a last hurrah with these cars !

    Will never see them again in operation .

    just have to remove the damaged roof . 

    There's bigger fish to fry at the park. Dreamworld only have so much money in the budget, I'd rather that money go towards a renovation of Motocoaster rather than re-opening a ride that's got 6 months left at most before it gets moved.

  7. 5 hours ago, themagician said:

    It has indeed @rappa but for as long as I’ve been going to the parks, I don’t ever remember getting queue wait times like this, even in the peak of summer. Or is my memory deceiving me?

    DC Rivals had a 4.5 hour queue during the Easter holidays last year. It did only have one train operating, but can you remember in any GC parks history, where a ride has got that sort of wait?

    As pointed out by other people waiting more than 2 hours for tower of terror was normal 10 years ago. Same goes for Superman before Rivals got built

  8. 7 hours ago, STRAWS said:

    talking about Movie World losing its magic look at this 

    Credit Thats so mid

    This is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. I know it school holidays and it will be busy, but this isn't even safe with how many people they have let in imagine they had to do an evacuation. Also 3-hour ques for the rides Village may be pocketing the money now but Movie worlds reputation is going to plummet. they need to limit the numbers. Dreamworld is so much more fun to be at not just because of the ques but the staff are so much better to.

    To be fair if scooby and green lantern was open the crowds would be much more dispersed. Everyone likes to rag on dreamworld for having a low ride count but at the moment down the road isn’t offering exactly a lot either, you have a major that’s going to be down until 2025 and another one that they struggle to keep open and isn’t open currently either. A giant line for doomsday is quite sad to look at really but that’s a consequence of poor planning.

    Would be just another summer school holidays day at movie world if both were open otherwise which is not good by any standard either. You can say “Oh village’s reputation will slide” and that’s a fair argument for locals but at the end of the day most visitors are interstate and will go to movie world anyway, or go to dreamworld as well. That’s why village can get away with this kind of stuff even if it means ripping people off, because they’re usually only visiting once a year at most.

  9. Just to set some boundaries on which land is allocated to the main park (as per the recent zoning changes to the park), this would most likely rule out big brother & blue lagoon as they have been rezoned for mixed use.

    All said there's still 3 key spots around the park for development:

    • Rocky hollow spot
    • Trolls village/thunderbolt/flowrider spot
    • Wipeout/chill out zone spot

    And there's also a few rides reaching end of life in the next 10 years (gold coaster, gingys gliders, potentially claw & giant drop) and a ride in need of change (motocoaster)

    With all this considered here's what I would say for each spot (in no particular order except for the last bit)

    Family ride on the rocky hollow spot - a water coaster that's more flume than coaster (think journey to atlantis) would be really nice here as any water rides in the future need to be differentiated enough from thunder river to avoid comparisons (but that goes without saying)

    Major coaster in the trolls village/thunderbolt/flowrider combined plot of land. Call it thunderbolt 2 if you want it to, would love to see a small scale dive coaster on that site (think dr diabolical's cliffhanger or iron menace), Australian first, crowd pleaser, within dreamworld's budget (as of late) and ultra reliable. Ticks just about every box and worth the price tag

    Gold coaster inevitably removed and used for WWW. I'd say it's probably got 10 years max left in it. The land it sits on is prime real estate for WWW expansion, could easily fit a lazy river in there as that's the only gap really left in that lineup. All said though you could easily put the dive coaster in this spot & put the lazy river in the thunderbolt plot if you wanted to properly flesh out WWW (as was planned several years ago)

    Flat on the wipeout spot - i like the idea of the nebulaz. Would love a screaming swing in australia but is not happening in that spot because of clearance issues re: claw and tailspin

    Motocoaster renovation to integrate it into rivertown - we'll probably see this sooner rather than later I think they just need to see how such a project fits into the budget.

    For later down the track - Giant Drop is approaching 30 years old and Claw is nearly 20 years old. Dreamworld should be realistically throwing money at Giant Drop if they need to in 10 years as it is their one prestige attraction. If that necessitates removing the old ride system and building another one on the same tower - then so be it (they've already done the numbers for a falcon's fury conversion so it's possible). Realistically Claw has about 10 years left in it, I think this is a straightforward like-for-like replacement with a new generation gyro swing (such as Goliath at adventure world). Further gingy's gliders will need to be replaced by then, so use the opportunity while it's gone to rip out the tower station and expand dreamland.

  10. 1 hour ago, New display name said:

    Cam someone explain to me, what @Baconjackis saying.

