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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. 1 hour ago, Rivals said:

    (also would have a lot better capacity, the current versions capacity looks shocking.)

    Is that really a problem though? 

    Basically any spin and spew ride at an Australian park never gets a queue anyway, and more often than not you're actually waiting to round up enough people to ride it. Probably has the 'right' amount of capacity lol.

    If a park is going to invest in rides, I'd probably do more crowd favourites than trying to make something like Rebel 'perfect'.

  2. Are casual viewers going to misinterpret that "We don't strike, we rise above the rest" as some sort of commentary on union strikes?


    The trains are cool, I quite like the touch of the glowing eyes and the clear coat that gives it that 'slimy sea monster' look.

    I don't think there are many coasters with carving this intricate.

    • Like 3
  3. Quote

    Copying an existing ride will be cheaper which ever way you look at it 

    Possibly a little cheaper, but not the point where it becomes affordable if taking the majors.

    Most of the cost is going to be the construction, not the design.

    See something like Riddlers, that's definitely workable, but Batman Knight Flight or the Abu Dhabi version of JL, probably not.

    In terms of trackless, Big Red Car was trackless, but currently operating Kindgom Quest at Legoland Discovery Center Melbourne is trackless.

  4. An interesting thing I heard once is that no clone is truly a clone.

    Any attraction is naturally shaped by the regulations and building codes for where it is originally planned.

    So when a clone is built, its never truly identical since everything has to be tweaked. You might find fire exits in one place Don't work in another. Structural calculations might be different. Local materials available. Electrical standards etc.


    It might make things easier in terms of being able to skip over concept and schematic design and go straight to DD and CD.


    There might be some small savings, but the idea that you're going to get a 30m Abu Dhabi ride (built by Bangladeshi labourers) for 20m in Aus through "savings" is a bit of a stretch to day the least.

    For media, you would save time on the development, but the content creator is still going to charge you money for it because its their IP.




  5. Come on man,

    You kept going on about fire when the width nor height of the wwf lift tunnel is clearly not 3m in any dimension to allow it to be a safe distance away.

    There’s no doubt fire on rides is possible, but its not possible to jam it into a tight spot that was never built for it.

    See with escape from pompei, the sets themselves are at least 4 or 5m high and then the black space above means the show building is even higher and they have space for the ducts necessary for heat extraction when you have fire going off for an entire operating day in an enclosed space, not just at random times during an 80 min outdoor NRL game.


    I’m guessing you’re going to come back and say “Yeah but they could just rebuild the lift tunnel to be bigger and made out of fire proof concrete and add air ducts” which if of course is possible but not affordable.



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