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Posts posted by Baconjack

  1. 49 minutes ago, Naazon said:

    Pre-recorded messages are 100% ignored because they are put on repeat so much and always sound the same so people switch off when hearing them.

    It could potentially work for Leviathan since its a closed environment with a captive audience, but honestly I don't think its worth the investment there.

    Unsure about this claim because it seems to work outside of Village Roadshow. Luna Park has one for Big Dipper and it seems to get the message across with few operational issues.

    Sea World even had one for Corkscrew back in the day. Superman's video works well too, but all your stuff is meant to be put in a locker before lining up so I suppose that doesn't count.

    I know i'm being picky and complaining about nothing but what's the point of spending money on rockwork and AV presentations when the ride ops in generic Village uniform just shout over it and break the immersion? Adding a mic for ops would only make things worse and break the immersion further. This isn't cedar point where every coaster is boarded inside an open air shed.

    Also there is already pre recorded messages when entering and exiting the station area which ops just yell over anyway. Just keep them and let them do their job. Make them play a bit louder, even.

    If that point on people not listening to pre recorded audio is true and I'm wrong, then staff on Rise of the Resistance deliver the appropriate message to riders and act like they were always meant to be there. Food for thought.

  2. 5 hours ago, themagician said:

    Maybe this…



    They still don’t look much like anglerfish. I get what they are trying to achieve but maybe in the most vague of imaginations it can. To me it’s just a minimum effort “retheme” trying to make it fit with ocean parade, like what they’ve done with the rest of KFP land trying to make it fit to ocean parade. Who knew simply repainting the facades and rides of a Chinese themed land wouldn’t be enough to fit it into an ocean themed area? Just because there isn’t an ip telling you what to do doesn’t mean you can just put the bare minimum of effort in trying to make an existing land fit an ex ip area rather than the other way around?

  3. Have yet to ride at buzzsaws new location, but it wasn't great when it was at dreamworld. Was pretty smooth when new but its a one and done ride and you could see that in the later years when it had a nasty shuffle and I wasn't keen to ride it more than once a visit.

    Say what you want about how poorly Lantern has served MW but it's a really solid and fun ride. If only it was presented properly beyond some 2D cutouts and some comic art in an open shed.

  4. On 27/2/2023 at 3:23 PM, REGIE said:

    I think it will be in their plan to put some ride there. If they wanted to do a tribute to wipeout they could get a intamin tourbillon but that ride would probably have just as many maintenance issues as wipeout did.  What do you guys think would be the perfect ride for that spot? What ever goes there would look sick with gold coaster behind it. 

    Lol why.

    All of these are lemon flats. Six Flags is already removing one of theirs they bulk bought just because of how much of a lemon it is. And from what I hear the ride experience isn’t that great either.

    Dreamworld was held back by the amount of unique flats and coasters they had that were a nightmare to maintain. Buying another of them is idiotic after all they’ve had to go through. 

    Get a free spin or a cheap flat like a super loop. Dreamworld needs its e tickets but it needs filler more.

  5. 2 hours ago, joz said:

    A lot is made of Leviathan since its the ride we care about. It does tend to open late, but far more often then not when it's open, it stays open. If you went to SW with the intent to ride Leviathan and it was important to you, there is one day you wouldn't have been able to, and 1 or 2 days where you could easily have been unlucky with timing and missed it, but for the rest you would have had no worries getting a ride.

    I had been very interested in what would happen with Vortex when the rest of NA opened, and it seems; not much. It's not really captured much interest with the public. I think it's both the wrong ride for that location, and it's in the wrong park altogether. Vortex's downtime isn't entirely mechanical; I think using it as a replacement for Doomsday at MW or sending it to WnW wouldn't be the worst thing. 140cm is too high a height restriction for a filler ride at SW, the demand just isn't there. Even with a better cycle I can't see it doing that well. It's part of why I don't think Surfrider is the right ride for the park, even though I do concede Surfrider would probably perform better. I think Vortex's plot would be better occupied by a mid size Ferris wheel, be a much better 'look' with dolphin pools nearby than a high impact thrill ride.

    Trident I think actually looks better with the stats that what the reality is; I dont think @Brad2912's story is uncommon. I've never been much of a fan of SBF, but I think Golden Horse has them beat at this point. Anything above the smallest kiddie ride and they seem out of their depth. Interesting that it has a fairly hefty bit of downtime planned. Hopefully it can come back being at least a little bit reliable. With how much people will complain about anything, it's strange to me it's taken this long to notice Trident.