    Will explain again:

    Sky voyager - delayed multiple times and opened nine months after expected timeline

    Steel taipan - delayed and opened a year after expected timeline (You could blame Covid for this one but no one was for New Atlantis)

    Giant Drop renovation - delayed a few times (from memory was meant to be completed end of 2022 could be wrong though)

    Years is a bit of a stretch from me but the point still stands regardless. If we’re taking the piss out of village for failing to stick to timelines (rightfully so) then it’s only fair to point out this is standard practice for parks on the coast even if we finally got some rides open on time for once.

  11. 3 hours ago, Levram__ said:

    Village projects aren’t cursed, they just need to learn to stop prematurely putting a date on things… DW’s approach over the past few projects is the perfect example of managing the opening of a new attraction. Benefits with both the consumer expectation and assists with the operational transition. 

    "Past few"

    Yeah sure two of their biggest post-2016 additions have been delivered years after their original opening timeline. This isn't even discounting stuff like giant drop's renovation which was pushed back consistently as well. Bit of a recency bias showing here.

    • Like 1
  12. Haven’t visited but it and Japan are the first countries on my list when I’ve got enough money to travel.

    Something I would mention is that if you want to visit Everland I’d advise travelling later on in the year as their major coaster (t express) is allegedly going to be down until April/May

  13. 8 hours ago, themagician said:

    Unfortunately that seems to be the case. I’m sure they’ll tweak it more, but @Ogre just posted a video of staff riding it and this is the puddle at the front of the queue area 


    You’d think maybe a drain in that section of the queue which collects water and recycles it on the water jets would reduce water costs & eliminate this problem entirely?

  14. 7 hours ago, Tricoart said:

    According to auscoasters on Instagram, however, a circular concrete base has been poured in what’s described as ‘a rectangular plot’, which they’re theorising to possibly be for a new flat of some description (they predictably mention the possibility of a Screamin’ Swing, due to the rectangular shape of the plot).

    After their last ride they built for them came within a bees dick of killing people I highly doubt Village would buy anything from S&S again

  15. 1 hour ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    I think the colour scheme works well during the day, and boosts the lighting package at night. testing has shown they have kebab shop sequences, but i'm hoping that it's just for testing and we'll have it toned down for usual operations.

    Why even lol if you’re going to turn the lights on surely it’s not that difficult to jump on a computer and change the setting to make it light blue or something. These rides have programmable led’s, Luna park’s one is set to be all one colour to fit the vibe correctly. They really should be setting stuff like this up now with a few weeks until opening

  16. 1 hour ago, TBoy said:

    I think the problem with that is that licensing rights go through the BBC, not the ABC IIRC, so it wouldn't be the same bundle that Dreamworld got for things like Bananas/Play School etc.

    That’s correct but you’d figure given it’s a local brand and very in at the moment you’d be more than keen to get them on board. Dreamworld has spent plenty of money for licenses before look at Dreamworks and Nickelodeon before that. Plus with bluey you could have integrated that with the existing ABC kids land or developed something totally new.

    Instead dreamworld renewed its deal with the wiggles rather than going after bluey. Not a bad choice at all and better than nothing but it doesnt take a genius to figure out that bluey would have been a far better ip to drive gate numbers. Though they could certainly add it in the future given there’s the tower station sitting behind that area which can be cleared for an expansion down the track

  17. 30 minutes ago, themagician said:

    If it was up to me, I would complete a staged refurbishment of the whole land (except for Marvin as it's new and they gave RoadRunner some love a couple years ago). I would keep at least one of the driving attractions and despite being the oldest, I'd probably keep Speedy because the Drive School is such good real estate. They could create a whole new Looney Tunes indoor land and be inspired by what was done at Warner Bros World, Abu Dhabi.

    Giving road runner “love” is putting it very lightly they bought new trains, ripped out a third of the rockwork and replaced the cool old sign with a boring 2d one straight from their sign printing machine. 

    Apart from doing that (which nerfs the ride and doesn’t improve it) adding Marvin & driving school and getting rid of the hut what else have they done to that land? It’s been 15 years (and even longer for most of it given how much of the land was built in the 90s) I would flatten that section bar road runner & Marvin and start again from scratch.
    Bring back the looney tunes village name, get rid of junior driving school and put an air conditioned dark ride back in that building, put speedy Gonzales out of his misery & the other rides in that left section that are quickly approaching 30 years old, then start over again 

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