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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Quote


    Clearly putting force on tower.



    Pretty sure its not vertical at that bit yet.

    Which i why I said:


    When the car heads up the incline to vertical, that is what gets the tower shaking. It goes from pushing down through the columns to ground to transferring against the horizontal ones that were braced against the tower as it curves up 

    So I maintain what i said earlier that when  the car clears the curve and is running on the purely vertical part, the load on the track and tower is quite low, since the only real forces are the odds and sodds like crosswinds or unbalanced loading.

    Its nowhere near 7.5 tonnes, or 6 tonnes, its probably lucky to be half a tonne.


  2. Yeah I was clearly talking about the vertical section, not the directional change.



    Clearly when the track curves and peels away from the tower you hit 4.5g, that's why there's a particularly chonky support



    I know once the car is traveling down the tower it is placing the least amount of force onto the track

    Backpedaling/ contradictory posts:


    The second the car stops on the track at the top and the car starts going down, it puts the full 6 tons onto the track. 


  3. Another way to consider it is the other vertical track on that tower... Giant drop.

    Say the gondola weighs four tons.

    On the way up what is supporting that four tons? The track or the winch?

    What the gondola is released?

    How much is the track supporting then?

    Likely only a small amount sufficient to keep the gondola falling straight, enough to resist the wind Blowing it off course or uneven seat loading making the thing tip.

  4. 4 hours ago, New display name said:

    Those things are not interchangeable because the coaster is trying to pull away from the track all the way down.

    If what I was saying isn't true, why did the TOT car have up-stop wheels?



    The second the car stops on the track at the top and the car starts going down, it puts the full 6 tons onto the track. 

     I'm not debating the forces doesn't change as it goes down because I already know this.  




    Can you go and cry somewhere else.  I'm talking to adults here.

    So yes I should clarify, there's probably a bit of force against the track, eg if the car is rear loaded it will want to tip forwards etc so, upstops are necessary.

    But by definition it cannot be the "full 6 tonnes" as you claim.

    Remember the 3rd law.

    Parked in the station the car exerts 6 tonnes downwards.

    The track exterts 6 tonnes upwards in return. If it didn't, the track would collapse and the car would land in the gift shop.

    When the car heads up the incline to vertical, that is what gets the tower shaking. It goes from pushing down through the columns to ground to transferring against the horizontal ones that were braced against the tower as it curves up 


    Now the vertical part ...

    The track is able to guide the car "a bit" but is mostly not supporting it.

    The car would not be able free fall at the speed of gravity if the track was applying a significant force to prevent that.

    The track that was preventing the car from falling through the station floor is now doing nothing to prevent it falling vertically.

    That's why shallow drops like on roadrunner pick up speed slowly but vertical ones accelerate down at near the full 9.8ms²


    Again, you're ignoring all these other examples where coasters with vertical track slim down the structure in those parts. How do they get away with it @New display name?

  5. 19 minutes ago, New display name said:

    @GazzaI know at different points of the track different loads are applied.  Load due to forces at the top of the track is close to zero but you still have the weight of the train to account for.  TOT train weighed 6 tons, that is what weight is been applied to the top of the track.  

    But the weight of an object is just the force acting on the mass of an object due to an acceleration (g force) or gravity.

    No gravity or force, no weight.

    The mass is constant, the weight of the object isnt.

    Think of this way. If the ride isn't running, there's no load on that bit of the track.

    If youve got a car coasting  down  the vertical track, there's no meaningful way for that car to put load on the track, it's "falling past it", so its not really putting any major load either. It might as well not be there.

    Imagine instead of a coaster it was a filing cabinet and a glass of water.

    If you put it on top, the glass is putting full force on the top.

    If it slips down the edge, its putting minimal force on the cabinet as it skids down the side.



    Here's another example.


  6. Quote

    It's very forceful on the way down..

    Only when it hits the curve.


    An object can only be weightless if there is no gravity.  The feeling of weightlessness is different to the physics of weightlessness.  TOT is very much loading up the track all the way to the top.

    Only by a small amount.

    And think about what you are saying.

    When you are at rest your butt is putting your weight x 1g on the seat.

    When you are on the curve you are putting your weight X 4.5g on the seat.

    When you are on the the vertical you are putting almost no weight on the seat because you are floating out of it.

    So therefore it follows.

    -When the car is in the station its 10 tonnes on the track (or whatever) 

    -When it is on the curve to vertical it is putting 45 tonnes on the track.

    -When it is coasting vertically, its putting almost nothing on the track.


    A really good example of the physics of this in action is on an impulse coaster.



