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Posts posted by Brad2912

  1. Not sure if it would specify type to be honest As DW is obviously a landmark tourist destination, they basically get immediate approval for anything within their grounds. Hence why the application was lodged and then approved within a week whereas any other development takes 6months. But seeing as this said "disk o kids ride' I guess we could see it specified. Ill be checking back every week or so and seeing when something gets added

  2. Similar motion, but one's a coaster and the other's not. Here is a Mega Disk'O with a capacity of 600pph. The 1000pph version just has more seats (thus a larger disk). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAtjsTovBS8

    Never ridden or seen a Disk'O til this video Whilst not amazing, looks like a solid enjoyable, 'mini' thrills kind of ride. The question is though ... is this DW's 'thrill' ride or their family friendly ride??? I would be disappointed it this is the 'thrill' ride and the family ride is still yet to be announced.
  3. I can assure you that it is not a mini disk-o. It is a mega, not sure what the "midi" stands for in the application.

    Well a mega disk 'o' would not be classified as a kids ride would it? as per the DA approval? Either they are lying to GC Council or you dont know yourself. Oh, and if it is a mega and that is the 'thrill' ride - well that'll just about do me
  4. For what it's worth, I've always thought a Willy Wonka/Charlie & the Chocolate Factory ride there would be really cool, and would fit with the kids/family theme of the area. The ride could basically stay the same, just make the water more brown!
    Not a bad idea Scott. I guess the issue though with theming a ride to an individual movie is that over time it becomes less relevant as the age of the movie increases. I agree given the popularity of the recent adaptation it would be a great idea, but it 10yrs time will it hold it's appeal and relevance? Probably not (wild wild west adventure ride prime example). Then u find as the relevance wears off or the consumers interest in the movie, the park stops focusing as much on the theming and 'experience' - as we've seen with Lethal Weapon. It's going on 10yrs since a lethal weapon movie came out. In 5yrs the rides target audience wont have even seen the movies the ride is themed around
  5. I don't think you understand Scott. Hibino said an "indiana jones or jurassic park style ride". This means either an Intamin Multi Motion Dark Ride or a Vekoma Water Ride (which they don't seem to make anymore, so it would have to be manufactured by someone else). As Spencer and Brad have said, he didn't say rides themed to Jurassic Park or Indiana Jones, but a ride which uses the same ride system as one of them. I can't see Movie World putting in a JP style ride because it would be too similar to what is on offer with WWF. As much as I'd like to see one, a Multi Motion Dark Ride would be a bit out of the budget.
    Glad at least you understood what i was saying. Was trying to work out what i was saying that didnt make sense to Scott.
    You don't understand. You can make any ride into those, that's purely the theme. Are you saying if they put in an all out insane roller coaster with that style theme you'd would think its a suitable replacement? I'm guessing they don't choose new attractions by choosing the theme first then the ride after, other way around guys.
    Im not really following much of what you are saying, but i would argue that in many cases the theme is DEFINITELY chosen prior to the ride being chosen. If i was the CEO of a theme park and wanted to open a new attraction, i'd take a look at my park, get an idea of what area of the park (theme) i wanted to incorporate the ride into and then choose a ride based on that theme (which could be age-dependent, size dependent, cost dependent). I wouldnt just go, hmmm ... i want a Mega Coaster, lets order it. And then afterwards think hmmm, the only place i can fit it in is Wiggle World. When they opened the Harry Potter Themed World in the US, they didnt choose a roller coaster and then think, you know what - that kind of seems like a 'wizard' like ride, lets build a Harry Potter world around it. They thought "we have a great theme idea - a Harry Potter world with Harry Potter themed attractions - now what rides would fit in with this"
  6. It's correct though. I checked another way, by measuring Sea Viper and the DW amphitheatre in Google Earth, and the length of Sea Viper is indeed about the width of the amphitheatre times two. And that roundabout is a huge one...50m wide! So not too hard to believe.
    Gazza I take your word on the Viper sizing but I go around that roundabout at least twice a day and it would not even be 20m in diameter. It's not much bigger than a standard suburban roundabout
  7. Food for thought. The area that was cleared and marked out for a new carpark, inline with WWW upgrade had overgrown. I went past today and this area has been cleared again. 4 reasons I think this could be. 1. Trees where growing back and Dreamworld had to clear them before a new DA was required. 2. WWW upgrade is going to go ahead. 3. Dreamworld are about to start new construction in this area. 4. Dreamworld had extra money to waste. post-1321-1297204856_thumb.jpg
    Are you certain that highlighted location is correct I drive past that everyday and that's a damn big distance from the rest of the park! Maybe for an overflow carpark but not for an attraction. Unless it was going to be a new 'world/area' as such with multiple attractions
  8. Dreamworld sold the land where the big brother house is.
    Are you sure that was the land purchased ?? Im pretty sure the land they sold was to the extreme north east of the park Im almost certain the dreamworld studios is still a park of dreamworld - they would not possibly sell land that close to the actual park for construction of the Town Centre development
  9. as much as we'd all love to see a Giga or the like, as many have mentioned they just dont have the vacant land to build such a ride. I think we'll be looking at a non-coaster to be honest. If that is the case though, what type of ride could it be? They have decent 'non coaster' thrill rides with WipeOut and Claw - what are the alternatives if they dont go with a coaster?? They couldnt be too similar to the existing rides so what ideas are left? The only way i could see a large coaster being part of the plans would be if it was a higher coaster that travelled over areas of the park, but that would throw up a whole heap of safety concerns, no to mention be a nightmare to construct with the park open

  10. From the Daily Telegraph Website NSW Premier Kristina Keneally is attending the announcement of a new $80 million water theme park being built in Sydney's west. Village Roadshow Theme Parks, which has charge of the attraction on a 25ha site near the M4 at Reservoir Road in Prospect, says it will attract 900,000 visitors a year and create 300 jobs. It expects the attraction will open in 2013. Ms Keneally was expected to give more details at a press conference later today

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