    Wooden coasters are a completely new breed for the major parks in terms of maintenance and running it. I'm not surprised to see Leviathan have the teething problems it has and it’s rather unfortunate as these problems create negative impacts on the frontline staff that are faced with disappointed guests who’ve come to sea world to ride the coaster all over the airport billboards. No one has maintained these things since the days of Wonderland.

    Fully agree on Vortex. It being right next to the dolphins is a tad insensitive, it was always a bad location from day dot, but it runs pretty quiet to their credit. If it was as noisy as Wipeout then it would certainly be a problem. Not only it has the height restriction but it also faces the problem of appearing too intense and scary for Sea World and I believe that’s why it struggles to get much of a line (especially on my visit). It's a good ride (but the cycle doesn't do it justice) that's in the wrong park. Another ride that can go on the "ship off to MW" list, I think it's too intense for WnW also.

    SBF is a bit of a lol, i'm shocked village decided to buy from them for trident rather than funtime. Luna Park bought the replacement tango train from them well before Atlantis was planned, and managed to get an overall downgrade that has reliability problems, and when it runs, its unusually rough and unpleasant compared to the original. 

  6. WWF obvious answer here. In its day it’s the best themed ride in the country, it’s rather unfortunate most of the theming doesn’t work these days and the whole ride is ripe for a refresh beyond some boat replacements.

    Storm’s flume section is disappointingly short for what it is, and it is more coaster than themed experience imo given the ‘story’ makes little sense. 

    Aussie World I have never visited so can’t really comment.

    • Like 1
  7. MW - dark ride in the ltrr/jds building. having jds take up that building is a waste and all of mw's crap can be dumped elsewhere

    DW - big shoot the chutes in the old rocky hollow plot. high throughput family ride that's been missing from the park for ages

    SW - dark ride in the vikings/theatre plot. sorely missed, park needs a ride to keep guests cool on hot days.

    WNW - slide wheel or tantrum like slide next to kamikaze or behind black hole. slide wheels are pretty cool

    WWW - lazy river in thunderbolt or gold coaster plot. park's lineup isn't complete without it

    Adventure World - family thrill coaster in the old castle plot. perhaps an sfc 450 or a maurer spinning coaster. park has too few dry rides that are in between high thrill and kids only

    Gumbuya World - drop tower or top spin. park needs a big flat

    Luna Park Melbourne - eurofighter. park sorely needs a coaster

    Luna Park Sydney - impossible to fit, but a star flyer. imagine the view.

    Raging Waters - technically cheating, but dry rides.

    • Like 1
  8. Even the thrill rides are quite thrilling at Disney. Look at any of the Test Track style rides. And they all are more than just rides, they are immersive experiences, that's why installing unthemed S&S drop towers at DCA didn't work.

    Big Grizzly Mountain for example is one of my favourite roller coasters, I personally rate it above the likes of Jet Rescue and Scooby. One of the things I like about it is that it feels a lot faster than it really is (56 km/h on the launch if I'm not mistaken) because it almost entirely takes place at ground level and the land that its built in is designed in a way that makes you feel like you're really there, plus the presentations during the course are good to watch.

    22 hours ago, REGIE said:

    I can’t see the appeal in dark rides much unless it’s a dark ride + log flume/coaster.  

    Yeah nah this ain't it. Disney dark rides are another thing entirely, to draw from the same park, Mystic Manor is easily the most immersive and well presented theme park ride I've ever been on, and a few jump scares and presentatons to keep guests engaged. And punters seem to like it too, because it was getting 1.5 hour lines on my visit.

    Imagineers have taken decades to hone their craft and I still believe they are the best in the business despite Universal playing catch up and disney execs limiting their possibilities. Thoosies having a crack at disney for their rides not being tall or fast enough is highly cringe as that is not what disney's about.

  9. 9 minutes ago, REGIE said:

    That is true I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to remove a wooden wild mouse but maybe AW just couldn’t keep up with the maintenance of the ride?  

    Expensive to maintain yes (Luna Park spend a lot of money maintaining theirs) but you'd ideally want to replace it with something better rather than something some punter's probably already ridden at the easter show. I heard a small regional park in Victoria installed a really good family coaster at a similar price point.