    Notice how the curve to vertical has quite heavy tube supports and a cluster of track connectors.

    This is the highest g load section of the ride, as it swoops under the trains are really pulling down on the track.


    But when it gets to the vertical part, there are minimal extra supports. Why?

    Because at this point the train is coasting up / falling parallel to the direction of the rails/

    its not pushing down on the track, its "rolling with it", so the track is practically self supporting.

    And then in the station its lightweight supports again because even though its going at high speed, its still only pulling down 1g



    Another example would be on dive coasters. The track ties are further apart on the vertical part because the load is minimal, and then get close together again on curve at the bottom when the Gs hit.


    Compare the distance between supports normally versus on the vertical part:


    But yeah Slick is right, there would be a little bit of force on the car, eg wind blowing it sideways that would try to 'twist' the track, the car being unbalanced and wanting to shear a bit, but not a whole lot.


    • Like 1
  7. Wouldnt the TOT car have put basically neglible loads on the track at that point, since the car is effectively weightless for the entire vertical section. Its not pushing down on the track.

    Not saying that the tower would fall over, just that its more re-engineering.

    FWIW having sail type letters would be less visible to southbound traffic IMO, since the tower itself is hiding them till the last minute.

    Perforated steel I've got no issue with though. From a distance you cant tell.



  8. I'm confused, how do you mean they didn't announce an opening date?

    Wouldn't the opening date just be the day after the end of the maintenance period?

    Eg with Serpent Slayer, the maintenance period ends 24th of March therefore opening date is the 25th of March.

    Am I missing something here or am I some kind of genius?


  9. 1 hour ago, Dean Barnett said:

    I don't think they are fair comparassions... there's not really any safety requirements on RoTR - spoilers ahead - you just stand on the first part, and for the second part you just put your bag at your feet and put your own seatbelt on (shock horror) which is the same seatbelt as on Tower / Dinosaur etc etc.

    They still have an animation showing the seatbelts and a safety spiel when dispatching so its fair lol.


    But lets be honest, if they had opened the ride and had put safety footage on the underwater screens you probably would have said it was crap and spoiling the immersion.

    Safety videos are ok on smaller screens approaching a station.


    But not on screens and projections that are being used for atmosphere and theming.


    Note, both of these examples are from Sweden.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    It can be themed.. just have PIP's on the screen with animations. 

    Ok but I think with Hagrids its themed like a motorbike workshop, with random diagrams and repair manuals for motorbikes,  with some animated graphics (As is the case with books and posters in the HP universe) so you can make it suit the theme and its not a major screen.

    The irregular, cavelike screens in the Levi station just dont lend themselves to schematic graphics showing how to board the train and it would break the immersion too much. It's the wrong screen to use.

    For example on Rise of the resistance:

    they dont even try and put safety into on the big screen in the hangar bay

    Star Wars Rise of Resistance Ride Report: Modified Queue, Struggles &  Success! - Disney Tourist Blog

    They dont put the safety info on the screen with kylo ren (even though you are locked in that room with nothing do to)

    How to Ride Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Without the Wait in 2023 -  Trips With Tykes

    Instead they do it on a smaller screen where it makes sense. The type of screen that looks like is used for showing status of the ship system, so it doesnt look out of place to show a seatbelt in the car as part of that system.



    @Dean Barnett when making suggestions like this, you need to think about WHY they would have done it in a certain way or in a certain place on another attraction, not just the fact they did it in the first place in general.



  11. Quote

    Gold coaster best compares with green lantern

    I always thought the best comparison was Green Lantern Versus Abyss:




    For what its worth, this is probably the best i could come up with:

    DCR vs Leviathan – High Tier Coasters
    SE vs ST – Large Launches
    MCMC vs JR – Straddle Coasters
    GC vs Big Dipper – In effect comparing the old with its replacement (In the day you probably would have done GC vs Arkham or GC vs Sea Viper)
    Scenic Railway vs Wild Mouse – Wooden Classics
    Surfrider vs Project Zero – Compact shuttles
    Bug Run vs Little nipper – Small Family Coasters
    Sapphire speedster vs Mining Race Coaster – Medium Family Coasters
    Boomerang vs Road Runner – Larger Family Coasters
    Speedy Beetle Vs Crazy Coaster - SBFs
    TNT vs Escape From Madagascar – SFCs
    Dragon Express Vs Boating School Blast – Zamperla ST80
    Abyss Vs Green Lantern – 8 seaters, Beyond Vertical
    Scooby vs Dingo Racer – Steel Mice, but a poor comparison.

    Still leaves Storm and the thing at Green Valley Farm unaccounted for.


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