  10. Scooby with the original theming working wins this by a mile. But I don't consider it better than Wild Mouse in its current form. Wild Mouse is surprisingly quite fast and intense for a wild mouse and offers a fantastic view which is better than the distracting and poorly timed effects on Scooby Next Generation.

    Dingo Racer, with all due respect to Aussie World, is a vastly inferior replacement to what sat in its plot before. Probably the worst replacement attraction in a local park in decades, it's truly sad a rare wooden wild mouse had to be ripped out for something straight out of the royal show.

    • Like 1
  11. On 15/2/2023 at 10:48 AM, New display name said:

    People should stop thinking within the box.   

    What is one of the biggest money makers?  Computer Games.

    Top of my head.


    Minecraft is probably a bit out of DW’s price range. Imagine how much Microsoft would charge for the rights. Though I’ll concede that price ranges for our parks have been dying for some years.

    Animal Crossing and Pokémon are Nintendo, they have a deal with universal so that’s obviously off limits.

    Bluey I’m not sure is an adequate dreamworks replacement. As already mentioned, great for little kids but I wouldn’t class it as a ‘family IP’ in the vein of Dreamworks/Nickelodeon. It definitely would have been a great wiggles replacement if they weren’t able to renew though. 

  12. Having visited MW and SW this week a few interesting take aways from it.

    The practices regarding minimum and maximum height checking seems to have gotten more strict since Covid. Now I'm a tall fellow who ordinarily is barely under the Intamin max height restriction (BD, Superman, and JR), and I wear volleys and a weighted back brace to parks to artifically shorten my height as a fail safe (have this down to a science lol). The practice now is basically "feet together, stand up straight" yada yada, much more formalised and standard from when I last visited in 2019. Can't get away with shit like slanting your back slightly like you could before covid. Probably for the best though.

    Also, ops now tell guests not to do their own seatbelts on Rivals (as well as trident and vortex), instead they have to do it themselves. When did this change because I certainly remember this not being the case in its opening year or at my last visit (2019). I thought otherwise Rivals and Leviathan ran really well. Under 2 minute dispatches usually which isn't bad for Village standards where I'm expecting at least 3-4. But the seatbelt thing adds probably another 30 seconds to the process which helps when you're only running one train.

  13. 39 minutes ago, New display name said:

    Nobody said DW had to keep Dreamworks but not securing another IP and going the cheap and nasty route won't do it.

    Name 1 family IP that will drive gate that’s not off limits for DW to license. I’m seriously struggling to think of one, they are pretty much all either owned by their competitors like Disney/Universal or Village at this point.

    I think they’ve done very well keeping ABC Kids and the Wiggles on board as is.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Tim Dasco said:

    How do we even know Universal even offered a renewal contract? Since Universal is building mini Dreamworks parks now. I wonder if Universal flat out refused to renew the contract or asked a stupid amount to basically force their hands?

    100% this.

    Have universal ever offered to license one of their IP's to a competitor? That's probably something to keep in mind with renewal. It was always going to go once the ten years was up, no question about it.

    6 hours ago, New display name said:


    Tower of Terror............................Gone

    Bid Red Car .................................Gone

    Buzzsaw ......................................Gone

    Steam Trains ...............................Gone

    Log Ride  ......................................Gone

    Dreamworks ................................Gone

    Tiger Island interaction ..............Gone

    Wipeout and Big Red Car both needed to go. Wipeout should have been planned to be closed years before it actually did. By watching videos of Big Red Car in its last years it looked like nightmare fuel, would have cost a lot of money to upgrade and is better off being flattened for something new. Why keep a rotting ride going to buff up the ride count. Tower of Terror is an appropriate trade off for Taipan. I'll give you the points on buzzsaw, the trains, tiger island, and the log ride. Buzzsaw was costly to maintain but needed to be kept around for a bit longer than what they did to fill gaps in the lineup. Log ride was an expensive redo but needed to be done or replaced with another water ride ASAP (that's not going to happen for a while). Trains and tigers are self explanatory.

    FWIW Yong and his people have been spending the last two and a bit years cleaning up 10+ years of neglect by past management teams. It has affected literally everything at the park. Some of that neglect has hastened certain rides' operating lives. That sort of clean up doesn't happen overnight. It's going to take time. I do think Jungle Rush when its finished is that ride to capture the punters' attention which Taipan has so far failed to do provided it either equals or beats Village in presentation.

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